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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsSTASIS -An Isometric SciFi Adventure Game
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Author Topic: STASIS -An Isometric SciFi Adventure Game  (Read 56580 times)
Level 2

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« Reply #60 on: April 03, 2012, 01:42:36 AM »

It's so....beautiful  Tears of Joy Wait, are you doing this by yourself? Now I'm  Cry for another reason.

Chris Bischoff
Level 0

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« Reply #61 on: April 05, 2012, 12:04:19 AM »

Thanks for the front page plug guys! Wow!
Level 2


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« Reply #62 on: April 05, 2012, 10:54:31 AM »

Holy shit man, how did I miss this?
I'm following this real close now Grin Its amazing!

Level 0

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« Reply #63 on: April 05, 2012, 06:26:50 PM »

I'm so glad you chose pre-rendered 3D for this. I've always thought that particular medium/style wasn't pushed far enough. You seem to be the perfect person for the job. Great work!
Level 3

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« Reply #64 on: April 07, 2012, 02:51:53 AM »

Just saw the trailer, that's impressive and for one dev! Thats a lot of time and effort, looking top draw. Love it Grin Is you background in Art / 3D or Game dev?

Level 2

Burrito Connoisseur

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« Reply #65 on: April 07, 2012, 11:03:34 AM »

holy shit, it looks like a great classic computerRPG. It reminds me of "Planescape: Torment" & "Fallout".

What are the features? the content?

RPG Gamer/Burrito Addict

Explore the Cosmos. Working on Project 88x doods.
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« Reply #66 on: April 08, 2012, 02:30:02 AM »

Genuinely one of the most, if not the most, exciting projects I've seen on TIGSource. Can. Not. Wait. to play this.

One little comment, I think the 'boop' selection every time you click something is a little too much. Something subtler might be less irritating after playing for hours.

A hot air balloon exploration game.
« Reply #67 on: April 09, 2012, 01:36:49 AM »

Looks so good, genuinely looking forward to it being released.
Level 10

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« Reply #68 on: April 09, 2012, 01:47:09 AM »

That's indie?  Hand Shake LeftWho, Me?Hand Shake Right

Looking great.

Chris Bischoff
Level 0

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« Reply #69 on: April 09, 2012, 10:17:23 PM »

Wow! What a week! Sorry for taking so long to reply here!

I'm so glad you chose pre-rendered 3D for this. I've always thought that particular medium/style wasn't pushed far enough. You seem to be the perfect person for the job. Great work!

Thanks man. I LOVE pre rendered 3D isometric graphics. Commandos, Diablo, Fallout...those are the games that knock my socks off. Thanks again!

Just saw the trailer, that's impressive and for one dev! Thats a lot of time and effort, looking top draw. Love it  Is you background in Art / 3D or Game dev?

This is actually my first game of this scale. I'm a go big or go home guy. Smiley Thats actually featured quite a bit in the planning phase, and why I chose to do things like have one screen per room, no scrolling, etc. It allowed me to break up the project into much smaller, more manageable chunks.
Professionally I work in Architectural Illustration, and run a company with my brother called BURN. ( www.burn.com )
Being heavily involved in a job that's essentially environmental design is definitely helpful with a project like this.

What are the features? the content?

From a gameplay point of view, the game mechanics are pure, classic Adventure Game. Find objects, combine them into new objects, solve puzzles, unlock doors, and work through a story. There are no action elements in the game in terms of things like shooting an enemy-its 100% exploration and survival.
There are things like health packs, and you can die in the game-but most of those dangers come from the environment.

One little comment, I think the 'boop' selection every time you click something is a little too much. Something subtler might be less irritating after playing for hours.

After reading how many people hated that, I've taken it out of the game!

Thanks again for the interest guys. If you have any other questions, please dont hesitate to ask. I will be updating the blog with a new post with more answers, and a new screenshot.

Chris Bischoff
Level 0

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« Reply #70 on: July 29, 2012, 02:47:39 AM »

Relax! Im still here, and working hard!
I know Ive been rather quiet lately, but I want you guys to know that Im still here, and working hard at it!
This section of the game was inspired by the part of ALIENS, where Newt slides down from the aircon ducts. I decided that STASIS needs to have a similar scene-something that takes place in water. I have had a ton of fun in trying to figure out how to get water effects in a 2D engine, and while I haven’t gone into the sound design of this section, I know that its going to be pretty cool.
I also played around with some more advanced lighting effects, such as having ‘interactive’ light streaming through areas of the sewers to draw attention to areas-which is something thats rather difficult in an engine that…well.. doesn’t really support anything like that! Its all 2D trickery-but always fun to do.
These sewer systems took a little longer than they should have, but I seriously learned a ton from them.

I have a few more blog posts lined up with some more design oriented things, but really figured that you guys needed some eye candy for being so patient.
OK…Onto a little voting. I’m going to be putting up a gameplay video in the next few weeks…which area would you guys like to see? The PERSONAL AREA, showing the crew quarters, annex, and these sewer systems? Or the ENGINEERING SECTIONS of the game, showing the nano-fabrication machines at work, and the massive generators in action?
Oh, and Batman rocked. Just saying.
Level 1

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« Reply #71 on: August 19, 2012, 11:45:08 AM »

Chris, I'm really, really looking forward to this. I've been on the Visionaire forums today reading up as I'm having a go at building something, admittedly far simpler, in it myself. Seeing what you're doing with the engine is pretty inspiring. Particularly tricky things like walking in water. How on earth have you done that? Does the outfit incorporate water? Is the water a separate object?

Sound design wise, are you doing all that yourself as well? What about music? I read over on the Visionaire forum you mentioned the sounds of space, what else have you got planned?

A hot air balloon exploration game.
Level 1


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« Reply #72 on: August 28, 2012, 06:51:40 PM »

Isometric games have always been a blast for me. Fallout really put it on the map for me personally. Seeing this, im brought to think of that game with System Shock/Dead Space becuase of the mood.

Keeping an eye on this! Great work!
Chris Bischoff
Level 0

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« Reply #73 on: September 17, 2012, 04:28:08 AM »

Chris, I'm really, really looking forward to this. I've been on the Visionaire forums today reading up as I'm having a go at building something, admittedly far simpler, in it myself. Seeing what you're doing with the engine is pretty inspiring. Particularly tricky things like walking in water. How on earth have you done that? Does the outfit incorporate water? Is the water a separate object?

Sound design wise, are you doing all that yourself as well? What about music? I read over on the Visionaire forum you mentioned the sounds of space, what else have you got planned?

The water is a different sprite. Its not actually water that's rendered in the sprite, just the reflection of the character, with half his body chopped off. Then there is a ripple 'white' ring that appears around his body. When that's put over the water, it looks like he is 'in' the water. Wink

Yeah-I'm doing all the sound design myself. Music as well. I bought FL Studio, and a Midi Keyboard, and I'm just kinda winging it! The music is pretty 'generic' space horror stuff:


Isometric games have always been a blast for me. Fallout really put it on the map for me personally. Seeing this, im brought to think of that game with System Shock/Dead Space becuase of the mood.

Keeping an eye on this! Great work!

Wow-thanks man. System Shock, Dead Space, and Fallout are 3 of my top games. Wink

Chris Bischoff
Level 0

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« Reply #74 on: September 17, 2012, 05:23:29 AM »

Sometimes when working on a long term project the size of STASIS, you get a bee in your bonnet, and need to do something else.
After reading all the literature on WASTELAND 2, and with games like The Last Of Us, and I Am Alive coming out, I decided to take a small break from the bleak corridors and medical labs of The Groomlake, and try my hand at something a bit more…post apocalyptic!

I’ve always liked the idea of a more sandbox style approach to Adventure Gaming.  So I sat down with a pen, and quickly sketched out a very brief story and outline for a more open ended Adventure Game-something that gave the same feel of the original Fallouts.
What started out as just a little design exercise eventually spiraled into a sort of mini-design document, with quick a few really cool ideas! So I decided to take 2 weeks, and build a small tech demo.
The demo as it stands has a large map, and builds the world parametrically. So as you explore the world, you can zoom down to any part of the map, and walk around. If you revisit that spot, the same tileset will be loaded up.

There are of course towns that you can visit (the abandoned Railway Station being an example of a fixed location), as well as a system for random, and special encounters.

I also implemented a change of terrain tile set, so you can specify if an area is desert, grassland, mountainous, etc, although I only finished the Desert tile set.
I did write a story for the world aswell, whereby you play as a bounty hunter named George Washington, who is part of a specialist unit called The Dead Presidents. The story involves you hunting down an ex-dead-president member called Truman, who has stolen a vile of the disease that caused the death of the planet.
The world is inspired very much by the Wild West. Small frontier towns, homesteads, and settlements dot the landscape, with 3 larger settlements controlling the politics of the land.
The game would feature a day/night cycle, where certain parts of towns would only be accessible dependent on the time of day you visit.

<-Here is a link to a Youtube video showing it all in action!

As I said, this was really just a small distraction from STASIS. I may revisit the ideas at a later date, but until then, I’m going to delve back into the gooey festered corpse thats been beckoning me to come back…


Christian Knudsen
Level 10

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« Reply #75 on: September 17, 2012, 06:57:04 AM »

That looks so goddamn good! How long does it take for you to build an area like the train tracks/parking lot?

Laserbrain Studios
Currently working on Hidden Asset (TIGSource DevLog)
Manuel Magalhães
Forum Dungeon Master
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« Reply #76 on: September 17, 2012, 07:00:51 AM »

The environments are really jaw dropping. Great job. Smiley

Chris Bischoff
Level 0

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« Reply #77 on: September 17, 2012, 07:42:56 AM »

The parking lot and railway station took 2 evenings to do. The entire demo took maybe 5 days altogether (the 2 weeks is spread over evenings and a a weekend), including all of the graphics.

I had another area almost complete, but ran out of time! Smiley

Thanks guys. :D
Christian Knudsen
Level 10

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« Reply #78 on: September 17, 2012, 07:52:00 AM »

Wow, that's quick. Did you already have most of the models done or is that from scratch?

Laserbrain Studios
Currently working on Hidden Asset (TIGSource DevLog)
Chris Bischoff
Level 0

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« Reply #79 on: September 17, 2012, 09:49:49 AM »

The trains are modified from the tram in Stasis, and the cars are from my previous libraries. The rest is custom modeled. Smiley
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