« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2012, 03:37:42 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.2.6 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made: Sneaking and instant sneak kills are now working. You can enter certain shadowed areas that the enemies will not notice you if you sneak in. If the enemy is facing your direction and you do any kind of move other than standing, blocking, or sneaking, they will notice you and attack. You can sneak behind enemies and perform and instant kill if your Action points are high enough.Implemented the Actions meter finally, when you perform actions it depletes, when you stand still or are not blocking or sneaking it will refill on it's own. If the meter is empty your Fatigue will drain much faster and you cannot perform an instant sneak kill.Fixed some bugs occurring during the dialogue side quest.Balanced out more of how the meters drain and refill based more on the characters individual Stats.More bugs fixed in the menus for changing volume and camera zoom with the mouse, on the video page for adjusting the screen size and options, (now you have to press save changes to make the changes, still might take a couple of clicks to get it to properly save), fixed a minor bug with the music for the intro not being affected by the master volume setting.
Finished adding the sneakable areas to the environment and implementing sneak kills. Finally it is time for some weapons! I will be at Comic Con promoting the game more this week so you may not see any more changes for a few weeks, I'll be creating more weapons and adding animations and implementing the Stealthy AI routines afterwards. I've also updated the game manual included to describe the new moves with grabbing and Brok's character, as well as how the Action meter and sneaking works. Support development and please pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, play it now! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rsshttp://www.play-em.comhttp://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgame
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2012, 10:54:05 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.2.7 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made: The Magnum gun is now available for Lone Wolf. Press grab to pick it up, then the Switch key to equip/unequip it. Ammo auto-reloads as you find it and pick it up. If you get thrown or knocked down, the gun will drop out of your hands. Enemies cannot currently pick up and use the weapon. Brok can pick it up, but not use it or equip it. You can now pick up a player character off the ground if they are dead to revive them and give them some life. This will cut down on reloading from saves while playing multiplayer or having an AI controlled NPC at your side. Just walk up to them and press grab and it will give them 25% of their health and 10% of their Fatigue.Fixed a lot of menu bugs related to weapons and item types. Now it should sort properly, you can navigate the item types in the inventory by holding down the Inventory button and pressing up or down. For the quick menu it is the same, hold the Switch button and press up or down to switch item/weapon types.Finally added a weapon to the game, it packs a wallop! I will be adding weapons to the other characters and a couple more gun weapons over the next week or two as well as fixing up some of the targeting and firing issues it currently has. I'll be adding the capability to hold and fire two of the same guns at once, and be able to do some special moves using them. Then I will add some of Brok's weapons to even him out a bit more. Afterwards I'll be implementing the Stealthy AI and more artificial intelligence routines related to sneaking, and some new sneaking animations. To help with development, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, to play the latest build now! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGame
« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2012, 07:04:16 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.2.8 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made: Added the magnum to some of the NPC's throughout the level.Scaled up the inventory and has an auto-scale for different resolutions, scaled up some of the text as well for the status bars.Fixed a many, many bugs pertaining to picking up and dropping weapons, should work a lot smoother now. Also when you drop a weapon, if it has ammo the ammo is retained in the inventory so you can easily drop weapons you don't need but retain the ammo for other weapons from that weapon.Fixed some bugs with picking up another player to revive them. Also fixed some AI targeting and jumping bugs.Now some of the NPC's are armed and can shoot from afar, I may forgo the double guns for now in favor of more variety in weapons for the time being. Afterwards, I'll finish implementing the Stealthy AI and move on to some death moves for the characters. Partake in the game's development, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, play it, give feedback, and help to make it a better game! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGame
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 07:09:37 PM by lonewolf »
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2012, 03:31:52 AM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.2.9 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made: Linux Support! You can download the Linux versions and run 'chmod +x' on the executable or right clicking and selecting "Allow to run as application". This is in beta in the Unity engine, so expect some more bugs from the other builds.Added the Micro Uzi, Glock, and M9 weapons and animations to Lone Wolf and some of the NPC's throughout the level, adjusted the ammo throughout the level for the new weapons. These 3 weapons take 9mm ammo.Added a normal map for some of the ground textures in the terrain, should look a bit nicer now.Fixed some bugs related to falling into the terrain and some camera clipping issues, still have some minor bugs that need to be fixed in this area.Pathfinding should run a bit smoother, fixed some areas of the level and recreated the occlusion culling for the level. Should be less areas that the terrain objects just disappear.Known issues with the new beta version of Unity is the resolutions are not accurately captured, so you may see some screen resolutions available that are not suitable for the game. Might hear some popping sounds in some of the sound effects as well. Hopefully these will be resolved as the new betas are released for the engine.Well the biggest news is the Linux support thanks to Unity adopting the platform in the beta. 3 new guns are spread out throughout the level for you to play with, as well as ammo, I replaced the Magnum you get at the beginning with the M9 and made that a more accessible weapon while the Magnum is harder to come by and packs a bigger punch. Next up I will be working on a few more animations for gun handling, for rifles/shotguns, then move onto the big guns for Brok to use. After that I will be working on animations for swords, large two handed weapons, knives, and small throwing weapons. When that is all complete, I'll finally implement the Stealthy AI and work on the death moves for the characters. Try it out now and help with development, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, thanks for the support and enjoy playing! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 05:13:02 PM by lonewolf »
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2012, 06:49:00 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.3.0 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made: 6 more guns! M950, AA12, MP5, Uzi, M4 Super 90, and M16 all with respective ammo.Changed the key combo for changing into the werewolf as Down, Up, Punch to make it a bit easier to execute. Also changed the special move for the werewolf's Howl and Brok's Mule Kick and Backbreaker to Down, Down, Up, Kick.Did lots and lots of code optimizations to almost double the current frame rate! Should be a lot faster now!Fixed some movement bugs to help move across the terrain a bit easier, moving up and down slopes is a bit more manageable but still needs tweaking.Did a temporary fix for the screen resolutions not showing up accurately in the Video options page.Fixed some bugs related to the quick menu and the inventory, should be a bit more accurate on how it displays now.Updated the user manual to include the new weapons and updated control schemes.There are probably still some issues related to Unity's new beta, hopefully these will be resolved in a future release.Been a very interesting and busy month of animating, coding, and filtering through feedback that I have gotten since I posted the game on Steam's Green Light page. A lot of the feedback revolved around the animations and the videos which I know has had a lot of hiccups and delays due to the framerate. I have started to resolve this by optimizing some of my code, and can say now that the framerate has about doubled since I have done this. Hopefully this will help some of you with the performance issues with the game, I will continue to optimize code and will also alter the art later on and add lightmaps to further optimize the game for speed. As of right now, I will be creating some the big guns for Brok to play with and afterwards will start on animations for swords, large two handed weapons, knives, and small throwing weapons. After these weapons are in, I'll move onto the Stealthy AI and finally get onto animating and coding in the death moves for the characters. Help with development and play it now, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, thank you for all the support! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2012, 10:48:16 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.3.1 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made: 3 more big guns for Brok the wrestler! M134 Minigun, Flamethrower, and FIM-92 Stinger Missile launcher all with respective ammo.Added dropping all of the quantity of the current Quick Item/Weapon by pressing down the Switch Key (default Left Tab) and pressing Grab (default E).Fixed some more bugs in the weapons code and added some new gun sounds that my sound/music designer took when we went to the gun range together.Added some more elements to the level to eliminate more open spaces, should feel a bit better to navigate around the level now.Fixed a longstanding animation bug with jumping with a weapon and a minor bug with the sound options.Updated the user manual to include the new weapons and updated control schemes.There are probably still some issues related to Unity's new beta, hopefully these will be resolved in a future release.Wow what a busy month this has been! I had a workshop earlier this month at UCLA on an introduction to Game Design and Development that was very successful and I had a great time helping people learn about making games. I also was able to get out to the gun range with the sound designer Jordan Balagot, and we took some handgun and shotgun sounds that were better suited to the game, I will add some more the next time we go out to the range to get a better arrangement of weapon sounds. I rearranged how weapon sounds are handled so it should be a bit better now. As stated, I added 3 new big guns that only Brok the wrestler can use. They are powerful and have very limited ammo, goes along with the way Brok plays for the most part, power in extreme offense! The sprite effects in right now are temporary until I start polishing everything up, but at least they are functional. Up next, I'll be working on animations for swords, large two handed weapons, knives, and small throwing weapons. The next build should see swords for Lone Wolf, and the one after should have hammers for Brok. As stated before hand, I'm slowly moving closer to code the Stealthy AI and finally getting to the death moves for the characters. Support development and play it today, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, all feedback and support is welcome! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Reply #26 on: November 26, 2012, 07:25:44 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.3.2 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made: 4 more weapons for Lone Wolf! Ninja Sword, Lead Pipe, Katana, and a Claymore broad sword. All new effects, sounds, and animations for the weapons. (Sounds are not finalized just placeholders)Changed the key combo for the special move for the werewolf's Howl and Brok's Mule Kick and Backbreaker to Down, Up, Kick.Fixed some more bugs related to grabbing and throwing, should be a lot smoother playing with Brok now.Updated the user manual to include the new weapons and updated control schemes.There are probably still some issues related to Unity's new beta, hopefully these will be resolved in a future release.After spending a bit more time than I wanted to on the new weapons, they are finally in. Now Lone Wolf can slice, dice, and club enemies with a few more swords and a lead pipe! The sound effects are mostly placeholders for now until I can mix up something better, things are still very much function over form still so I'll be tweaking things as I develop. Coming into the next build I will have some hammers and other two handed weapons for Brok. After those are implemented, I will create animations and effects for knife fighting and throwing weapons, then move on to finally code the Stealthy AI and then animate and implement the death moves for the characters. To play it today, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, thanks for all the support and any feedback is welcome! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Reply #27 on: December 13, 2012, 03:39:12 AM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.3.3 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made: 4 more weapons for Brok! Pickaxe, Sledgehammer, Stop Sign, and a Concrete Hammer. All new effects, sounds, and animations for the weapons. (Sounds are not finalized just placeholders)Fixed some more bugs related to hitting opponents, the new hammer weapons pack a wallop!Updated the user manual to include the new weapons and updated control schemes.There are probably still some issues related to Unity's new beta, hopefully these will be resolved in a future release.I finally have some hammers and other two handed weapons for Brok to battle with. They range in speed and strength among the 4 weapons so you can try them out to see which one fits your play style best. Next I'll be creating animations and effects for knife fighting and throwing weapons, then finally code the Stealthy AI and then animate and implement the death moves for the characters. Get it today to play, http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, thanks for all the support and any feedback is welcome! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2013, 04:55:11 AM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.3.4 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made:
4 more weapons for Lone Wolf! Stiletto, Butterfly Knife, Combat Knife, and a Machete. All new effects, sounds, and animations for the weapons. (Sounds are not finalized just placeholders) This makes it 25 different weapons for the characters to use so far, only a few more to go!
Moves for the new knives include Rapid Slash (hit Punch repeatedly), Upward Cleave (tap forward twice, then the Punch), Spin Slash (press Punch and Kick at the same time), and Throw the Knife (tap Down, Up, then Kick). All these moves can be done while grounded or in the air.
Fixed some more bugs related to the Quick Menu, added new grab punch animations to be a right cross and left hook.
Updated the user manual to include the new weapons and updated control schemes.Happy New Year! The knife fighting is finally in! You can use similar moves to swords, but there are not as many. The biggest advantage the knives have over other weapons are their speed and ability to throw and reuse them. I'll be working on some grenades and molotov cocktails next, then I've decided to implement the death moves for the characters after those are finished, and after that, I'll code the Stealthy AI. To play the latest build, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, hope everyone had a good holiday, thanks again for all the support! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2013, 10:27:47 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.3.5 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made:
3 more Small Throwing weapons for Lone Wolf and Brok! Pipe Bomb, Molotov Cocktail, and a Grenade. All new effects, sounds, and animations for the weapons. (Sounds are not finalized just placeholders) This makes it 28 different weapons for the characters to use, this will finish it for now!
Moves for the new weapons are just press Punch to throw the weapons, they have no special moves related to them.
Fixed some minor bugs, added new grab punch animations to be a right cross and left hook for Brok, also added jump grab punching and kicking.
Updated the user manual to include the new weapons and updated control schemes, icons for character skills and weapons.The last 3 weapons for now are added in, the only way you can use them is to throw them at a distance from the enemy. They all are very limited and very powerful weapons that you can use to get yourself out of a bad situation or finish off a group of enemies. The molotov cocktails are deadly since you and your allies can catch fire if you throw it too close, so give it some distance before you lob fiery death upon your enemies. Death moves for the characters are next, then I'll code the Stealthy AI. I will most likely implement stealing along with the Stealthy AI, and then code in and make the lighting for night and day changes as well as weather after that. Play it now, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, thanks for the support and will be updating more soon! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 12:18:00 AM by lonewolf »
« Reply #30 on: March 13, 2013, 07:44:11 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.3.6 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made:
Exploding body parts! Can be executed on the death of an opponent with certain special moves and weapons for characters, experiment to see if you can find them!
Blood pools on the ground when blood hits the ground.
Changed the button combo to change into the Wolf to while holding down Block, press Punch and Kick together
Made many of the characters movement and attack animations faster for quicker combat and smoother movement
Fixed many, many bugs, including grabbing bugs (which now grabbing and throwing should be pretty much concluded, might still be some minor ones related to specific characters) and optimized the game overall to be much much faster giving almost double the framerate. Still need to fix some hiccups, but overall plays much smoother.
Updated the user manual and game to change the weapon names to more generic names or game specific names.Finally started on Death moves for the characters, the first of being exploding body parts! When you execute certain special moves with the characters or use a particular weapon, the opponents will explode into a bunch of gibs. This new addition, of course caused a performance hit which made me to go in and optimize the game further leading to almost double the performance of the game! So everyone should see a benefit in overall performance although there are still some hiccups to work out, it is running much smoother. I'm also dabbling with the lighting a bit, so you may see some changes in the lighting over the next few builds as I optimize and work on that as well while putting in some more death moves. Once I am finished with the death moves, I'll work on the Stealthy AI and stealing, finishing up the lighting, day/night, and weather. Get the game today, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, feedback is welcome, more features coming soon! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2013, 02:24:22 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.3.8 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made:
Decapitation, Heads Exploding, and Halving enemies! Can be executed on the death of an opponent with certain special moves and weapons for characters, experiment to see if you can find them!
Fixed how save games load so you should not have to worry about loading from old saves.
Altered the way the physics behaves with the body parts, should be a little less bouncy now. Also fixed the scaling on body parts so it should be the same as the characters.
Fixed a bug on the Title screen that prevented you from saving if you did not already have a save game.
Fixed some minor bugs related to save games, animations, and some environment models.Time for some head chopp'in! You can try out the assorted blades as well werewolf claws on foes near their deaths to see heads fly now, also some guns and hammers do some head exploding so be prepared to get bloody! Use the Punch + Kick button with certain weapons, and the Wolf's back hand slash to cut foes in 2. I fixed some issues with the way the body parts were spawned so now they should match the character's facing position. I was a bit frustrated with testing and having the save games retain too much data that would be restored, which would not include the new changes. So I spent some time reworking the save game loading so now it should be able to work with some old save games. So from now on, using save games should be mostly future compatible unless I change things a lot in the environment. 3 more death type animations to go, and then onto the Stealthy AI and stealing, finishing up the lighting, day/night, and weather. Enjoy this blood soaked build, feedback is helpful for every release, have fun and more content is on the way! To play it today, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, thanks for all the support! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2013, 04:05:20 PM » |
So I've been keeping up with this when you post updates but haven't really been convinced of pre-ordering just yet.
What all does the alpha entail so far? Is it just running around, beating things up or is there an overarching goal/story there already?
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2013, 04:21:18 PM » |
So I've been keeping up with this when you post updates but haven't really been convinced of pre-ordering just yet.
What all does the alpha entail so far? Is it just running around, beating things up or is there an overarching goal/story there already?
The story isn't really set in the alpha yet, I'm mostly just putting in features until everything is working solid. Basically it consists of one level with about 2 hours of gameplay, mostly as you said beating the bejesus out of enemies, acquiring weapons and items. I do have a mini-quest in there that I used as a set up for my branching dialogue system, I will expand upon that quest and create a few more in this level after I have the rest of the innards done. Basically going to finish up the death animations, then finish up the AI and integrate stealing, polish up the lighting including night/day, and optimize the level for loading. When all that is finished, I'll start putting in more quests, levels, and characters. I'm gunning for about a month to a month and a half to complete the feature set, then putting in enough content to push it into a beta by the end of summer. So if you are interested in the beat-em up style play, there is plenty to do in that aspect, but the RPG story driven elements are lacking at the moment.
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2013, 05:23:02 PM » |
So if you are interested in the beat-em up style play, there is plenty to do in that aspect, but the RPG story driven elements are lacking at the moment.
If that's the case, then I'll probably hold off and keep watching. Thanks!
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2013, 05:55:53 PM » |
This looks great, I just watched the vid and the dude with the hammer headbutts another dudes brain clean out of his head!!!! awesomeness!!!!!
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2013, 06:45:09 PM » |
This looks great, I just watched the vid and the dude with the hammer headbutts another dudes brain clean out of his head!!!! awesomeness!!!!!
Thanks Windybeard, that is one of my favorite moves by far! Have 3 more death animations to do, then some more death moves to go along with them!
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2013, 03:18:25 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.4.0 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made:
Quartering and Breaking enemies! Can be executed on the death of an opponent with certain special moves and weapons for characters, experiment to see if you can find them!
Fixed some minor bugs related to animations.
Edited Lone Wolf's special punch and kick animations, balanced some of the special attacks' ki.You can cut up your enemies in quarters and break all their bones now! Use the special Punch move (rapidly press Punch) with certain weapons, and the Wolf's rapid downward slash to cut foes in 4. Use Lone Wolf's unarmed special Punch and special Kick moves can break all the bones in an enemy. One more death type animation to go, and then onto the Stealthy AI and stealing, finishing up the lighting, day/night, and weather, and polishing up the level. Have fun chopping up and breaking foes in the wasteland! Feedback is encouraged so we can keep making this game better and better! More to come soon! We now accept bitcoins for pre-orders and donations! Play it now, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, thanks again for the continued support! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2013, 03:07:13 PM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.4.2 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made:
Splitting enemies! Split enemies vertically in half! Can be executed on the death of an opponent with certain special moves and weapons for characters, experiment to see if you can find them!
Kick enemies on the ground. Just get near enough to a downed opponent and press the Kick button.
New special uppercut move for Lone Wolf. Press forward twice and Punch to execute, can also be done while grabbing.
Fixed up the Custom AI routines so they run smoother, taunting should now work properly.
Edited effects so they are different colors per player for Lone Wolf.
Added Brok clone as the 4th player instead of a Lone Wolf clone.
Updated manual to include new Uppercut attack for Lone Wolf.Well, after a lot of work and help from a good friend, I got all the death moves in and started fixing up the AI routines. You can now split enemies vertically in half if they are grounded. I also included a new uppercut that Lone Wolf can use so long as he does not have a weapon equipped, although it will work the same as if he had a knife which has a longer range, and a special grab uppercut animation is used when you are grabbing an enemy. You can also now kick enemies on the ground with Lone Wolf and Brok, so long as you are close enough to them while the enemy is downed. Since I decided to get a new video card, I can now capture video in 1080P to show a lot more of the graphical detail Lone Wolf actually has in it at this stage, even though a lot will be cleaned up and tweaked in the near future. I'll be continuing the clean up and implementation of some new AI routines, and then work on stealing/bartering, finishing up the lighting, day/night, and weather, and polishing up the level to prepare the game for beta. Get the game today, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, have fun with this version, and as usual, feedback is welcome and appreciated! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2013, 08:54:23 AM » |
 The newest alpha build 0.4.5 is ready for download! Log in to your Play-Em account and download the latest version! The following changes were made:
• Stealing and Trading between characters! To steal from an NPC you must be hidden from sight in a shadowed area, while sneaking (holding down Block), press grab to enter the menu. Navigate the menu by using the mouse or pressing Select to go through the menu items and press Switch to change between Items to Trade and Items to Receive. While a trade slot is selected, press Punch to add 1 item to the slot, or press Jump to add all of the quantity to the slot. Pressing Kick will reduce it by one, and pressing Grab will empty the slot. When ready to trade, click on the Trade button or press Select until Trade is highlighted in yellow, then press Punch, the same applies for canceling a trade. You cannot be hurt or move while trading or stealing.
• Trade between player characters by holding Block and pressing Select. You can switch between characters by pressing Inventory.
• Stealthy AI and Hiding now works (still a bit buggy, but workable enough to use).
• Fixed a minor bug related to mouse input and multiple players.
• Fixed up some minor bugs related to AI and pathfinding, should be a bit smoother now.
• Fixed a minor bug related to dropping weapons and not resetting the weapon properly.
• Updated manual to include trading and stealing.Finally got stealing and trading implemented, you can now try to steal from an enemy character or trade with an NPC via dialogue. Now is is also much easier to manage inventories between players so you do not have to drop an item on the ground and have the other player pick it up. I tried to make navigating and using the Trade Menu as easy and straight forward as possible, hopefully this will alleviate inventory management a bit. I wanted to make trading, stealing, and sharing items use as little restrictive menus as possible, I'm really not a big fan of pushing the player into menus while other players have to wait around, so other players can still move about and interact with other characters and the environment while a trade/steal is happening. I've been at E3 the past few days, it's really fun to see a lot of new game and technology coming out this year and next. It'll be interesting to see when Lone Wolf Episode 1 finishes up and what it's role will be at a future E3, hopefully the Indie scene will be a bigger force to get noticed more amongst all the big companies pushing their products to the press and other developers in the industry. I will do some more clean up of AI routines for the next build as well as add some more skill building via trading and dialogue. I will try to add more mini quests throughout the level that involve more story integration and involve the new trading system. I'll also finish up the lighting and day/night to give the level a bit more polish, after that will be weather and a push to finish up tightening up the play areas of the level and polishing up art assets. To play the game now, pre-order or donate at http://www.lonewolfgame.com or at http://www.play-em.com, hope you enjoy the new systems in play in the game, please let me know if you find any bugs or experience any issues worth mentioning! Enjoy! If you want to support the game please purchase or donate at: http://www.lonewolf.ws/store.phphttp://www.lonewolfgame.comhttp://www.play-em.comAlso check out the game on these sites: http://www.facebook.com/LoneWolfGameGoogle+ LoneWolfGamehttp://www.twitter.com/lonewolfgamehttp://www.lonewolf.ws/rssYoutube LoneWolfGameSteam Greenlight