Playing this made me realise a couple of things that I'd have to keep in mind if I made a real time grid ASCII game:
- It's very hard to judge the enemies' movement, because they obviously clip from one tile to the next and you can't tell where they'll go, leading to you trying to hit them but being hit instead. Some kind of telegraph to show what tile adjacent to them they're going to move to would basically solve this problem.
- In order to hit an enemy adjacent to you you can't press the directional key to that direction and then swing, cause then you'll run right onto the enemy and lose health. One idea to solve this is to let you hold the swing button and press on the arrow key to turn to that direction without moving and slash the enemy.
- It's always a good idea to mind the color contrast. The white sword on the bright yellow sand makes it basically disappear.
well, that's it for now. I did enjoy it though.