Thanks for the feedback! And yea, I really wish I had more playtesters during the week the 7dfps challenge was on. I literally only had 2 or 3 that gave good feedback. In retrospect I should have posted it here, but I didn't think I had the time.
- The exit node has to be connected for a while, but there is no visible progress. It should either (nearly) instantly send you to the next level, or there should be some really clear progress like a (circular) bar filling up.
Yea, this is the main point of confusion I think. I made an update to make it clearer, but that obvoisly was not enough.
The beam is only an illustration of the connection, the actual connection itself is the streams going through it. Only one is needed to power the teleporter.
I stopped at the first level with some enemies. I had no idea what to do there (disable the shield? but how?), and the enemies didn't make it any easier.
Disable the shield the same way you did it on the last two levels, by making sure no power gets to it! The shield beeps when on low power, so if it beeps you probably are going in the right direction. Also, I hid a few secrets on that level, I'm kinda curious to see if anyone found them.
Are you planning on improving the game? It seems to have a lot of potential and it looks like a game I would enjoy, so I'd really like to play a version which is easier to understand!
Thanks! I have a few ideas that should make it much easier to play, but it would require an overhaul, and I'd rather make a new game in the same style. So maybe, if there's enough demand :D