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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsThe game formerly known as Chroma
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Author Topic: The game formerly known as Chroma  (Read 63763 times)
Dr. Cooldude
« Reply #260 on: November 12, 2012, 05:27:28 AM »


heh, just kidding, good luck with the IGF! Wink
Level 1

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« Reply #261 on: November 13, 2012, 01:44:57 AM »


heh, just kidding, good luck with the IGF! Wink

Hehehehehehehe "OR ELSE" :D

Chris Polus
Level 3

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« Reply #262 on: November 13, 2012, 02:54:16 AM »

Yay, developed on a Mac Smiley

Drone Swarm, Rescue HQ, Bus Simulator, Son of Nor
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« Reply #263 on: November 13, 2012, 05:25:11 AM »

Yay, developed on a Mac Smiley

Would be better if were : "developed on Linux", but still better then windows.

Sad minecraft didnt copyright squares
Level 10

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« Reply #264 on: November 13, 2012, 08:24:18 AM »

Yay, developed on a Mac Smiley

Would be better if were : "developed on Linux", but still better then windows.


Level 2

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« Reply #265 on: November 13, 2012, 01:38:36 PM »

Yay, developed on a Mac Smiley

Would be better if were : "developed on Linux", but still better then windows.


Yes,thanks, Windows hater here.  Outraged

Sad minecraft didnt copyright squares
Level 1

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« Reply #266 on: November 13, 2012, 02:54:21 PM »

Would be better if were : "developed on Linux", but still better then windows.

Level 2

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« Reply #267 on: November 13, 2012, 03:41:03 PM »

Would be better if were : "developed on Linux", but still better then windows.

you wasn't referring to Linux, was? you...you...

Sad minecraft didnt copyright squares
Level 10

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« Reply #268 on: November 13, 2012, 04:56:57 PM »

glad oyu're alive!

play hydlide 2
Level 4

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« Reply #269 on: November 14, 2012, 01:12:43 PM »

glad oyu're alive!
me too!

Something for your eyes:

graphics on the bricks are just random crap I was trying and the BG is a placeholder so feel free to ignore that.

After writing the contents of the above image it then led me onto re-factoring my doors, they worked but were a bit shitty, now everything is a bit more flexible, although still not finished sorting some of the code for it just yet.

Level 1

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« Reply #270 on: November 15, 2012, 12:49:05 AM »

glad oyu're alive!
me too!

Something for your eyes:

graphics on the bricks are just random crap I was trying and the BG is a placeholder so feel free to ignore that.

After writing the contents of the above image it then led me onto re-factoring my doors, they worked but were a bit shitty, now everything is a bit more flexible, although still not finished sorting some of the code for it just yet.

Why everytime you post a screen I feel more amazed and more in loved with the game  Shocked

Level 0

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« Reply #271 on: November 15, 2012, 02:47:43 AM »

This is awesome, Claw. I love the light/shadow mechanic and the overall look and feel. I like when the darkness is "broken" by some coloured element in the scene.
Level 0


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« Reply #272 on: November 15, 2012, 08:54:10 PM »

This is so full of win.

Kilig: noun. It is the sudden feeling of an inexplicable joy one gets when something romantic or idealistic occurs. I don\'t think there\'s an English word or phrase for it. even Butterfly Stomach doesn\'t do justice to \"kilig\".
Level 5


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« Reply #273 on: November 15, 2012, 10:14:26 PM »


Sweet - eye candy.  That's some nice graphics you've got there. Anyway, this looks pretty interesting. Following.
Level 4

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« Reply #274 on: November 16, 2012, 04:07:20 PM »

Something for screenshotsaturday


Level 1

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« Reply #275 on: November 19, 2012, 10:40:18 AM »

This is really inspiring, really looking forward to playing this!

Level 1

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« Reply #276 on: November 20, 2012, 01:51:34 AM »

Okay I have some thoughts about the way light interacts with the environment. It's pretty awesome, yet some things don't really make sense when you think about it in a 3D way (which actually doesn't have to be relevant).

In your last screenshot for example (as well as the rest), there's this circle of light around the player, that illuminates the "front side" (the side facing the camera) of the ground you're standing on, and also the walls. That wouldn't really happen in a 3D world. The way shadows project to the background wall looks good though. Of course, this is not necessarily wrong, because it's a 2D game, but you know, just raising a point that might be useful to you if you think it's relevant.

That being said, this is the most exciting game in development in some time, so I'll be keeping an eye on this, not only because of aesthetics and gameplay, but also how the symbolism and story will play into it.

Level 4

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« Reply #277 on: November 20, 2012, 03:46:51 AM »

Thanks for the kind words Sergi, and yeah you're totally right. When you think about the shadows and light in the game none of it actually makes sense in the real world, (well not that walking on shadows would ever make sense but you know what I mean Tongue)

The problems arise in translating between shadows using the third dimension and the fact the game is set in an orthographic 2D world. I basically hack my way around all of this using 2 shadow types:

Same plane projection - these are the shadows that are projected from solid tiles in any direction (like in Gish).

Backward projection - Redrawing tiles on the back wall, using 3D projection and handing in depth to move them back.

These together give a neat 3Dish sort of effect and still allow me to handle the physics in a relatively simple manner. There's no convergence between these 2 shadows types though so it's not a real 3D shadow volume type thing at all.

The front side lighting thing is purely because if I didn't light that up it would look pretty dull! I'm throwing reality clean out the window for all of this and going with what feels good/looks good/works Smiley In 3D terms, the light source isn't actually on the player, but on the camera pointing at the player.

Where it gets a little odd is one way platforms, anything that's a one way platform will be projected back and yet you can walk on it, so looks a little odd when you think about it.

Really appreciate the feedback, you're the first to address this issue and it does play on my mind from time to time. Any thoughts on how it could be done better?

Also I'm glad you're interested in symbolism and story as it's the bit I most love Grin

Level 1

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« Reply #278 on: November 20, 2012, 04:38:34 AM »

I bet you've put waay more thought into it than I have, so I don't think there'd be many alternatives. Of course, the more realistic way would be to only see the background wall, but then it would be too dark and boring. So yeah, it's the best of both worlds, and more eye candy Smiley

I like the "HD" way of doing pixel art, with dynamic lights, shader effects, etc. Have you thought about post-processing after the render? Something like bloom effects and all that AAA stuff? No anti-aliasing, of course...  Big Laff

I was wondering something though. Lately I try to research developers history to get a feel of the kind experience usually needed to make (in my opinion) good and successful games. You said you quit your day job (good luck, I think you'll make it), and I've read around these parts that you've made at least a couple of other games (Telepaint and the iOS Snake). You probably made a lot more. Could you, if it's not too personal and/or off-topic, describe the kind of experience you have? Like, other games you've made, related jobs you've had...  Droop

Level 4

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« Reply #279 on: November 20, 2012, 05:31:10 AM »

I'm using post-process blur for glowing stuff and the pulse effect when switching to shadow walking; I actually tried a sort of bloom/overall glow effect but it didn't look very good - became too overpowering. I'll probably consider some crazy effects/techniques as it progresses and see what happens. I actually tried using god rays but it didn't look great + was very GPU intensive.

The games posted on my site are the tip of the iceberg I guess, I've been attempting to make games since I was about 13. Life story commencing in 3, 2, 1....

Started out with klik n play and don't remember what I made with it (I have a terrible memory and it was over a decade ago!). I moved onto using the games factory and made some sort of game engines by looking at how other people were making games in TGF, mostly based around sonic the hedgehog.

I would start ideas and never finish, like a tamagotchi thing, sonic games, stuff like that. From there I ended up with a copy of blitz BASIC and started learning, my first programming language. All the logic from TGF/knp etc carried over for games and I worked on making my own game engine there which resulted in RoboMonkey (another unfinished thing).

I went to uni, studying 'games technology'. The course was pretty shit and didn't learn much through it, but it introduced me to openGL which I loved and have stuck with since.

While I was at uni I made a text adventure game for one class which I didn't enjoy (not a fan of text games). One assignment was to make a card flipping game which was kinda fun, in java so learned that while I was there. Another assignment was to make Pong and space invaders, in blitz BASIC which was pretty good for me since I already knew the language - I started the assignment 2 hours before it was due and jammed out space invaders and pong in that time and got a 2:1 for it, my first game jam!

Dissertation was making a physics engine in XNA, turned out to be crappy and I wish I'd done something more fun but it felt interesting at the time.

I started staring down the golden pathway of iOS games, hoping to make the next angry birds and spend my life making games (naively of course). Made some prototype stuff, one about cells needing to eat each other, which later inspired hyper snake, and one game called MR POOP where you were a turd dropping down a toilet bowl (seriously) although it didn't take me long to realise this was a bad idea and not a fun game.

Oh almost forgot, I actually started making a platformer for iOS and got 50% or more through it and gave in as the code became really bad and I just didnt think it was a great idea. You hit switches to rotate gravity; wasn't that bad but just never really inspired me that much.

I should mention the iOS stuff started as I began my first real job as a software engineer making warehouse management systems in C (where I currently still work) and I've been there for 2 years now.

That's as much as I can remember, probably some crappy little games here and there I missed and never saw the light of day. A lot has changed since I began at 13, I have a better understanding of how things work and what life requires, and the determination to push past bad parts of things and get stuff done. That's why I decided to start making Chroma, I felt I was ready to make the game I'd always wanted to, but twisted and changed from life experiences.

Wall of text there and getting a bit dark towards the end but there you go, my game developing life in a nutshell  Tongue

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