As I said about Blotto, the triangles weren't always ''working''. By that I mean that when, for instance, I drew two consecutive triangles in rather quick succession, the first could register with the braces (thus clearing them) while the second would often just pass right through them. Or vice versa. I had this problem again trying it at home today (with the additional difficulty of the diagonals being really hard to nail on the keyboard). I don't know if it was just me who was doing something wrong, but it sure didn't seem like a deliberate challenge.
If the lines traveling down the tunnel toward the Braces weren't registering then that's a bug, and a pretty major one

Sorry about that!
I only got to play Blotto briefly before the event started(I was one of the event volunteers), and then I did have some trouble controlling it.
I kind of want to see if extended play on it would help someone get the hang of it... it may not be a problem with controls so much as a mechanic that takes longer to get used to than the 3-5 minutes allowed by the Gamma guidelines.
I'll give it some solid playtime when I get the chance and see what I can figure out.
Let me know what you think, but "it may not be a problem with controls so much as a mechanic that takes longer to get used to than the 3-5 minutes allowed by the Gamma guidelines." sounds like a design failing to me. We didn't test with many people outside of the three of us, and we had gotten used to the Move->Neutral Stick->Move play so out testers either got it right away or we'd say "Just let the stick go between strokes." I wonder if explicitly stating this in the help text more clearly would have solved the issue. (Gut reaction is: unlikely.)
-Just played AltiToad, very cool use of depth to move up as well as down!
-Depths to Which I Sink started off a little ? for me, then I got a long tail and went diving. Great sense of distance.
-Hypercube is great because 9/10 of the blocks are complicated just to psych you out