Because I am an incredible organized person (Stop laughing)

. I have made a deployment plan. There are three tracks Programming, Art, and Sound. I want to do most of the programming my self.
I am capable of doing the art, but I know TIGSource is has much better artiest than I. Some of whom could lend a hand maybe? 
I also will not turn away offers to help with the sound.
Update 11/15/12: The very talented artist Sam (aka sonjool) is lending his talents to the cause. Look forward to seeing his work in the game.
Programming tasks:
Camera tracking (done)
Controllable bike (done)
Player control of bike (done)
Bike to ball interaction (done)
Bike physics bounce off walls (done)
GUI indicator of ball (done)
AI control of bike (done)
GUI indicator of other bikes(done)
Bike on bike interaction (done)
Lance/riding animation (deprecated)
Player control of lance (done)
Lance pickup ball (done)
Lance throw ball (done)
Lance kick ball (done)
Lance kick bike (done)
Ragdoll death activation (done)
dead biker reset (done)
Ball to goal interaction and Score tracking GUI (done)
Post goal game reset (done)
AI control of lance (deprecated)
AI react to ball carrier (deprecated)
End game conditions (done)
Main menu (done)
End game statistics (done)
AI mech goalie (deprecated)
Goalie interaction with ball (deprecated)
Goalie interaction with Enemy Jet bike. (deprecated)
Split screen 2 player VS (deprecated)
Split screen 2 player Coop (deprecated)
Art assets needed:
Jet bike mesh (done by Son Joo)
Jet bike texture Blue team (done by Son Joo)
Jet bike texture Red team (done by Son Joo)
Arena mesh (done by Son Joo)
Arena texture Blue team (deprecated)
Arena texture Red team (deprecated)
Driver Mesh (done)
Driver Rigged (done)
Driver pose Driving, Pull Back, and Strike (code will tween)
Driver texture Blue team (done by Son Joo)
Driver texture Red team (done by Son Joo)
Main Menu Logo graphic (done by Son Joo)
Main Menu buttons for: single player, split screen VS, split screen Coop, quit.
Game over screen graphic (done by Son Joo)
Winner graphic (done by Son Joo)
Looser graphic (done by Son Joo)
Icons for Goal, Kill, and Death stats. (deprecated)
Goalie Mech mesh (deprecated)
Goalie Mech Rigged (deprecated)
Goalie Mech texture Blue team (deprecated)
Goalie Mech texture Red team (deprecated)
Goalie Mech animation: shuffle left, shuffle right, punch, grab and throw ball. (deprecated)
Other assets that would liven up the arena (artists discretion)
Sound assets:
Jet bike engine
Lance charging (deprecated)
Lance shooting (deprecated)
Ball bounce
Lance on ball strike
Lance on player strike
Spectator ambient
Spectator cheering
Announcer voice for events: Intro, Player Kill, Goal, Idle banter (deprecated)
Mech move sounds (deprecated)
Mech Catch sound (deprecated)
Mech Punch sound (deprecated)
Additional Ambiance