Swamp Fever is a game I've been working on in tiny increments over the past couple of years, as a little side project I keep going back to. It's essentially a top down shooter, with a procedurally generated play area and the aim of collecting fuel to refuel your car and shooting/avoiding zombies for the duration.
It was largely inspired by the Scavenge mode from L4D2, which I was playing a lot when I started working on it.
I thought I'd start a DevLog seeing as I was getting to the point where people might actually be able to play the damn thing, and see if anybody was interested.
Stuff that's in:Shooting zombies!
Blowing up gas cans!
Setting things on fire!
A reasonably pretty lighting system using surfaces!
Winning and getting a delicious placeholder screen!
Stuff that is going to go in:EDIT: Procedural mapping system that creates unique regions distributed around the swamp with each play for more engaging play and further replay value.
Multiple player characters with different weapons and abilities
Increasing complexity with every successive completion (think desktop dungeons, this will add more zombie types, environmental hazards and features, specialised enemies, hidden equipment etc)
Achievements of some sort.
All out survival mode.
Ability to not use surfaces and have a less pretty but more compatible lighting system
Stuff that won't change or has been cancelled down the line:Resolution. I picked a stupidly small one for some unknown reason but I'm not willing to redo all the graphics and recalibrate all my code.
Removed ability to enter buildings as it was really complicated and added nothing to the game.