« Reply #420 on: November 23, 2012, 02:05:50 AM » |
Options like scripting , reaction to events , specific monster behavior ,npc dialogue , ability to add story cutscenes (text + picture) , trap behavior , defined loot , special defined monsters - would all be needed for final product - if its going to have real outstanding editor. But one step at the time. What you are doing right now is good enough for fun times with editor and creating fun maps. I honestly cant wait to do a little campaign with some crazy hard dungeons 
« Reply #421 on: November 23, 2012, 02:53:41 PM » |
Is the map editor going to have scripting options for dialogue in reaction to events etc, or is that something we'll have to do by hand?
There's going to be a tab in the editor for editing scripts, but it will be very barebones (in the initial version anyway), so you'll have to type out scripts rather than any kind of graphical scripting. I'm hoping to have some visual "linking" though between enemies and doors, etc. for their activation. Options like scripting , reaction to events , specific monster behavior ,npc dialogue , ability to add story cutscenes (text + picture) , trap behavior , defined loot , special defined monsters - would all be needed for final product - if its going to have real outstanding editor. But one step at the time. What you are doing right now is good enough for fun times with editor and creating fun maps. I honestly cant wait to do a little campaign with some crazy hard dungeons  Those are some pretty neat features! I've implemented some of those. Basically anything I can do myself with the levels should be possible in the editor for players since I'll be using the editor to make levels myself.
« Reply #422 on: November 25, 2012, 08:52:20 AM » |
Day 330[level editor] * Added saving of stalagmites * Added saving of enemies * Added player sprites instead of placeholder * Added enemy properties to edit * Added entity selection/movement/edit tool Screenshot of me testing a construction that I made: 
« Reply #423 on: November 26, 2012, 08:13:51 AM » |
Day 331 [level editor] * Added ability to select entities which have already been placed, move them, and change their properties * Added ability to hide entities layer
« Reply #424 on: November 26, 2012, 11:27:58 AM » |
Looks cool, I love cooperation games and tactical gameplay.
« Reply #425 on: November 29, 2012, 07:45:31 AM » |
Day 334 [level editor] * Implemented floor switches * Implemented columns * Implemented signs * Implemented chests * Implemented crates * Implemented torches * Added setting DoorIDs and Monster door activation And from the other day: * Implemented doors * Fixed entity placement bugs I was about to do a more normal amount of work today which I was happy about. I added in a fair few entities into the level editor, all with their own individual properties. Chris also developed a new fire explosion animation which is much better than the placeholder artwork I had drawn. Looks cool, I love cooperation games and tactical gameplay.
Thank you!
« Reply #426 on: December 02, 2012, 06:01:31 AM » |
Day 337[level editor] * implemented chairs * implemented tables * implemented levers * implemented gates * implemented exit portals * implemented teleports * implemented blockades * implemented bell * implemented blue flame * implemented magic doors * changed sprites from placeholder graphics The level editor is pretty much functionally complete now. I should be able to release it in the next day or so. I just need to make some more cosmetic changes, such as making the sprites a bit prettier, and fixing some of their ordering. I also need to add some better save/load menus. The whole editor is better than what I was using before. It's easier to use. It's still not perfect however. "Linking" stuff together isn't as easy as I envisioned it would be since I didn't implement the visual linking feature (you have to type in IDs of the traps you want to activate for example). I figured I should get something working first and out to everyone, and I can always improve it later. It's really easy to place the tiles for a map and some monsters etc. It takes a little more time to learn how to link them to doors and setup traps, but I would expect most people could pick it up very easily. 
« Reply #427 on: December 02, 2012, 11:09:16 AM » |
Cant wait  How big are map files? In case we want to share it on the forum...
« Reply #428 on: December 02, 2012, 06:51:57 PM » |
Cant wait  How big are map files? In case we want to share it on the forum... The mapfiles are tiny (since there are no embedded graphics, etc). The biggest map I've made is 25kb. I'd love to see people sharing their maps on here!
« Reply #429 on: December 08, 2012, 07:36:37 AM » |
Day 343 [level editor] * Added menu for Save/New/Load options * Fixed bugs
Aiming for a Monday release on the level editor with some new website updates as well.
Sorry for the slow progress lately.
« Reply #430 on: December 11, 2012, 06:33:37 AM » |
Day 346 * Fixed map editor bugs * Added keyboard shortcuts
« Reply #431 on: December 19, 2012, 07:21:34 AM » |
Day 354* Updated website* Began implementing campaign system Gabriel Verdon has been working on an AMAZING illustration for the game, and completed it recently. I'm super excited to show you all what he's come up with:

« Reply #432 on: December 19, 2012, 08:53:35 AM » |
That is AWESOME! 
« Reply #433 on: December 20, 2012, 06:53:49 AM » |
Day 355* Refactored how levels/cutscenes are loaded, allowing custom campaigns and future content to be added easily That is AWESOME!  All credit to Gabe's amazing talent! I think it's awesome too 
« Reply #434 on: December 21, 2012, 06:43:34 AM » |
Day 356 * Fixed bug with keyboard controls being pressed when the window does not have focus * Added a button (F9) to switch between custom campaigns (developed by players) * Fixed Level Test function for new campaign system
« Reply #435 on: December 27, 2012, 09:27:00 AM » |
Been pretty busy with RL stuff as of late, it's about time I check out the latest build. Pretty excited about the level editor jazz. Also, I LOVE you Gabriel's work 
« Reply #436 on: December 27, 2012, 07:37:22 PM » |
Been pretty busy with RL stuff as of late, it's about time I check out the latest build. Pretty excited about the level editor jazz. Also, I LOVE you Gabriel's work  I think this time of year is busy for everyone!
« Reply #437 on: December 28, 2012, 07:21:00 AM » |
Hey Andy,
I'm curious what the specs are for Dungeon Dashers. I'm currently visiting friends and only brought my Core i3 ultrabook with me since I didn't want to lug around a 10 pound laptop from airport to airport. Could I play Dungeon Dashers on the i3 with intel graphics or would the game be too much for it?
I realize what I have isn't a gaming machine as I use it for work, but the friend that I've shown the game to really wants to give it a go and I must say, I'm keen on it too!
« Reply #438 on: December 28, 2012, 07:29:14 AM » |
Hey Andy,
I'm curious what the specs are for Dungeon Dashers. I'm currently visiting friends and only brought my Core i3 ultrabook with me since I didn't want to lug around a 10 pound laptop from airport to airport. Could I play Dungeon Dashers on the i3 with intel graphics or would the game be too much for it?
I realize what I have isn't a gaming machine as I use it for work, but the friend that I've shown the game to really wants to give it a go and I must say, I'm keen on it too!
Hey! Since the game is still in development I'm not sure what the final spec requirements will be. I will be doing optimizations towards the end of development. The lowest spec computer that I've tried to make the game run on is my Dad's Asus Eee Netbook. It has an integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 and an i5 or i7 processor. So that probably has similar specs and it does run reasonably well on that. If you buy the game and it doesn't run well enough on your computer, or you're otherwise not 100% satisfied with it, I'd be happy to give you a full refund 
« Reply #439 on: December 28, 2012, 07:32:04 AM » |
Thanks for the quick reply!
I'm going to snag a four-pack right quick and test it out. I'll let you know the results here since you're probably interested in them as well. As for the refund, super kind of you but I have a feeling I'll want to keep the game. My desktop will be able to run it fine once I'm back home again.