Hey everyone,
With TIGJam Australia now over I thought I'd share some of the photos taken by
Chad Toprak of the event. All-in-all I think we had around 10+ games made and we pretty much sold out tickets (50+ people :D).
We had an optional theme for the event which people could use to build game ideas on, the theme, since it was a picture, is at
http://tigjam.com.au/theme/. From the pictures below you can see we had a number of people use the theme as a basis.
The full album of photos can be found at
https://plus.google.com/photos/115447840882162631201/albums/5765630866596819761?authkey=CNTH6s7OlrOufw and later today / tonight / tomorrow I'm going to put up a 2012/Winter section on the website
with both photos and the games themselves, but without further ado:
Everyone working (probably Sunday afternoon?)

The whiteboard at the end of the jam

When you needed a break..

Presentations at the end

Game: Zombies and Dragons (without zombies or dragons)

Game: Ghost Safety Squad

Game: Duck

Game: They are faster than you


Game: Oswald the Elephant

Game: Squeeze, Hunt, Dodge

Game: Dark Coma Dream

Game: CubeD

Game: Cats Boom (HD)

Until next time...