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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsAnodyne - Android version available now
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Author Topic: Anodyne - Android version available now  (Read 143645 times)
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« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2012, 01:19:36 PM »

I was hesitant that Yume Nikki and Zelda wouldn't go together. This actually seems like it will make it work, though I'm afraid late-game will lose its appeal if you get loaded with powerful weapons that make the creatures feel powerless.
This is a good point. I'm trying to focus on more interesting/skilled ways to use a base set of weapons when it comes to combat, so hopefully I avoid that issue.

Is it normal for the player to be able to hold the broom extended? It seems to make most combat trivial, especially the circling bats.
I removed this behavior after thinking about it for a bit and a couple of other people bringing it up. It does make combat a bit too easy.

On the screen left of the first locked door I killed the monsters and found the key, but then managed to sweep it off to the left where I couldn't grab it. It didn't respawn when I left the room and returned, but I could just walk through the lock so I think I didn't need it?
That key-block should be solid, that was a bug I fixed up real quick. I'm not sure what caused the slime to go off the screen (that was a bug I thought I fixed before putting out the demo and I can't replicate it), but the dropped keys should respawn now.

The part with the shadowy guy following me was actually pretty creepy.

I liked the contrast of the beach environment to the spooky temple. You ought to emphasize those kinds of sudden contrast more as the game progresses.

I'll keep this in mind. I'd like to jump all over the place in terms of mood at times.


I found the hidden guy leaning against the wall near the temple entrance. The left wall in that room is not solid, so you can walk through it and enter a wall.
I am glad you found this, this happens to be intentional though.

The dungeon was okay, but typical Zelda fare. It was actually the low point of the demo because it didn't really feel special. It needs some kind of theme that is more interesting than just "Temple". Maybe have some bizarre statues depicting people with too many limbs, or holes in the floor that blink at you like they're eyes. It feels like the starting six hearts is about right.

The boss was kind of forgettable. I did like the part where he makes a big shockwave you have to block.

You're off to a great start! I hope you see this through to the end.

The dungeon's art is something I do feel is too generic, I didn't really have much of a vision when making its graphic design. The song feels painfully generic to me, as well, but I think I will keep the song in lieu of redesigning the graphics to have a stronger cohesive theme.

I'm not 100% satisfied with the boss, for one it looks like poop, and the patterns are kind of too easy. I do also like the shockwave thing myself, although maybe it borders on too gimmicky, but who knows.

thanks for the compliments and help!


play hydlide 2
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« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2012, 04:39:38 PM »



none of those are original ideas, obviously. but i wanted to use them in this game, and figuring out implementations was fun!
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 07:03:47 PM by seagaia » Logged

play hydlide 2
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« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2012, 07:45:50 PM »

Sweet. Both look pretty smooth. Keep going!

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« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2012, 11:27:22 AM »

coded up a few enemies and did some design work (dungeon design mainly, other interactables).

no art for them, as part of this week has been asking a friend if she can help out with the art. hopefully she has enough time.

for the time being, i've been working on songs. here's a work in progress for a red, misty, humid, warm sort of marsh area. i think


play hydlide 2
Level 3

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« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2012, 01:00:51 PM »

  Just played the demo. Super sweet man. I love the feel of the thing. It's dream like, doesn't have to make sense.
Intra sounds like introspective, a journey through ones own mind and that's what this feels like. A tribute to older zelda while exploring atmoshphere. Good mechanics at play I like how the broom is a sword and that rod that could cast blocks at the same time.

 I like the soundtrack the most, I'm listening to your stuff on soundcloud too and I just find it relaxing, and... nostalgic? myserious? It's a bit like Earthbound.

Level 0

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« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2012, 11:34:14 AM »

Just watched the preloader vid from the previous page. Registry.Registry.Registry.Registry.Registry someone's been reading Photonstorm  Grin

How'd you make the wavey distortion effect?

Good progress!

Level 10

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« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2012, 12:18:22 PM »

Just watched the preloader vid from the previous page. Registry.Registry.Registry.Registry.Registry someone's been reading Photonstorm  Grin

How'd you make the wavey distortion effect?

Good progress!

thanks!! Those registry references are my workaround for making multiple sound effects able to play without using FlxG.play (which apparently causes sounds to not be garbage collected). Maybe i'll go fix that or something at some point. the registry is super useful! global context hooray! (as long as i dont let it get out of hand...). photonstorm is the man, man.

the wavey effect - here for your knowledge (and documented far more than it was...), and my refreshing and better understanding of how i did it. The syntax of course is AS3 (and to some degree flixel) specific, but I imagine the concept basically extends to any language.

Might want to copy-pasta into a text editor for syntax highlighting. if you have more questions lemme know (thread/pm/etc). also the code thingy here makes my tabs look like single spaces oh well

/* Global-scope variables, stored in my global context class Registry.as */
public static var GFX_WAVE_EFFECT_ON:Boolean = false;
// Row at which we start the wave effect
public static var GFX_WAVE_EFFECT_START:Number = 0;
// Lookup table for the offsets of each chunk of the screen
public static var GFX_WAVE_TABLE:Array = new Array(-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,2,1,0,-1,-2);
// Index into the above table.
public static var GFX_WAVE_TABLE_INDEX:int = 0;
// Counter, that, when equal to zero, causes GFX_WAVE_TABLE_INDEX to be incremented.
public static var GFX_WAVE_TABLE_ROLLOVER:int = 0;
// Stores the original camera's view.
public static var GFX_BUFFER:BitmapData = new BitmapData(160, 180, true);

/** 'wave'-effect
* The general idea is to split the screen into rows and offset each row
* according to some set of values. In this case I just use the values in
* GFX_WAVE_TABLE. The height of each of these rows is determined by the
* maximum allowed value of GFX_WAVE_TABLE_ROLLOVER, in this case '15'
* (which i should have made a constant somewhere.
*       This is in the draw() function for a FlxState.

if (Registry.GFX_WAVE_EFFECT_ON) {

// Every new draw call, we change where the effect starts (which gives
// the illusion of the wavy-ness)
Registry.GFX_WAVE_EFFECT_START = (Registry.GFX_WAVE_EFFECT_START + 3) % 180;
Registry.GFX_BUFFER.copyPixels(FlxG.camera.buffer, FlxG.camera.buffer.rect, FlxG.camera.buffer.rect.topLeft);
FlxG.camera.buffer.lock(); // Stops the game from slowing the fuck down
// Note that the '180' and '160' here are specific to
// my game, you would change these based on what section of
// your screen you want to modify.

// This loop "shifts" a row of pixels.
for (var i:int = 0; i < 180; i++) {
// Iterate through a row of pixels.
for (var j:int = 0; j < 160; j++) {
j, // In the jth pixel...
Registry.GFX_WAVE_EFFECT_START,  // Of this row...
Registry.GFX_BUFFER.getPixel32(  // Set its color to a pixel offset from it.
// These mins and maxes are just a messy way to make sure that
// I only grab on-screen pixels, otherwise I get junk.
Math.min(Math.max(j + Registry.GFX_WAVE_TABLE[Registry.GFX_WAVE_TABLE_INDEX],0),159),
// When this counter rolls over, increment the offset-lookup-table index
// so that the next rows are offset by a different amount.
if (Registry.GFX_WAVE_TABLE_ROLLOVER == 0) {
// why the fuck did i write this next line like this
if (Registry.GFX_WAVE_TABLE_INDEX + 1> Registry.GFX_WAVE_TABLE.length) Registry.GFX_WAVE_TABLE_INDEX = 0;
// Increment so we modify the next row on the next iteration of the
// outer for loop. It would be better style if this variable had a
// different name. This is used rather than the for-loop index
                // because we don't always start iterating on the 0th row.
Registry.GFX_WAVE_EFFECT_START = (Registry.GFX_WAVE_EFFECT_START + 1) % 180;

 Just played the demo. Super sweet man. I love the feel of the thing. It's dream like, doesn't have to make sense.
Intra sounds like introspective, a journey through ones own mind and that's what this feels like. A tribute to older zelda while exploring atmoshphere. Good mechanics at play I like how the broom is a sword and that rod that could cast blocks at the same time.

 I like the soundtrack the most, I'm listening to your stuff on soundcloud too and I just find it relaxing, and... nostalgic? myserious? It's a bit like Earthbound.

thanks dude. a lot of the areas in the game are based around things within minds, but it's more of an optional aesthetic plus to the game - my intention is that it's not necessary to "get" it and still enjoy the game (i hope), but if you do, then great!  it passively increases the quality o_o, hopefully.

my goal is to really try and stick to the broom with a few modifications, rather than tack on items! glad you like them so far.

The art should become a lot better soon, i'm working with an actual artist, who will hopefully join the thread! woo-hoo. we hope to bring a wonderful sensory experience.

glad you like my music!(and thanks for the comparison to earthbound, i love that massive soundtrack) ....i'm finding the soundtrack for this game a lot of fun to work on, just short 1-2 minutes pieces for the variety of areas, translating a vision into sound is a fun thing for me. my electronic music skillz sort of blow (i'm a newbie to mixing and whatnot), but hopefully i can get my musical ideas across okay. the game file size will be a little big for a flash game, but, well,

fuck it!  Cool
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 12:44:45 PM by seagaia » Logged

play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2012, 06:06:12 AM »

Nothing new to look at (unless you want to see solid-fill placeholder art Tongue), but a lot of stuff done design-wise.

The biggest news is that I'm working with an artist now! Which I posted about in the previous post. He should have a tileset for the first dungeon soon, at which point I'll post some new pictures.

For items, I've decided to have two items and then a passive effect. The passive effect will modify  things  (Sort of like rings from OoA or OoS), probably about the weapon. T The second item(s) are secrets.....but they're helpful in the movement department. There will only be a few items and effects. Probably like 5 and 4. Don't want to get too caught up designing that stuff.

misc stuff:

design -
-Fleshed out the world structure a little more. Lots of time on the Megabus was a good brainstorming session.
-Main structure of 2nd dungeon in place
-Bare structure of 3rd (or 4th, not really an order) in place
-blog post on design-ish stuff: http://seagaia.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/intra-status-update-1/ . this was when i last was wanting to use health.

-Add a new enemy type
-Fix some logic with objects
-Add some tile types that are partial-collidable - only the first (or last) 3 rows (or columns) of pixels are solid (this lets me place them on the top and bottom (or sides) of rooms to give extra 'space' for the player.

Still mulling over the issue of health. I think I'm slightly leaning towards keeping it in (intelligently), there just aren't any really good ideas for making health-less dungeons work well. It's been painful, I think I've gone between wanting and not wanting it a few times in the past few days. Grr.


play hydlide 2
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« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2012, 10:05:19 PM »

Hi, just checking in here!  I'm the artist and I'm excited to be working on this project.  Intra's off to a really solid start, and there are a lot of cool design goals in play here.  I've been interested in game dev forever, but my projects usually get stuck because I'm not that good of a programmer (I grew up on ZZT, OHRRPGCE, and Gamemaker).  So this is a really cool opportunity for me.

One point of interest: I've been looking forever for a good tile-editing program.  There's few enough that have a tiling preview, and the ones that do usually aren't that flexible.  But last night I figured out a really cool setup in Photoshop that allows for great, flexible previewing, using smart objects!  When I have time later, I'll make a full post about it, because it's exactly the kind of thing I've been looking for for years and it works amazingly well for me!

The first tileset is coming along well.  A lot of the tiles are at least sort of done.  Probably will need to do a few passes of refinement, but hopefully we'll have some screenshots soon.

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« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2012, 02:48:42 AM »

Ah yes, I've experienced the sound thing too. The fix discussed in this thread seems to work for me http://forums.flixel.org/index.php/topic,4795.msg26637.html

For the effect, pretty cool approach but I wonder if it wouldn't have been easier to achieve using a displacement filter like so http://active.tutsplus.com/tutorials/effects/create-a-static-distortion-effect-using-the-displacement-map-filter/ . I thought it was pretty genius when I saw Auriplane using it to get a magnifying glass up and running in just a few lines http://forums.flixel.org/index.php/topic,6414.msg36080.html#msg36080

Anyways, it looks great so probably not worth bothering with now, just thought I'd share the approach cause I thought it was pretty cool when U saw it  Well, hello there!

Level 10

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« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2012, 11:13:47 AM »

Ah yes, I've experienced the sound thing too. The fix discussed in this thread seems to work for me http://forums.flixel.org/index.php/topic,4795.msg26637.html

For the effect, pretty cool approach but I wonder if it wouldn't have been easier to achieve using a displacement filter like so http://active.tutsplus.com/tutorials/effects/create-a-static-distortion-effect-using-the-displacement-map-filter/ . I thought it was pretty genius when I saw Auriplane using it to get a magnifying glass up and running in just a few lines http://forums.flixel.org/index.php/topic,6414.msg36080.html#msg36080

Anyways, it looks great so probably not worth bothering with now, just thought I'd share the approach cause I thought it was pretty cool when U saw it  Well, hello there!

oh yeah, something like that would be way useful if wanted a more complex effect and wanted to be able to fine tune it with out throwing myself out of a window!


There's been lots of work done, but this "video devlog" is probably more amusing


play hydlide 2
Level 8


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« Reply #31 on: July 02, 2012, 12:51:03 PM »

Hey I played this for the first time today. I don't have too much useful feedback, as I think it's already quite good and nothing really stuck out for me, except maybe one thing. The screen size is just really, really small. Also NG is an awesome site but at the same time I really wish to be able to immerse myself in a game like this, so having it hosted on your own site with a black background would be nicer, for me (but that doesn't mean it's what *you* want to do with it.)

I don't mean change the actual size in game-pixels but maybe if the game-pixels were each one real-pixel wider, I dunno!

Cool game, will play more!
Level 10

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« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2012, 09:41:52 AM »

Hey I played this for the first time today. I don't have too much useful feedback, as I think it's already quite good and nothing really stuck out for me, except maybe one thing. The screen size is just really, really small. Also NG is an awesome site but at the same time I really wish to be able to immerse myself in a game like this, so having it hosted on your own site with a black background would be nicer, for me (but that doesn't mean it's what *you* want to do with it.)

I don't mean change the actual size in game-pixels but maybe if the game-pixels were each one real-pixel wider, I dunno!

Cool game, will play more!

Thanks for the suggestion, I quite like it a little bigger actually . I do think it would be nicer without other visual noise. NG lets you pop the game up and maximize the window but there's still a little visual noise. I'd love to host the end product on my own website, but it depends on what the sponsors say (planning on some flash sponsorship for money at the moment...i don't know if that will change, not really sure).

alright, onwards!

maybe a screenshot or something later. some cool stuff in the pipeline....

for now, the prototype of an effect that will show up when you can't open a door:


play hydlide 2
Level 8


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« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2012, 09:18:22 PM »

Awesome effect. I hope you do get sponsored, and for lots. =) That way you can keep making great games like this.
Level 10

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« Reply #34 on: July 07, 2012, 05:33:10 PM »

Awesome effect. I hope you do get sponsored, and for lots. =) That way you can keep making great games like this.

Thanks Smiley

Motivation, it comes and goes. Moods swing multiple times per day. It's tough but whatever.

I wrote a little blog post on health, dungeon design, and the general structure of the game.


I also implemented dialogue, some infrastructure for placing in NPCs (very limited in interaction - nothing complex), a basic implmentation of free-roaming areas, which will help with ambiance in some places (As opposed to 10x10 tile dungeon rooms).

Also got started on the 2nd boss..and...and...worked a lot on some new songs. I have one that I think is almost pretty neat!!! Redoing the first dungeon's song since it feels a little too generic in light of the new tileset.

And of course, design. Brainstorming how to put together these other dungeons, as well as the areas around them.

There's a few new things visually. Marina made some awesome concept art for a few areas. Here's one of them.

And there are some new sprites too!

Wooooo okay.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 02:22:54 AM by melos han-tani » Logged

play hydlide 2
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« Reply #35 on: July 10, 2012, 08:07:10 PM »

we're alive!

- Mostly brainstorming, design, and fleshing out of the themes of the game more strongly - items, dungeons, etc.
- Little things that will be nice, like finally getting draw-order to be "right"
- Other little secrets.

Not a lot that's showable, but trying to work on making a demo that's (essentially) the same as this one, but with reworked graphics and other additional changes made in the past 3 weeks. No idea when that'll be coming, but eventually - we're focusing on the rest of the game at the moment.

play hydlide 2
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« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2012, 04:42:22 PM »

Hi all!  Jon here.  Here's a screenshot of my tile workflow in Photoshop.  I'm using smart objects to create a little live preview area, and it's working really well!  As I said earlier, I'll probably post a tutorial about it later, because there are a lot of really cool things that it lets you do.  But you can probably just figure it out for yourself if you've used photoshop.  I also have a bit of concept art there, so you can see how I've decided to translate the concept art to tiles.

Of course all the tiles you've seen so far have just been my first go.  As I do more of the tilesets, I'll also be going back and tweaking, as well as adding a lot more variety in the tilesets!  Any feedback welcome, as well.

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« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2012, 07:48:01 PM »


..luckily fixed by now phew

and i'm going to say the least exciting update possible.

i fixed the lua exporter for xml data so now empty level-editor-set properties don't get written to file.

work on the 3rd dungeon continues.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 07:54:58 PM by seagaia » Logged

play hydlide 2
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« Reply #38 on: July 16, 2012, 06:15:38 AM »

o hi
(new player sprite)

this weekend:

The main things are:

-Hauled ass on the 2nd boss and 3rd dungeon. Pretty happy with them so far. Had to implement a handful of new entities for the 3rd dungeon, a few of I will get to reuse in later areas...
-Finished a song (I think.) http://soundcloud.com/seagaia/intra-fields-tentative-title

And a number of other things which are considerably less interesting, but necessary (how many times have I said this before?)

Some numbers:
~40 entity types in terms of interactive things in dungeons! (enemies, things that do stuff..)...I should start reusing stuff. I don't think that number should hit over 60, though.

My goals for the week:

-Design and code boss 3
-Flesh out ideas for dungeons 5 and 6
-Design dungeon 4.
  -Code new entities for dungeon 4
-Finish dungeon 1's new music, do dungeon 2's music.
-New boss song.
-Code the minimap system.
-Stick animation and SFX placeholders in placeholder-art-sprites.
-Finish animation for unlocking the large doors.

Still working a full time internship at the moment, but it ends in 2 weeks.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 08:04:02 AM by seagaia » Logged

play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #39 on: July 16, 2012, 06:58:26 AM »

Hah, wow, that player character is a whole lot better (though, is he wearing shades?). I don't know if it's a joke or not, but anyway, nice work. I'll have to listen to the song. Keep up development!

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