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Author Topic: NAVE  (Read 45942 times)
Level 1

don't be jealous of my boogie

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« Reply #120 on: April 11, 2014, 03:49:57 PM »

Awesome! Must be funny to watch people make weird faces playing your game, haha.
Really hope I get to play this some day.

Level 0

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« Reply #121 on: July 15, 2014, 11:08:47 AM »

While we plan a couple of trips to Uruguay and Chile, and keep touring here in Buenos Aires, we've made a small update to the game: we added more secret audio tracks.

The complete list is now:
"NAVE 3.0" by ASHTON MORRIS (he is a member of tigsource, you can see his profile here)

Is really great to have people wanting to collaborate and be part of the project!

Right now, the only way to change the soundtrack is by entering the settings menu with the button behind the arcade cabinet, but the idea is to have cheat codes, which would allow the players to change the music, enable some special features and modes.

here's the control panel that is installed in the back of the cabinet:

I couldn't find a picture of the panel already installed, this is from the making of.
You can see the volume control, game settings button, game reset button, machine turn off button and ethernet port


We finally know how much the cabinet weights: 102.8kg. We needed to know to calculate freight costs to take the game outside Argentina by air or sea.
Here are some pics of the scientific method we use Smiley

and this is some fan art by Ryo Nagato about it

« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 11:29:21 AM by mbalestrini » Logged

« Reply #122 on: July 17, 2014, 09:42:39 PM »

Here's a little teaser of the game.

What's up with the Justice music though?
Did you get their permission?
A game like that needs a music on its own. Even if it's simple.
Level 0

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« Reply #123 on: July 18, 2014, 04:23:20 AM »

What's up with the Justice music though?
Did you get their permission?
A game like that needs a music on its own. Even if it's simple.

We really like Stress as the music for the game. We started using it as a testing music while we were developing it, but then we really felt it was a match for the game, and that it was going to be difficult to get a better one.
We have the fantasy the get Justice's permission sometime (we'd really love to show them the arcade Smiley )
We hope we are not going to have any problems right now, because is not a commercial project, and it can only be played in this arcade.

Level 0

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« Reply #124 on: September 21, 2014, 02:24:21 PM »


We've finally tried the trailer we bought for Nave in January.
We were supposed to use it on our two week tour to the North of Argentina, but we had a problem and ended up renting a van.
We are preparing a new two week tour to the West of Argentina (and possibly Chile), and this time we are going to use it!

Minor Fixes

We fixes some cosmetic issues and did a minor job on some wiring

Last tour photos

A few photos from our last tour dates
In the last two ones you can see that the game is installed in a really small corridor. That's because the game didn't fit through the stairs, so we either go back home, or we leave it on the entrance. We decided for the later.

You can see the hole albums here

« Last Edit: September 22, 2014, 11:45:13 AM by mbalestrini » Logged

Level 0

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« Reply #125 on: September 21, 2014, 02:49:35 PM »

Are you guys from Argentina?
Level 0

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« Reply #126 on: September 21, 2014, 04:57:02 PM »

Are you guys from Argentina?


Level 7

Enthusiasm at dangerous levels.

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« Reply #127 on: December 02, 2014, 12:45:20 PM »

Hey guys! I'm going to be writing an article real soon about developers who build their own Arcade machines and I'd like to feature you in it! I'd also like to thank you again for inspiring me to build my own arcade cabinet for Narcissus. It's made exhibiting the game so much more fun.

Level 0

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« Reply #128 on: December 15, 2014, 03:49:58 PM »

Hey guys! I'm going to be writing an article real soon about developers who build their own Arcade machines and I'd like to feature you in it! I'd also like to thank you again for inspiring me to build my own arcade cabinet for Narcissus. It's made exhibiting the game so much more fun.
I love to know that our game inspire others to do their own machines!! It makes me happy Smiley
(I think Hernan answer your questions for the article on Facebook).

Level 0

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« Reply #129 on: December 15, 2014, 09:28:17 PM »


After a long period without touching a single line of code in Nave, I've added a couple of features to the game, in preparation for the NAVE Arcade's 2nd World Tournament.
The first thing I did was adding cheat codes to the game. This was something we wanted to do for a long time. There are some codes for changing the background music to each one of the secret tracks, and some other codes that unlock some special modes.
The other thing I did was to program a live tournament score transmission, so contestants could see in a TV the score and position of the current player. The game sends the info through sockets to an app made in Processing, which shows the Top 20, the current player score and the image from a webcam we put on the cabinet. Here's a screenshot of the app:

I also took the opportunity to do some minor performance improvements, but not much, because I was afraid I could introduce a bug right before the tournament.

NAVE Shooting Speed Timer

I also made a little toy to measure your maximum shooting speed. This idea is a simpler version of something we thought it would be fun to do: A "NAVE trainer", some sort of device that helps you with your speed and endurance. We even thought of doing some sort of infomercial/teleshopping where some top player endorse the product Smiley
I've made this the night before the tournament, with an Arduino Uno, an oled b&w display, a button and my galaxy s2 packaging box. It turned out to be something fun to play while you waited your turn to compete.


The 2nd World Tournament took place Dec 7th at some friend's Bar here in Buenos Aires.
Every competitor had only 1 chance to play (we handed them 1 coin at the start of the competition).
The prizes included keychains, pins, stickers, t-shirts, cheat codes, a screen with the photo of the champion and a cup! (the cup is actually handed from the previous champion to the new one)

Cheat code cards


This is a time-lapse made with the live scores app (the music is the secret soundtrack made by ashtonmorris)

And finally here are some images from that day. You can see the full album HERE

inscription sheet / Hernan explaining the rules


The Prizes


using the shooting speed timer


and some people playing



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