Worked on the server settings today.
<motd text = "Remember to post on the forums!" />
<map name = "Canyon" switchtext = "Dont sue us vlambeer"/>
<map name = "Classic" switchtext = "Dont sue us vlambeer"/>
<color col = "255000000255"/>
<color col = "000255000255"/>
<color col = "000000255255"/>
<color col = "255000255255"/>
MOTD = message of the day, sent to players when they join.
Map rotation = the maps the server uses, for now it only rotates when players say a special command, but soon I'm going to have a property to rotate it on x amount of losses.
Colors = possible chat colors, assigned to players when they join. That's how the red is displaying in the screen. Format for colors is RRRGGGBBBAAA.
Going to maybe make a color rotation for players or something as well.
I'm thinking about having webpage MOTDs like TF2 has. They're pretty cool with what you can do with them.
Also maps are all sent from the server now, so servers can have custom maps.
Not sure what I'll be adding next. Any requests