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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsAnodyne - Android version available now
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Author Topic: Anodyne - Android version available now  (Read 143834 times)
Level 10

I'm afraid of americans...

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« Reply #40 on: July 16, 2012, 07:30:23 AM »

Dark circles, obviously.

Level 10

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« Reply #41 on: July 16, 2012, 08:05:01 AM »

Hah, wow, that player character is a whole lot better (though, is he wearing shades?). I don't know if it's a joke or not, but anyway, nice work. I'll have to listen to the song. Keep up development!

Dark circles, obviously.

Goggles! (thanks, jon!)


play hydlide 2
Level 1

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« Reply #42 on: July 16, 2012, 10:23:51 AM »

Those new graphics make a huge difference. It's good to see such an improvement. Keep it up! I also like the concept art. I've always been a fan of the rough sketchy look.

Level 10

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« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2012, 12:43:40 PM »

Those new graphics make a huge difference. It's good to see such an improvement. Keep it up! I also like the concept art. I've always been a fan of the rough sketchy look.


Intra has been renamed Anodyne because we feel it better reflects what the game is becoming compared to when I named it a month or so ago.

Managed to finish refactoring that I had been slowly doing over the past few weeks, as well as get a start on the 3rd boss and start planning out the 4th dungeon, as well as structure of a hub-like area and a redesign of the collectible items in the game.

Also, minimaps work. Swell!

I begin to feel that this type of game was maybe too big of an endeavor design-wise. I seem to be handling it okay in the music and programming department, but there's a lot of really tough decisions being made! Oh well. The end product will still be our best effort.


play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #44 on: July 20, 2012, 09:16:44 PM »

Hopefully I can haul some ass this weekend.

We have a website now, it is moderately acceptable.

I started coding some entities for the 4th dungeon yesterday night, as well as implementing a bit of the 4th dungeon.

Made a few tweaks to the intro dungeon , Jon made a nice new tileset for it:

Also redesigning the very beginning of the game to be a little less awkward.

play hydlide 2
Level 10

It's been eons

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« Reply #45 on: July 21, 2012, 12:09:05 AM »

Man, the new art makes all of the difference - it's a lot more dark and foreboding. I think the holes could use cracks (rather than just being sharp drop-offs) and I'm not certain of what the blobs are (enemies, I'd assume, though I can't quite tell).

Level 10

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« Reply #46 on: July 21, 2012, 05:20:28 PM »

Man, the new art makes all of the difference - it's a lot more dark and foreboding. I think the holes could use cracks (rather than just being sharp drop-offs) and I'm not certain of what the blobs are (enemies, I'd assume, though I can't quite tell).

thanks! reaction to the art has been positive, which i'm glad about. i'll pass the slime thing along to jon. the cracks and holes are still holdovers from my original ones, jon will be fixing those up at some point.


This day in GUESS THE GIMMICK. Today I've  been working on dungeon 4, and some new entities for that dungeon. Also demo'd a demo-demo to some people. IRL

« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 05:47:13 PM by seagaia » Logged

play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #47 on: July 25, 2012, 06:58:55 AM »

I've finished the majority of the entities of Dungeon 4, and also probably a little over half of the rooms. I know the structure of the rest of the dungeon as well as a number of elements I want to combine in the rooms, and I also have a good idea of what I want the boss to be. Also have done a lot more with the 3rd boss.

As for music, worked on dungeon 2's song...I think the song is there, but the instruments have to be changed. Finished the structure of the 2nd half to the plains song, also needs instrument tweaking and a listening with a fresh ear. Found the tempo change feature of REAPER (finally), so I can use some ritardando...finally.

Basially it's grind time. There's not much new "big" stuff being thought of, just later dungeon entities and a couple of bosses...game structure/flow/content is basically finalized. Leaving New York in a few days so I will be able to work "spill"? time on this (vs full/part time?)

play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #48 on: July 26, 2012, 07:30:27 AM »

secret bonus tigsouce only devlog update

wip for an area. it's a continuation of the "plains" song, but in a more rainy, rough, hilly, dark blue and dark area.


i hope the music fits with the graphics and gameplay okay. trying hard to keep stuff somewhat timbre/quality-similar.

play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #49 on: July 28, 2012, 07:40:00 AM »

Yo everyone there's a small demo build that is the same content as the other one but with new art. It's probably all the content (plus two toher smalla reas) that will be in the final demo whenever that comes along. The rest...is in the game! muahahah


also we have a twitter account] for the game now!

here's a sexy tileset by jon:



play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #50 on: July 31, 2012, 03:56:49 PM »


new stuff to look at soon.

I think I might start talking less specifics now, to avoid ruining the fun.

More dungeon work, and a lot of work on songs and some "cutscene" things.

for the meantime, here's something i'm working on.


trying to decide where it best fits in the game. hmmmmmmmm.

also made a silly ambient track for one area. well, not silly. ambient stuff is always kind of fun to make, because it really feels like sculpting out a track.

right, back to work

play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #51 on: August 04, 2012, 06:23:12 PM »


I worked more on dungeons and bosses, running through the dungeons and doing bugfixes as I go.

It's interesting to ahve the liberty in later dungeons to combine elements in strange ways that is only possible after the player's gone through the easier areas of the game. Kind of fun. A little mind bending and exhausting to think of these things, but hey.

jon did a tileset for another one of the intro areas! it looks really cool.

here's a moderately intimidating looking room:

and here's one of the songs i've been worrking on this week. it's....nontraditional...for a dungeon song. i don't know. i like it. it's one theme that sort of goes under a different interpretation partway through. r

it's super secret and only available through here for now!

play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #52 on: August 07, 2012, 07:14:57 PM »

still alive...maybe

finished a dungeon, and a boss. and like a million other things, I can't really remember at this point <_>

worked a bit on the intro section of the game, a bunch of fixes...etc, yes, basically progress.

jon can put in little sprites that are animated and are like foreground things, as well as have environmental effects on the feet (think walking in grass or water in Zelda)

I need to update our fake greenlight page, finish a blog post on Anodyne, update the website with the new graphics...hm hm.

I don't have internet in my apartment at the moment which is why I am pretty inactive lately!

« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 07:25:31 PM by seagaia » Logged

play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #53 on: August 09, 2012, 09:13:41 AM »

I'm gonna update every day with small things. For posterity. I think that's the word...

I'm listening to this song "Toy Factory" by George and Jonathan. It's playful and squeaky and pretty cute.

Right - I'm probably going to skimp on details from now on just because I don't want to spoil all of the game!

Well, so far today I worked a bit on programming a boss. Yesterday I did design of that boss, so now it's down to implementation.

I also did some refactoring when I couldn't motivate myself to do other things. Not "real" work, but makes me feel a little sane - sound management, file organization, etc.

There's one big dungeon left to finish. I'm in the early design phase, but I have a special mechanic planned for that one.

Working on songs for areas. A nice melodic piece that is translated from the piano, and then a few ambient ones.

Not related to the game:

Going to get a pizza soon, to force myself to go outside, since the only time I've been outside was Tuesday night and mid-wednesday to throw out the trash. I think I almost started a fire making dinner yesterday.

Been playing through LoZ:OoA. Skull Dungeon has terrible, terrible, checkpoints. Jumping on moving platforms is janky as hell. But, I think it has a really nice, beautiful, fluid structure to it...it just needs a way that stops you from having to walk through an insane number of rooms if you die before the miniboss.

play hydlide 2
Level 10

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« Reply #54 on: August 10, 2012, 10:35:19 PM »

Hi everyone. today I ate a large sandwich.

Also, I wrote this post, "Old Zelda-like dungeon design in anodyne, part 1", where I talk a bit about figuring out the scale and structure of a dungeon, and some of my process when doing this for Anodyne:


I also worked a bit on designing a dungeon today, coding up a new interactive entity, and fleshing out my ideas for some of the areas so Jon is able to have an easier time drawing tiles and the like.


play hydlide 2
Indier Than Thou
Level 10

TIG Mascot

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« Reply #55 on: August 11, 2012, 12:23:41 AM »

Oh man, this looks and sounds fantastic. I'll be keeping an eye on you... Blink

Level 10

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« Reply #56 on: August 12, 2012, 09:10:05 PM »

Oh man, this looks and sounds fantastic. I'll be keeping an eye on you... Blink



Guess what I did today? I went to Costco. And some other things.

Since I was out and about for most of the weekend, I only got to do little design notes in my tiny ass-pocket notebook. Have most of the new entities for a new dungeon planned out. Which is the last dungeon in the game. And then finally get to get around to working around non-dungeon areas at full speed. Been doing a lot of music for those areas and playing with musical ideas and so forth...

Gotta program a lot of new stuff, then make the dungeon. Test it, incorporate new tiles, write more music, finish bosses, then work on those other areas, and do tying stuff together.

Feasible? Feasible. Hell yeah

Well, back to work then.

play hydlide 2
« Reply #57 on: August 13, 2012, 04:38:07 AM »

Looks sweeeeeet. Smiley
Level 8

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« Reply #58 on: August 13, 2012, 10:06:23 AM »


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« Reply #59 on: August 15, 2012, 12:12:51 PM »

Looks sweeeeeet. Smiley



: o


I had a bit of family stuff to do the past days so I ended up working in quite awkward spots for me (a hospital waiting room, on the highway, beds). Tomorrow, an airplane.

Yesterday night was  finishing a boss. A bit of design decisions made there and some mostly boilerplate programming...if I took more time to define some abstractions for projectiles and their fake shadows and all this then it might go a little faster, but I'm at the point where I'm close to done with enemies so whatever.

Other little things, of course! Some other entities finished for this dungeon.

play hydlide 2
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