Dear Tigersauces: 
Due to the recent and sudden death of my grandmother, i wasn't able to put at least what i wanted (even though, everything was ready engine and graphic wise) in the game.
Despite this, im presenting what i have, as "finished" even tho, its not so rough around the edges, it lacks content (wich hopefully in a couple of days/week(s) i could add the 10 or so, extra levels that i had in mind.
It was something really fun to work on, and i felt really happy about the response (specially that of the original creators).
I also left a couple of lines of (non invasive) text, in the way of a tribute to my grandmother, and my girlfriend, wich...well, i just don't have words to express the ammount of love and support that she has given me.
I hope that you guys don't feel like its too cheesy or ugly in-game, nor think that i was under the impression of wining an oscar or something...simply, like i said, it was some kind of little "tribute"
Having said that, i hope you enjoy it, the original is a fantastic game and kudos obviously go to Alec and Derek, tho, i must admit, i only have played trough the demo, and seen a few playtrough videos on youtube.
The music and sfx is by flod, tho unfortunally i havent heard from him in a couple of days, so a couple of sounds/music are missing, but what we have there, its top notch 

Okay, since i couldn't get a partner for this one, i figured "the hell with it", and im doing my own thing alone.
Don't have much to show, for right now, but ill post progress here.

Day 1:
Started working on some basic GFX, and fiddling around with MMF, the platform of choise for every mediocre artist.
I'll update with some crap later on.
Update Day 1:Screenshot time!, N.E.S. STYLE!
Sum up Day 1:So, it wasn't really a day, since i had a ton of crap to do, and right now a penal exam to study for.
I did manage however:
-Work on title screen.
-A bunch of animations.
-A bit of scenery.
-A bit of a working engine.
Here are some in-game actual shots 2X sized for your viewing pleasure.

Anyway, thanks for all the cool comments, and hope i don't make a mess out of this gem-of-a-source-im-working on.
Day 2:
Ok, so i slept trough some of my ideas, and some are being tossed away, while others are definitive, they add a bit to the "Woah" factor, so, maybe i won't post things related to them yet.
I have a bit of a wip sample of the title screen that needs to be corrected since the title of the game (definitive now) is;
Aquarium with the subtitle
The Underwater Cave StoryAnd obviously i was building it (WIpish tho) around the name "Marina", so i have to change that, tho, the "font" i think resembles that of Aquaria, so im happy with that.
I also managed to work a bit on the part where Naija (do i need to change the name?) enters the underwater cave, and obviously she walks...that anim is ready too, and i'm using the default MMF engine, otherwise *I* would never finish it.
Now, it cap time, in game, 2X sized.

Day 3:Ok, sooooo!, my exams are over (till the new ones come up

) and even tho, yesterday i didnt get much done, a couple of minutes ago , while i was working on the walking-engine, (and together with the good news that the deadline has been extended) i figured i should do something a bit different; and even tho, i really liked the original idea i had, im kinda tossing it away, in favour of something a bit more clever, puzzle like.
In case anyone is interested, the original idea revolved around semi-short, action oriented stages, driven by plot scenes (think ninja gaiden nes) and the story basically was, that while Naija was hanging out in home waters, she feels an she goes "out" she sees some large rocks collapsing, and strange flow in the verse (yeah weird but i had to tie it up), as she defeates the first boss, another cinematic goes on, where she breafly sees a figure covered in black clothes(similar to the one in Aquaria at the start (wich supossedly is behind it all). Later on, she meets with Curly Brace (yeah thats why it had the "clever" subtitle; Underwater Cave Story) as a playable character wich can be used at any time by pressing "select"(same as Naija), using the special abilities of each to advance, and it follows the events that happened shortly after the ending on Cave Story...blabla the end.
So, the new concept, is to stay more true to the original Aquaria, and keep it water-only gameplay, but more focused on puzzles driven missions.
I already worked on a few new enemies, and im thinking up some missions...ii think it should be pretty doable, and a nice experience all around.
Ill be sure to post progress.
Those thingies shoot at you