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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsPlanet Explorers - voxel based Adventure RPG
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Author Topic: Planet Explorers - voxel based Adventure RPG  (Read 69476 times)
Level 10

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« Reply #200 on: October 19, 2016, 08:56:33 AM »

yes you have

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« Reply #201 on: November 03, 2016, 02:37:11 AM »

Errrrr...the release date of Planet Explorers has been delayed... Tongue But in return, players are gonna have a better gameplay experience of course.

Below is our devlog for Beta 0.91.


Fixed 13 crash bugs

Fixed skill tree not causing the HP to rise in multiplayer

Fixed digging issue

Fixed opengl texture issue

Fixed follower gathering ability not working sometimes

Fixed not being able to send in the crash log in first person

Fixed duplication issue when the follower equip and unequip a weapon

Fixed Paja spawning after the end game battle

Fixed players being able to take story NPCs into dungeons in adventure

Fixed player character disappearing then appearing when falling very fast

Fixed opengl shadow issue

Fixed armor buffs not working in multiplayer

Fixed player getting crushed to death when fast traveling into a wall

Fixed trade post showing the wrong durability numbers

Fixed no invincibility after respawn in multiplayer

Fixed falling to death when sleeping

Fixed colony shield not hurting animals in multiplayer

Fixed human enemies shooting once then reloading

Fixed turret damage sound still playing after having picked it up

Fixed warbird range attacks being too high

Fixed followers not helping when attacking town buildings

Tweaked multiplayer so that players cannot build colonies in a town

Tweaked some sound levels

Tweaked some animal attack timing

Tweaked several spelling errors

Tweaked follower pathfinding inside dungeons

Tweaked loot drop in adventure so that more script gets dropped

Tweaked cave dungeon collision

Tweaked tutorial level

Tweaked adventure story mode script drops

Tweaked building model defense collision triggers

Tweaked town building HPs

Deleted NPC stamina UI (since it's not needed)

Deleted the multiplayer points system and store

Added NPC farming skill so that farming becomes faster

Added invincibility after fast travel

Added armors from the multiplayer store to story and adventure modes

Added music to dungeons

Added more Andy talking points

Added Kickstarter ingame items (the codes has been sent out)

Boat for Kickstarter backers

Vehicle for Kickstarter backers

Vehicle for Kickstarter backers

Added more voice overs

Added more cutscene animations

We're motoring along with the bug fixes and tweaks. We know there are some balancing issues in adventure and will be going over them this week. There will probably be 2 more builds this week.

Check out My Time at Portia via http://portia.pathea.net/
Level 0

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« Reply #202 on: November 08, 2016, 07:10:32 AM »

And here we are, after two and half years in Early Access, we're finally ready to release the game on Steam. This does not mark the end of development for this title, we will continue to bug fix, tweak, and update this title for at least another half a year, after that it will depend on sales. We plan to continue to add more side stories to both adventure and story mode. We're also looking into putting in features that were left out of the final build, such as animal riding.

In this build, we've also opened up the language spreadsheet so that players can do translations into their own languages if they want (and then load that spreadsheet ingame), we'll talk more about this in a couple of days.

We have found that there have been players who change numbers with a third party software in multiplayer games, giving them the ability to one hit kill other players. So, we added an anti-cheating mechanism. When we detect cheaters, he or she will be kicked from the game. If this persists for 3 times, he or she will be banned from multiplayer and reported to Steam. This is a new feature that we hastily put together, so we do need a lot of community input on if this is the right way to go and if it's fair for everyone involved.

We're also in the process of pushing out a demo for new players and the OST for tomorrow (or whenever Steam approves). The OST's a DLC and will cost $3.99 on Steam. The 32 bit version of the game will be later this week or next.

Finally, we want to thank everyone who's been with us throughout Early Access, without you, we wouldn't have been able to be where we are today. There were a lot of rough spots throughout development, but we tried our hardest to make the game as well as we can make it. We hope you'll enjoy it.


Fixed 4 crash bugs
Fixed large wheel not having any torque
Fixed AI still discharging an attack after it's already been killed
Fixed Type 01 gloves discription
Fixed not being able to drag objects into the world after exiting the tutorial level
Fixed Language Art mission
Fixed vehicles sometimes bouncing players into the sky
Fixed NPC dying then becoming unresponsive
Fixed NPC store reselling fixing durability of items right away
Fixed assembly core being destroyed with one hit sometimes in multiplayer
Fixed colony not being damaged when its maker is offline in multiplayer
Fixed some voice over and text not matching up
Tweaked distance for picking up and logging
Tweaked training station UI
Tweaked NPC name UI
Tweaked vtol's ability to stay level when moving forward with large engines
Tweaked infection rate when picking up poop to much lower
Tweaked the size of the McTalk's support structure
Tweaked sounds
Tweaked colony repair numbers and items
Added anti-cheating mechanism in multiplayer
Added ability to change game location in Linux in OptionConfig.xml

Here is the launch trailer of Planet Explorers.


Check out My Time at Portia via http://portia.pathea.net/
Level 10

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« Reply #203 on: November 08, 2016, 08:13:32 AM »


Level 2

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« Reply #204 on: January 09, 2017, 11:37:56 PM »

So this project is coming to an end. It's been a long journey. So far, the game is at around 290,000 in sales. So it's been successful. However, the process was very eventful and full of difficulties. I don't think the game turned out as well as we'd hoped from a design or technical point of view (it stands at 73% on Steam). The main issue was with the way the code structure was setup, due to our inexperience, we didn't take into account a lot of the expansive ideas we later came up with for the game. We also had the issue with money, so we had a lot of turnover among the team for a bit until we got on Early Access. If anything, making this game has taught us that making a decent size game is hard. We now have a lot more appreciation for those AAA teams out there that's always delivering, it's a very very difficult task.

I'll probably write a more in depth postmortem when I get some time.

Level 10

The archivest master, leader of all documents

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« Reply #205 on: January 09, 2017, 11:40:26 PM »

Yeah! post mortem are always welcome! Commercial game are always hard, you have to push the little details that matter!
you should still have a link to your game in the signature!

Level 2

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« Reply #206 on: February 05, 2017, 12:10:17 PM »

Just had a look at the comments on steam and was surprised to see so many thumbs down from players who had put in more than 100 hours of play time!?

That's a tough gig - playing a game for so many hours that you didn't like?

They say the customer is always right...

How do you manage a situation like this?

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