Oh I knew there was a tig steam greenlight thread, but I couldn't find it for some reason!
Thanks for digging it up Smintheus.
I just put up a game on Greenlight for the first time, Sluggy's Tiny Adventure.
It's a game I started during the latest Ludum Dare, and I've been working on it further since. The theme was Shapeshifting. I ranked 22nd overall and 7th on visuals!
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=677647282I've been reading through this topic a bit, and it seems like Greenlight has changed a lot since it started? Apparently you used to not even see how many votes you got, and only some vague percentile-based stat ranking your game with the others? I get a lot of stats now. Total views, favorites, followers, votes, as well as the average numbers of the current top 50 games. It even shows a graph to give you an idea of how the successful campaigns went over a 30 day period.
Someone said you needed around 100 000 votes to get through or something, I suppose there's either way fewer people voting or way more games to vote on now, because the graphs are showing the n5 game in the rankings right now has only having 6300 votes. My game is #93 right now, with only 1154 votes. Whats going on with Greenlight?