Hey Ethan! Long time no see, so this is what you've been getting up to. Flash games! Traitor! D:
This game rocks, though. The graphics are nice, and the gameplay is smooth. A problem some of these arcade games have for me is that they either start off either too fast, or too slow, but this was good.
I personally didn't like the sling placement, I think it was too far down the screen. Another 50+ pixels up would do it for me, I think.
You need some sort of bonus for multi-hits! I was getting 2 with 1 melon, and wondering why there was nothing popping up with "2x bonus' or something. I was distinctly piqued when I did not get a bonus for getting 3 in one shot.
Reward me when I do something clever!!
And speaking of rewards, I would try pop those rewards out, e.g. when you shoot a box of tnt, there's a cool explosion, then a tiny green '+50' (or something). Make it bigger, and snazzier looking.
Another grouch would be that I didn't know I could change weapons until I read your post. It seems I have to use the keyboard, for a game that otherwise, uses entirely mouse control?
I think it'd be best to at least give the mouse ability to do all the actions, even if you hang onto the keyboard short-cuts.
I quit somewhere near the point where I got to level 6 melon. The game seemed to reset, I was seeing the same easy waves that I first faced. After everything I'd been through, I was ready to take on elephants&sharks, this was too great a change of pace for me. :S
Anyway, aside from those gripes, (and designer conflicts :S) this is a rockin' game. What's the plan for it? If I'm not mistaken, that looks very mobile-phone-ish.
edit: Do I get a bonus for a perfect defense round?