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TIGSource ForumsPlayerGeneralTIGSTWG IX: Witch Hunt! [GAME OVER: WITCHES WIN]
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Author Topic: TIGSTWG IX: Witch Hunt! [GAME OVER: WITCHES WIN]  (Read 43275 times)
Level 9

Quack, verily

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« Reply #280 on: August 28, 2008, 12:37:45 AM »

Okay, I'll be ending this soon. I'm still a touch short on the original 34 hours promised, it's a bit above 32 now. However, things are now quite slow in the thread and I'm not sure I'll be getting that many more PMs. If you really want the last hour and a half (or so) to think more, PM me, and I'll wait. If I get no PMs, I'll wrap this up shortly.
Level 9

Quack, verily

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« Reply #281 on: August 28, 2008, 01:12:16 AM »

The senior Guildmembers make their decisions.

battlerager, chutup, cyber95, Hideous, and shinygerbil stand there in shock. They do not seem to know what to do. They remain still, with a stunned and somewhat vacant expression on their faces.

Gainsworthy and Lucaz are a little more decisive. They quite deliberately move their hands away from their weapons, as if their actions would spread calm through the rest of the group.

Cheater, GeneralValter, and Inane have their theories. Their eyes narrow, as they suspiciously eye their targets. Their hands remain close to their weapons, in case there is a need to strike quickly.

"Okay, this is a tense moment." says GeneralValter.

"Indeed it is.", says Cheater, as his hand moves toward his sword.

"Let's all remain calm, and handle this rationally." adds Inane, reaching for a dagger.

Glances are exchanged, but there appears to be no majority consensus amongst them as to who may be a witch. Nobody is prepared to advance, for the number of people who would step in their way. This goes on for an awkward minute.

And then, together, everyone just relaxes. Lucaz offers: "You know, there has been more than enough death these last few days. Let's just leave it at that."

Everyone agrees.

Especially the four witches remaining amongst them.


The sun rises on another day in Lytherre's Junction. The werewolf threat has been dealt with, and in the process, some witches have been exposed. Several innocents have been lost, so it cannot really be considered a complete success. But still, the city has faced a serious challenge, has overcome it, and they learned from the experience.

Burning people at random, in case they are witches, really does work.

It is likely this tradition will continue for some time in Lytherre's Junction.

The ranks of some of the Guilds have been torn apart by the events of the last few days. It'll take time, and an election or two, to set things straight again. The city has a lot of damaged buildings that need work and repairs. Still, the opportunity is there. Things can be rebuilt. There is time.

Unless you are a witch.

Because if you are, you will burn.

--- ~~~ === THE END === ~~~ ---



battlerager: Guildmaster of the Mercenaries Guild. (SURVIVED:  Witch) Grin Beer! :D COMPLETE VICTORY :D Beer! Grin
Cheater: Captain of the Guard. (SURVIVED: Human) Smiley Embarrassed PARTIAL VICTORY Embarrassed Smiley
chutup: Musician of the Musical Artisans Guild. (SURVIVED: Human) Smiley Embarrassed PARTIAL VICTORY Embarrassed Smiley
cyber95: Councilor representative of the Musical Artisans Guild. (SURVIVED: Witch) Grin Beer! :D COMPLETE VICTORY :D Beer! Grin
Fifth: Guildmaster of the Weavers Guild. (IMPALED night four: Werewolf) (converted from Human, night two) LOSS Cry
Gainsworthy: Ordinary Citizen. (SURVIVED but got demoted: Human) Smiley Embarrassed PARTIAL VICTORY Embarrassed Smiley
Garthy (host): The Ineffective Mayor. (BURNED day one: Witch)
GeneralValter: Guildmaster of the Baker's Guild. (SURVIVED: Human) Smiley Embarrassed PARTIAL VICTORY Embarrassed Smiley PLUS honourable mention for a perfect guess during paranoia- how the heck did you do that?
Hideous: Potionmaster of the Alchemists Guild. (SURVIVED: Witch) Grin Beer! :D COMPLETE VICTORY :D Beer! Grin
hroon: Senior Trainer in the Animal Trainers Guild. (BURNED day three: Witchhunter) LOSS Cry
Inane: Guildmaster of the Architects Guild. (SURVIVED: Witch) Grin Beer! :D COMPLETE VICTORY :D Beer! Grin PLUS honourable mention for overachievement in subobjectives
increpare: Guildmaster of the Musical Artisans Guild. (BURNED day two: Abomination) (converted from Witch, night one) LOSS Cry PLUS honourable mention for overachievement in subobjectives
Lucaz: Guildmaster of the Bankers Guild. (SURVIVED and got promoted: Human) Smiley Embarrassed PARTIAL VICTORY Embarrassed Smiley
Massena: Lead Bureaucrat of the Bankers Guild. (OM NOM NOM night two: Human) LOSS Cry
McAndrews: Ordinary Citizen. (MISSING aka INACTIVE night four: Witchhunter) LOSS Cry
Melly: Ordinary Citizen. (POISONED day three: Human) LOSS Cry
rz.: Guildmaster of the Guild of Law. (NEGLIGENCE day two: Witch) Sad Gentleman POSTHUMOUS VICTORY Gentleman Sad
shinygerbil: Brewmaster of the Bakers Guild. (SURVIVED: Human) Smiley Embarrassed PARTIAL VICTORY Embarrassed Smiley
Xion: Officer for bodyguard affairs of the Mercenaries Guild. (SAVAGED night three: Witch) Sad Gentleman POSTHUMOUS VICTORY Gentleman Sad
Xotes: Guildmaster of the Animal Trainers Guild. (BURNED day four: The Original Werewolf) LOSS Cry
Zane (NPC): Guildmaster of the Bankers Guild. (WOLFSNACKED night one: Witch)

Congratulations to the surviving Witches, who achieved a complete victory, and the surviving Humans, who achieved a partial victory.

Thanks for playing! Beer! Gentleman
Level 9

Quack, verily

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« Reply #282 on: August 28, 2008, 01:13:00 AM »

Thanks for the opportunity to host, I hope you all enjoyed it. It was an interesting experience, quite tough to run one of these babies, especially if it's experimental and complex. Smiley

The game ended quite a few days before I thought it would. My estimate would have been three more game days.

The game started with a single wolf who could convert others, two witchhunters, no abominations, and a healthy number of witches amongst the humans.

Xotes was the original werewolf, and he was alone. The original werewolf could convert other characters to werewolves. A human would be converted into a plain werewolf, and a witch into an abomination. Conversions had certain limitations and benefits that would ensure that not too many got converted, and most would become ordinary werewolves. It was set up so that the wolves would number three to five in time, depending on their actions. I'd say the ideal number in a game of nineteen would be four, which means they have worse or better odds depending on how they play it. In the end, their numbers only reached three.

Fifth, the last werewolf, took a gamble by attacking battlerager, hoping that whatever ability he had might be reduced by the events of the recent sunset. Sadly, it was not, and luck was not on his side. battlerager was resistant to werewolf attacks, a fact hinted at in his initial description and the events of the previous sunset. A coinflip determined each of their fates- live or die- and fate favoured battlerager on both flips. battlerager survived and killed his attacker.

The witchhunters- hroon and McAndrews- were pretty powerful, both with the ability to kill multiple targets with minimal difficulty and a fair degree of anonymity. hroon in particular was very dangerous, able to kill unlimited non-humans at once provided he correctly guessed each of their identities, and he never suffered false positives in investigations. McAndrews's powers were less powerful, but more varied. The Witchhunters's main limitations revolved around accidentally killing humans- bad things tended to happen to them if they did. This is why hroon was exposed.

The Witchhunters were there to keep any non-humans in line, to stop them from suggesting they might be around. As a public backup, the crowd was very anti-witch and anti-wolf. Plenty of reasons to keep quiet about what you were, if you were not human.

Unfortunately, hroon was killed quickly and McAndrews was inactive, which shifted the balance somewhat. I planned to bring in a reserve to fill McAndrews's role- which is why there was no reveal- but the game then ended suddenly. Had it not, this could have biased the game. However, the wolves had a combination of bad luck and slow advancement, which hurt them too. In the end, it turned out okay.

increpare was originally a witch, but became an abomination when Xotes converted him. Then you all mobbed the poor guy. Wink I have to say his songs (related to his subobjective, of course) added a lot to the game. Very awesome. Unfortunately, tall poppy syndrome got him- he stood out too much. The first influence post mentioned he was the most influential, cyber95 knew his identity, and Fifth knew the two were the same role. Then the investigations and visions disproportionately hit him that first night. One stuck. Suddenly, everyone was suspicious of him.

Fifth was originally a human, but got converted on the second night, so he was a pure werewolf. He kept a low profile, but luck was not on his side when he tried taking out battlerager.

For those wondering about Inane, he was a witch, of course, and had a fantastic power if ever a coven was formed. To balance it out, he got multiple personalities, and had to keep referring to himself in the plural form (also a subobjetive), or he'd lose his powers. If he ever made a mistake, he had to go back and publicly correct himself. It was the most cruel of all of the subobjectives. He did an exceptional job.

I have to say I enjoyed Cheater's performance too. His subobjective was to collect samples of items, partially to offset the lack of people accepting gifts. It was very entertaining to watch him at it. I don't think that people caught on either.

Xion was the source of the wart curse, the terrible curse that disfigured their target. But did you know, that the wart curse was a benefit? If anyone with the wart curse had been attacked by werewolves at night, the attack would have failed. Without knowing it, Xion's ability was actually akin to being a Guardian Angel, albeit with a negative public effect. Xion was told that he somehow protected people, but didn't know the details. He figured out quickly that he was the source of the wart curse, but was naturally confused by the inconsistency between the benefit I promised, and the effect he saw. So Xion, sorry for dodging your question when you asked, but here's the answer. Smiley

And he wasn't the only guardian. GeneralValter made pies, and the first person to accept a strawberry pie from him would have received similar protection. Like Xion, he did not know the exact nature of it. It was unlikely to work a second time though, as the pie had to be given publicly, and the wolves would have figured out from the descriptive text that they were affected by his pies.

So the game basically had two "flawed" guardians as well.

There were some very strange moves in the game, and I really didn't understand them all, but hey- as host I'm hardly going to be impartial. I've got access to too much information. And I didn't exactly make it easy for you all, did I? Wink

The observant amongst you will have discovered that apart from minor inconveniences, witches don't really hurt you in any way. The real dangers were the wolves- or humans if you were a wolf. I think some of you started to figure it out, despite my best efforts to constantly drum in how terrible those nasty witches were. I hope some of you were at least discussing the option of working with them, or even threatening them, covertly via PM. Wink

Anyway, I'd like to throw open the floor to questions. Feel free to ask me about any element of the game, as there was an obscene amount of stuff going on behind the scenes. I'll try to answer it. If anyone asks, I'm happy to post all of the original roles in one big monster post, or more information on how influence worked, so forth. I have some observations on the game, and some unused story text that I wrote up that I didn't get to use. I also have some long game-related PMs you may enjoy. Lots of information available, if you want it. If any of it interests you, just let me know what you're after, and I'll tidy it up and post it. Preferably publicly, so I only have to answer the same question once or twice. Smiley

And while you're at it- if anyone is looking to host the next TIGSTWG game, please feel free to bring it up too, since there's no dedicated place to do this at the moment. So if you're game, go crazy. I probably won't be able to participate in the next game, since I've burnt too much time hosting this one and real-life is catching up with me. But I'm looking forward to seeing what people come up with and how it goes. Smiley

I hope you all had fun. Smiley
Level 5

The Computer is your friend.

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« Reply #283 on: August 28, 2008, 01:42:18 AM »

I got bonuses to my visions when I fixed or improved on something for somebody, but when I finally did this, it was the final day, so I didn't get my bonus. Darn and stuff. Good game, though, everybody.

I like that starting with one wolf mechanic, though.

William Broom
Level 10

formerly chutup

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« Reply #284 on: August 28, 2008, 01:50:27 AM »

Great game, Garthy. You obviously put a huge amount of effort into it and the enhanced roleplaying elements made it feel quite different to the other games. I especially liked Zane (who reminded me of Master Hand for some reason) and the 'Paranoia' endgame. I feel like most of the humans left in Paranoia were just starting to cotton on that witches are pretty nice to have around. But what we should have been thinking was the opposite, since once Paranoia started we had no reason to let the witches live any longer! Oh well, we probably wouldn't have been able to kill any of them anyway with 4/10 players being witches.

I also miss the puppies.  Cry

For what I'd like to know, can you show what McAndrews' powers were? And did anyone actually manage to form a coven? Also, what different themes were there for the witches' visions?

As for myself, my only 'power' was that I knew from the start that Xion was a witch, but couldn't tell anybody that was how I knew. I pretended to have investigated him since "I just know, OK?" isn't a very good reason. It didn't really work though. Still, he got et in the end.
My subobjective was to humble myself before people. I never really worked out a way to do it without sounding really forced, so I never did. (I sort of tried once, but I don't know if you counted it.)

Also, I put my hat in the ring, as it were, to host the next TWG game. I've got it pretty much planned out. It won't be as complex or as roleplaying-y as this one, but hopefully still fun?

Level 10


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« Reply #285 on: August 28, 2008, 02:30:45 AM »

7 witches? Really?

It's not too huge a problem, but think about it: if we had reached the point where half the witches were dead, the werewolves would have had a significant advantage, just because there would be so many more people the humans had to kill to get a total victory. That's 7 people that the humans are required to kill in order to win, which is pretty hard to arrange. That's pretty much all the criticism I have to offer, though, that was a really fun game of TWG Beer!

In fact, my list had 3 witches on it, I think: Lucaz, Hideous, and Inane. Next time you pull something like this, I would recommend that you just kill the 3 people with the most votes, or something like that. Here, it's a logical problem, I'll try to explain it:

For the humans to complete total victory, they need to kill more than half the witches. So, for the "Paranoia" stage to work for them, they need to make a combined vote on at least one witch. The witches, whatever you have told them about targeting noisy humans, are guaranteed not to vote, because then they would be at risk of targeting a witch, and they also mean no personal harm to the humans. Since no witch will vote, and there are four witches, the only way the humans can get a vote is by having at least 5 people left. This is the only way they could possibly get a large enough vote count to get anyone targeted.

That's just my take on the problem. If I were you, I would have definitely toned down the target requirements, to 1/3 or even 1/4 of the votes. I also would have made death certain, instead of just nominating them for a coin flip.

One more thing: one werewolf? Even if more could join him later, only having one werewolf at the start of the game is a huge crutch. I'm sure you thought the paranoia thing through a lot, but it seems that you forced the game in favor of the humans/witches just to make sure it would happen. I think 4 werewolves total would have been somewhat more sensible. Then again, who knows.

Anyway, I enjoyed it. Props Beer!

Level 9

Quack, verily

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« Reply #286 on: August 28, 2008, 02:49:45 AM »

Zane was around to suck up the first wolf kill, the main effect was to make "Day Two" actually the first real day, with everyone getting a free move.

Glad you liked the character. Being a somewhat political game, I had to have someone who took it all too far, and someone who could be killed without everyone feeling sorry for him. He underestimated the werewolf threat, and served to make it real for everyone else.

This is what happened with Zane (Xotes's perspective):

You pay a visit to increpare in the night. He puts up a token resistance, but he never really stood a chance against you. increpare is now a Werewolf!

Together, you head off for the forest. Storing your clothes safely inside a log, you both change into werewolves and head off for a run together.

The thrill of the moment is with you as you dart through the forest, expertly dodging trees. There is no better feeling than this freedom! You duck and weave, dart and dodge. The occasional scrape cannot slow you. You are loving this!

In time, you return from your run to make a quick check on your clothes, before heading off to see Massena. As you close in on the log where you hid your clothing, you hear a crack of broken twigs from their direction, and realise you are not alone. Damn! You are normally so careful! You swore that you would never let the thrill of the run distract you like that! You didn't make a hundred and ten years by being so incredibly careless. Damn it!

Your keen sense of smell then picks up the scent of a human. Almost in reply to your first two heightened senses, your vision makes an bold entry into the mix as well. A figure steps out immediately in front of you. Zane.

"Xotes!" speaks Zane darkly, writing into a notebook. "Whatever are you and increpare both doing, running around the forest naked together? As if what I already have on you is not enough, you then feel the need to make it easy to..."

And then he stops cold. At this point he has looked up from his work and finally met your eyes. He has not seen Xotes the Guildmaster, as he had expected, but Xotes the Werewolf. Terror quickly spreads to his eyes as you calmly meet his gaze. His mouth opens slightly in terror and surprise, but he speaks not a word. He knows who he is facing, and now he knows the terrible, terrible truth. But fear holds him more strongly and it is not letting him go. The pen slides from his hand and lands on the forest floor, without a sound.

With a calm smile, you take a single step forward and grip his neck with a large, powerful hand. His eyes and face scream terror, but not a sound leaves his lips. With a strike as fast as lightning, you swing your other hand down across his chin as you twist his neck. His head flies free from his body, the look of terror frozen forever in his eyes as his head bounces across the clearing.

Your sharpened claws fly down through flesh and bone, removing a chunk of torso and an arm for yourself. You throw the rest to increpare, who eagerly begins to devour it. He will need the strength. As you begin to eat your share, you realise that you neither have the need nor opportunity to visit Massena tonight. Perhaps you'll pay him a visit tomorrow instead.


When the deed is done, and increpare is sufficiently sated, you take a few moments to reflect. As you look down, you spy Zane's notebook. Reaching down, you pick it up and leaf through it. There are all sorts of trivial matters, personal musings, and other miscellany, all boring, and... wait... this is about you! This is what he tried to blackmail you with! A skim through the notebook confirms that he has been keeping notes on every Guildmaster in the city. Some of the names are circled, and recognising the circled names as the ones who met to discuss his blackmail. The idiot brought his blackmail notes with him, alone, out into the forest at night. With a wry smile, you have a look to see what information is buried within. Sadly, you can't follow his shorthand, and it concerns matters of which you are not aware anyway. Either way, it was merely curiosity, no true gentleman should have to resort to blackmail. With a quick flick through the notebook, you rip out any pages that even hint at blackmail, then toss the useless thing aside.

After changing back to human form, you put on your clothes, pack up the liberated notebook pages, and head home. A quick evening loungefire makes short work of Zane's dishonourable words, and handily provides your house with warmth until the early morning.

You both return to your respective dwellings, and you fall back to sleep.

Re Paranoia, I had weighed up mentioning it at the start, but then decided there were too many rules to digest already. I decided to save it, especially to catch out any witches who decided to ignore the repeated "keep your head down!" warnings.

The puppy curse. Best. Curse. Evar. Wink When I was setting the game up, I was creating side effects. I had the wart curse, and I wanted a really comical one. I can't remember what made me think of it, but when I did, I started laughing my ass off and wrote it up. It's a shame it stopped on day one, I think it would have added a lot to the rest of the game to have the puppies around.

Covens- nobody managed it, nobody took the gamble. I'm not sure what went on in PMs, so I don't know if anybody was close. increpare and cyber95 started out knowing each-others identities as witches, and that would have been very advantageous for forming one if increpare hadn't been wolfed into an abomination. Inane would have made the witches very powerful if he was invited- his ability doubled the number of witch group visions.

I liked what you did when you claimed your first investigation found out Xion. I saw your post and thought, hey, you didn't investigate him. Then I checked your notes, and thought- hey you cheeky (clever) sod. Smiley

McAndrew's original PM (he had many, diverse powers):


You are a Witchhunter.

You have possession of a Witchhunter relic- the Medallion of Serrol. A simple bronze disc, you may bury it in the ground in front of a house during the day, and left overnight in the ground it will react to the presence of the supernatural. You can dig it up the next day. If the occupant of the house is a witch, or a werewolf, or an abomination, the Medallion will crack into shards. The shape of the shards will indicate exactly what you are dealing with. Once the Medallion is cracked, you cannot use it again for the rest of the game- it takes several weeks to reconstruct, and requires more time than you presently have. If the Medallion does not crack, you know that the occupant is Human, and you can reuse the Medallion. Use it wisely.

If you want to bury the Medallion in front of someone's house, PM me to let me know who. You must let me know before sunset. I will tell you the result in the morning.

You are a practitioner in the art of voodoo. You may make three voodoo kills in the game. To do this, you must have spoken their name thrice (three times) in public  during the day. You can work this into conversation in any way that you like. You should then PM me before night falls. The death will then happen that night.

- The first voodoo kill will be completely anonymous. Nobody will know that you did it. They will die peacefully in their sleep, leaving no clues at all.
- The second voodoo kill will be anonymous, but one random person will have a horrible nightmare with you in it. You will not know who they are, and they will not know what the dream means. It will be obvious that it was a deliberate kill by someone with powers, but there is nothing to connect the two.
- The third voodoo kill will be anonymous, but everyone (except you) will have a horrible nightmare with you in it. It will be the exact same nightmare for everyone. It will be incredibly obvious that it was a deliberate kill by someone with powers. It will be obvious that it was a deliberate kill by someone with powers, but there is nothing to connect the two.

If you ever kill an innocent human in this way, you are completely mortified and lose the ability to make any more voodoo kills for the rest of the game. So be careful.

There is a chance that anyone investigating you on the same day you are burying the medallion will catch you in the act. You will not know that they have seen you. What they do with that information is up to them.

You cannot use the Medallion and perform a voodoo kill in the same night. You may do one, or the other, or neither.

You can divine the roles of other players in a similar way to witches by studying the weather near their house. The results behave identically to a witches visions, with no side effects. Despite this witch-like power, you are definitely not a witch. Like witches, you can do this twice on the first night, and once per night thereafter. PM me each night to do this.

On any night that any character uses a vision on you, on the following morning, a lightning bolt will strike a random location in town. Nothing else can cause a lightning strike- if one occurs, it is because someone used a vision on you. Nobody will ever be harmed by it. Everyone in town will see the lightning bolt, but only you will know what it means.

You have an ally: hroon, who is also a Witchhunter. You are working together. You can trust him completely. His abilities differ from yours- you may want to compare notes.  Nobody knows that there are two witchhunters.

Note that you have two hidden requirements for a Complete Victory- the other Witchhunter must survive, and you must not kill any Human with your special abilities. Only the other witchhunter knows about this requirement- nobody else.

As a subobjective, any time you can publicly persuade anyone to accept a detailed personal consultation on the weather, you will receive a benefit to your abilities. The more questions you are asked about the weather, and the more information you provide, the greater the bonus. You may not share this information directly with anyone- all you can do is offer and persuade people to accept these services.

Happy hunting!
Level 9

Quack, verily

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« Reply #287 on: August 28, 2008, 03:00:15 AM »

(lost the ability to preview again- please forgive mistakes)


Glad you enjoyed.

Re the number of witches, for a complete victory, only half needed to die. The humans were only one kill off of complete victory at the end (three dead, four needed to die). So it was actually really close, and the witches got it because not enough people were willing to make long death lists.

Re witch voting, actually, one witch did vote for people. Some people will go for the scorched earth approach if it looks like everyone else is as well (didn't happen this game). But generally, yes, witches won't vote. Hence if too many remain, and the humans aren't working together, it's unlikely anyone will die. I think that's fair.

Your list was different than you mention- it actually had four names: Inane, Cyber95, Battlerager, Hideous. Still got the PM. This is why I gave you the honourable mention, you guessed the remaining witches perfectly.

Re lower kill threshold in Paranoia, I think half was pretty harsh already. Remember that anyone at this point has basically "won", I didn't want too many people to die, only the ones who were obviously acting like witches.

If people were more bloodthirsty, it could have been everyone dead. That would have been an unhappy ending.

The coinflip is to increase the odds of survival if many people are candidates to die at once. You'll note that if only one person has a majority, it makes no difference, since the rules say I keep tossing the same coin over and over. It is just there to break up group deaths.

Re paranoia being forced, not at all. It also worked for the Werewolves and Abominations, if they won instead. My intent was to spring it on the winners, wolf/abomination or human/witch.

Re one wolf, the best number would be about four. As mentioned, three to five were possible. In fact, it was possible to have three wolves active without danger by the end of the first night, and four by the second, so they were definitely not disadvantaged.

I promise I thought through the game mechanics before using them. Wink

But having said that, there are a lot of game mechanics here. You'd probably need to play the game several times to get a feel for what works, and what does not. I think I did okay.
« Reply #288 on: August 28, 2008, 03:16:29 AM »

One mechanic that really added to it for me (though I think it came in to effect after my death) was the whole 'you have to give evidence for your votes'; having lot of people just making stuff up (I assume) added quite a lot to talk about.

I did try to do coveny stuff, but for some reason cyber never replied to my PMs.
Level 9

Quack, verily

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« Reply #289 on: August 28, 2008, 03:39:27 AM »


Glad you liked that bit. The subobjectives were also there for that reason- to get people talking. And the whole giving and receiving thing kept most people on good terms, even as their characters were voting to kill each other. Wink

Your songs were awesome. When one of the investigations against you were rolled as revealing you, I was seriously tempted to "fudge" the results and say "inconclusive" to keep you in the game. But then I thought, nah, not real fair, and secondly, with three people getting conclusive results that day, what are the odds they'll all decide to off you?

Pretty good, apparently. *headsmack*

Re cyber95, he seemed a touch inactive near the start, perhaps that's it? Either way, there was still a gamble, you had to find a third witch, and one other character- Fifth- knew you were working together- just not who you both were. So it was always going to be tricky.
Level 10


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« Reply #290 on: August 28, 2008, 03:52:40 AM »

Wow. That was a pretty awesome game. Glad I stayed for it. Nice werewolf mechanic, though I wish it lasted a little longer. Thank goodness for Zane, too. Let everyone settle in a little.

Shame no-one requested a balloon. Except Cheater, but he never collected on it. Also, go the Alchemist's guild! If McAndrews had stuck around, we'd have all stayed on together.

The evidence thing ended up getting me. Never properly did it. Silly me. I was really getting into the swing of the game, though. Very entertaining. And so complex! How on earth did you keep track, Garth?
Level 10

I resent that statement.

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« Reply #291 on: August 28, 2008, 03:55:51 AM »

Now that was awesome.

Good job, Garthy!

I was really not suspecting Fifth at all, but I was pretty sure Xotes was a werewolf right from the start.

My visions worked with a weapon rack, and for each vision'd person, one weapon would move over night. The material it's handle was made of would then hint at the person's role.

I vision'd Xotes and GeneralValter on the first day, and Xotes = handle of steel.
At that point, I was guessing that steel either meant "werewolf" or "witchhunter", but I wanted to make sure.

I forgot to use any vision on the next day.

When Inane was accused, I contacted him, telling him that I was a witch.
It was a bit risky, but he would have had to convince the others (in the case that he had not been a witch).

I then tried to keep him alive, which worked because of our combined influence.
We tried to form a coven, but we both thought there were pretty much no witches left. He messaged some people, confessing to them, which was pretty much kamikaze, but he wanted to see the reactions.

I think Hideous contacted Inane during the Paranoia phase, but I am not entirely sure. That was a bit too late to form a coven...

My subobjetive was getting other people to drink a beer with me. I got a bonus if I started any drinking songs.
Level 9

Quack, verily

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« Reply #292 on: August 28, 2008, 04:05:14 AM »

increpare: (whoops, missed this bit) Yep, the make-stuff-up thing was entirely fictional, and quite ridiculous, as there were no vampires in the game, and there was no evidence to suggest there were any. It was quite fun writing for an entirely-irrational crowd.


Glad you enjoyed. Smiley Would have been nice to last a bit longer, but I would have had to fudge things to do that.

The object give/receive thing was interesting, and didn't turn out quite as well as I'd hoped. My mistake was that I gave plenty of reason for people to offer, but not enough for people to accept. To encourage people to roleplay and trade, I promised that giving and receiving wasn't going to hurt you (in general). I didn't anticipate that so many people would be cautious anyway, and not trade, presumably for fear of helping the wrong person. I made accepting relate to influence, but it ended up fading out anyway later in the game.

I think if I did the object/give receive thing again, there would be limits, and both parties to the trade would get some kind of immediate benefit, with the benefit being public to encourage others.

How'd I keep track? It was tricky. :} Spreadsheets right from the start, with records of everyone's actions, influence, roles, guild status, and burn votes. And after the first day damn near killed me, I wrote a small tool (I'm a software dev by trade) to handle the tedious aspects for me. By the end of things I just ran a tool for investigations/visions, and gave it two names, and it spat out a result. I then modified the result by bonuses, and then posted it. I entered everyone's votes in the spreadsheet, and the tool calculated the results, multiplied by influence, and told me who died (and by what percentages, etc). I even wrote a mini-crowd simulator for the dual-vote day. Smiley

By day two I had a comprehensive list of steps to follow each day. After day two I just ran through the steps, and kept making up odd crowd reactions and crazy vote rules each day. Smiley

Re investigations, you copped a bad run. One missed action, one inconclusive, and one false positive. No correct result. The dice (and RNG) were not your friends.
Level 9

Quack, verily

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« Reply #293 on: August 28, 2008, 04:16:29 AM »


Thanks. Smiley Glad you liked it.

Re a coven, awesome, so you guys almost did it, even without help. Smiley Very cool.

You and Inane would have been a deadly combo voting-wise, both being at the top of the influence list. Excluding Lucaz (who was third-top- he screamed up in influence through the game), your combined vote was stronger than the the next best three candidates working together. The final result is now a bit less unexpected to me. Smiley

I should add, I am very interested in what people were talking about in their PMs. I never saw that bit, naturally. Smiley
Level 9

Quack, verily

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« Reply #294 on: August 28, 2008, 04:44:06 AM »


Witch vision themes:

- material on weapons rack
- taste of a random potion
- feeling from playing a song on a lute
- candles that remain lit in the wind
- shapes of cast sticks
- a magic hand mirror
- sounds at night
- weather around someone's house (witchhunter)

Witch side effects:

- All doors in the house open
- Wake up under the bed
- Room flooded with water
- The puppy curse
- Dreams of llamas
- The wart curse
- Coughing up trout

All other dreams were random, designed to throw people off. Smiley

If I miss anything else, just ask again. I'll probably get it the second time. Wink

EDIT: I missed a few, added.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 05:16:09 AM by Garthy » Logged
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« Reply #295 on: August 28, 2008, 05:03:33 AM »

Oh yeah! The fish! What was with that? Almost drowned, I did.
Level 9

Quack, verily

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« Reply #296 on: August 28, 2008, 05:17:56 AM »

Gainsworthy: Yep, you got the water curse on the first day. Your dream about puppies on the second day was a red herring. I don't think you got the trout curse yourself?
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« Reply #297 on: August 28, 2008, 06:29:00 AM »

Darn. I had thought that the wart curse would only effect witches, or that they had targeted themselves to cast themselves as innocents. That's about the only reason I  voted for Battlerager in Paranoia Tongue

I understand taking reservations with the paranoia stage, I guess I can let that go  :D. It would suck to die in the end just because everybody ganged up on you even when the werewolves were dead. I suppose it was just to make sure any witch who revealed his-self was properly punished.

Also, Inane sort of failed on the coven thing. He may have contacted some of the witches, but he also decided that it would be a good idea to contact me as well. That was part of my convictions to get him burned. The post was something like "I our time may be drawing near, Valter. Do we have a friend in you during this time?", or something like that. I had him pegged from then on, and I already figured that Hroon had little reason to lie about his suspicions at the point before his death. EDIT: Oh, jesus, now I remember. I had suspicions for Inane from the very start. Ever since all the doors and windows in my house opened themselves, I figured only some kind of architectural witch could have achieved it Tongue

Also, I guessed all four witches right! Wooh! Hideous was an obvious choice, as a potions master (I mean really. Lips Sealed). I suspected battlerager and inane from the curses they got. Cyber95 was just a guess Evil

Really, though: Awesome game.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 06:41:21 AM by GeneralValter » Logged
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« Reply #298 on: August 28, 2008, 07:28:35 AM »

I read the entire game and it was indeed an awesome read! Seeing some of the official PMs makes me even more impressed. Garthy, I really hope you'll have the energy to host again later this year. Beer!

chutup: How soon do you think you'll be able to start a new game?

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« Reply #299 on: August 28, 2008, 08:01:33 AM »

Really good game, congrats Garthy. My ability was the rose that could reveal if someone was or not a witch. My subojective was being optimmistic, but didn't put much in there.

All my investigations went to nowhere, so I just voted for wathevet seamed reasonable. Except the last day, when I tried to convince everyone of Inane being a human, even when I always believed hroon was  right and later Inane confirmed this himself. He sent me the same "We have a friend in you?" he sent to Valter, so I helped him, and later he told he actually was a witch.

My list in was empty, as I suspected noone, and wasn't going to vote for Inane after helping him during the day, and the way he trusted me. Seemed like the innapropiate thing to do.

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