My name is Robert, I run a BlackMoon Design (
http://blackmoondev.com) indie game studio.
We're in the process of finishing a realtime strategy game called "the Few".
It depicts the Battle of Britain - the aerial combat for Britain during the WWII.
The player decides both about strategic choices (which planes to build, where to send reinforcements, where each squadron should fly on patrol) as well as tactic battles.
Here's a strategic map screenshot:
And a sneak-peak of how the tactical part look like:
The game is developed with Adobe AIR (Flash basically) and will be released for iOS (both iPhone and iPad version), PC/Mac and possibly for BB Playbook, Android and Kindle Fire.
We plan to release the game by the end of September 2012.
Here's the video from the early development version gameplay:
I'll keep this post updated with new info about the game - in the meantime (if you would like to show us some support;) - you can "like" the Few page at Facebook -
https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Few/403159003080042Shoot me a reply, facebook message or tweet @blackmoondev if there's anything you would like to know about this game.