And felt like making a thread to share that with the world, or at least the chunk of it that stumbles across this thread. Unfortunately in recent months I've really slowed down in the music production area; I simply find it very difficult to come up with something that feels interesting enough to be worth expanding into a full piece. Despite that, I feel that I am generally trending upwards in compositional skill, even if my taste for the work isn't keeping pace. Over the next few months, I'm going to be exploring the idea of expanding my studio with some more professional equipment and software and seeing what that does to inspire me to expand my work. If this thread proves to be popular at all I may just throw the results of any such experimentation here as it happens.
Anyway I don't want to do a lot of dancing about architecture here, but I figured with each thing I posted I'd throw on a brief description of where it came from and maybe some aspects which I notably like or dislike. I'll probably start with just a few tracks and then if they get a good response maybe put up a few more and so forth.
Oh one last note; I'm influenced by game music soundtracks sufficiently that I tend to structure these pieces the same way, in that they have a defined loop point and each track loops once. However, I do usually try to create an actual ending after that loop rather than just a fadeout, and to make up for the loop I try to keep the repetition in composition as minimal as possible.
Depths of the SeaLet's start off with something accessible- a remix of the Undersea Palace theme from Chrono Trigger. I'm sure many of you must be familiar with this piece. I believe that at the time I created this I was frustrated by remixers' tendency to completely ignore everything about a piece except for the notes and just go off in their own direction. My intention with this piece was to capture the same feel as the original, but stated in a different way and, perhaps, amplified somewhat. I will leave it to the listeners to decide how well I succeeded.
The Day With No SunOkay, this one's an original. This composition is melodically rather dull, but the intense percussion and striking dynamic shifts I think keep it interesting. I'm particularly proud of how the orchestral percussion turned out.
Red Glass DanceA piano-solo waltzy piece, this was somewhat inspired by the track Dance of Pales from Symphony of the Night, though it's only really noticeable during the intro. I tried to randomize the velocities and start/stop times a little bit to make it sound more human, but it curiously had kind of the opposite effect; some might call it more mechanical, but I simply to prefer to think of it as though the virtual pianist were slightly drunk.
Vision StoneThis is probably one of my most accessible pieces; it tends to get pretty strong initial positive reactions. It's probably one of my most accessible original compositions, though far from my personal favorite, as I don't think it holds up to repeat listening nearly as well as the others.
OracleAnd, for contrast, here's a piece that's one of my personal favorites that many other people have strongly negative reactions to. I think the reason for that is that it uses some complex polyrhythms which to most people just sound like garbage. I'd be curious to hear whether people here like it or not.