« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2012, 09:05:31 AM » |
Helsing's Fire and 6DoS were great so I expect another gem. Looks great so far.
Btw you said you were working with flash previously but now want to do/exportTo native apps. AIR on mobile wasn't performing good enough?
« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2012, 09:14:58 AM » |
That's a really nice intuitive system. By giving the player control over how they arrange the documents you make it part of the game. As you say, it's kind of fun in its own right.
My inner bureaucrat is itching already...
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2012, 09:41:25 AM » |
Dragging documents around was suprisingly fun. Good job. I might look into this whole HaxeNME business, seems cool. I got a couple of questions regarding the game.
* What if I allow everyone into the country? Are there any penalties for doing that? If so, what are they. * What happens if I don't allow anyone into the country? I mean a total blockade. * As the player, what is the end goal? I mean, at what point is the game considered completed.
Level 1
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2012, 10:12:03 AM » |
It would also be interesting if the player has to decide whether the picture on the passport is of the same person as the one standing in line. For even more complexity make the passport picture always appear younger and with a different haircut.
It's a lot more work, however.
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2012, 11:34:47 AM » |
Thanks for the feedback everyone! * What if I allow everyone into the country? Are there any penalties for doing that? If so, what are they. * What happens if I don't allow anyone into the country? I mean a total blockade. * As the player, what is the end goal? I mean, at what point is the game considered completed.
I think the gameplay will probably be divided into days with daily quotas. I'd say your goal is to process people as quickly as possible and not make any mistakes. There'll be a proper narrative and story arc to tie the days together. The low level day-to-day stuff is random within parameters; the story is scripted. If you don't let anyone through, you'd probably get fired after a few days. If you let everyone through, you'll be responsible for spy/terrorist/smuggler activity. I'm thinking to show performance reports at the end of each day to let you know how you're doing. Some results will be more immediate. For example, a terrorist suicide bomber may detonate onscreen immediately after he passes through your booth. Bad lookin out. It would also be interesting if the player has to decide whether the picture on the passport is of the same person as the one standing in line. For even more complexity make the passport picture always appear younger and with a different haircut.
Actually this is exactly what I'm planning. Even with the mockup I found it fun to dart my eyes back and forth at the passport photo and the dude's face. Same person? Possibly... A proper immigration inspector maintains a suspecting, skeptical eye. Changing up the photos with different glasses/hats/clothes/age should keep it interesting. Which leads nicely to... Wanted CriminalsThe computer terminal, when inspected, will display multiple screens that you can flip between. One of these screens will contain a photo list of known spies/terrorists/criminals/smugglers. As you vet each person, don't forget to compare their face against the current bulletin photos. If you find a match, highlight their face and the photo to reveal an "arrest this punk" option. Some kind of "urgent bulletin" system built on this could create pretty cool Bourne moments too. You may get an urgent bulletin and expect the criminal to show up (in disguise) within the next few minutes or not at all. Forged DocumentsAlong with a list of basic regulations, the rule book will also contain samples of many common documents and passport covers from all surrounding countries. It'll be up to you to cross reference these samples to make sure the traveler's documents aren't forgeries. What I like about this is that after a few days, you'll have memorized how the most common docs should look and won't need to waste precious time referencing the rule book.
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2012, 03:04:05 AM » |
I also threw some documents around, and I personally dont like how the documents move out from "under the desk view" to the open area. Maybe you could do it so that you can drag the closed document to the open area and if you release it there, it opens up?? Meanwhile, I`m really looking forward to this game.
Makerimages-Its in the pixel
« Reply #26 on: November 24, 2012, 07:42:58 AM » |
I also threw some documents around, and I personally dont like how the documents move out from "under the desk view" to the open area. Maybe you could do it so that you can drag the closed document to the open area and if you release it there, it opens up?? Meanwhile, I`m really looking forward to this game.
Well damn. That's one of the things I was quite happy with. You don't have to drop the document first before seeing it on the desk. Makes quicklooks easy and enables placing it right the first time if you decide to inspect it. I thought it was kinda cool how it dragged straight across but I concede now that maybe it's a little weird. You Look HonestNew build:  I've added initial versions of the rulebook, audio transcript, and telex dispatch. I've also hard-coded a traveler so you can poke around in his documents a bit. There's nothing to do except that actually. Haven't gotten to the part where you approve/deny his entry. This is early days so it's all very rough. There's no story, interesting accouterments, or fun. A lot of stuff is incomplete and confusing which I realize is a bad introduction to the mechanics. The final version will build up gradually and introduce these concepts with glorious clarity. For now, study the rulebook first. Challenge!The traveler in this build has 4 errors in his documents. The first person to find and post them here will get a free copy of the game when it's released! Please use a tiny font to avoid spoilers.
« Reply #27 on: November 24, 2012, 08:10:33 AM » |
-The passport does not have a recognised front cover (unless it's just very worn like mine...). -The ISS field is invalid (Lorndal instead of Lorndaz). -The applicant says he wishes to work but is not in possession of a valid work visa. -The applicant says he wishes to remain forever yet his permit is only for 14 days.
My recommendation is that the applicant be taken immediately to the Bureau for Intercultural Relations where his application can be formally revoked by firing squad.
« Reply #28 on: November 24, 2012, 08:30:55 AM » |
The correct answer
Aaaaaaaaand DONE. Nice work Panurge! Fast and precise. I think there may be a spot for you in the Ministry.
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2012, 06:20:30 AM » |
FacesDrew some more traveler faces:  Even though the colors aren't great and the detail level is inconsistent, this is the general style I'm targeting. Since I won't be able to draw hundreds of unique faces for an endless supply of travelers I'll need some kind of procedural system to generate variations. Originally I thought I could map the face onto a rough triangle mesh and just push a few of the points around. After looking at the drawings though I don't think that'll look any good or give enough variety. Instead, I experimented in photoshop and came up with a much simpler technique that divides each face into 3 parts: 1. head & shoulders 2. both eyes 3. mouth & nose #1 defines roughly where the mouth, nose, and eyes should appear so it's possible to take a random #2 and #3 and place/scale them into the generally correct place. To get something like this:  Hmm... Bro seems fine but sis looks a little off. And using the entire head&shoulders means the silhouette doesn't have any variety. Maybe splitting the shoulders out or adding some headgear overlays would help. But they do look human; and pretty different from the source. This technique makes generating "slightly wrong" variations for forged documents really easy. And if I'm able to draw young versions of all the original faces, those pieces could be slotted in the same way for older documents. Could also add metadata to the faces ("HasGlasses", "WearingHat", etc) that would make adding accessories possible.
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2012, 02:19:07 AM » |
sis looks a little off
For me she looks like: middle 30s looking like 40s, tired, divorced, mother of 3, trying to get to country for a job. It works for me.
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2012, 07:07:21 AM » |
Got the face generator working. And now. It's time. To dance.   To get 64 generated faces I first draw a sheet of 4, then add a separate layer marking the eye area, nose+mouth area, pupil locations, nose location, and mouth location. Then the game loads those up, cuts out bits from different faces and pastes them together.  Pretty happy with this given how simple it is. If I draw just 8 sheets there'll be 32,768 unique faces. The one thing I'm gonna do from here is try marking the head and shoulders separately so those can also be varied.
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2012, 05:50:16 PM » |
Ingenious! I really like the face generating system you've got going on here.
Currently developing dot sneak - a minimalist stealth game
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2012, 06:06:15 AM » |
100 procedurally-generated immigrants and their passports: 100 more hereThese are based on 7 passport styles, 8 original male faces, 8 original female faces, and random first/last names harvested from wikipedia. I'll eventually have 32 original male and female faces each to reduce some of the repetition visible here.
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2012, 06:50:20 AM » |
So you could end up with idunno...Michael Jackson standing behind the desk???
Makerimages-Its in the pixel
« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2012, 07:29:51 AM » |
So you could end up with idunno...Michael Jackson standing behind the desk???
Heh, I only mined names from the pages specifically about names. But I just checked and "Jackson, Michael" is a possible combination from what I've got so I guess the answer is: sorta  Might be interesting to have known names with matching portraits though. Either as a story point or just an interesting detail.
« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2012, 08:07:56 AM » |
Great, who else will be forced to become a possible immigrant? Clarkson Jeremy?? Hamond Richard?? Stig The??? Bieber Justin 
Makerimages-Its in the pixel
« Reply #37 on: December 02, 2012, 08:08:03 AM » |
Impressive stuff here.
« Reply #38 on: December 02, 2012, 01:00:04 PM » |
 That is downright impressive! I usually don't use the word 'love' in everyday conversations but I just love your work.  I really like the variety. I think I spotted a bearded Steve Jobs in there. Just for funsies:
« Reply #39 on: December 02, 2012, 01:56:04 PM » |
This is going from strength to strength at speed. Very exciting.
By the way, the third from the top left is clearly Willem Dafoe 'in character'. He could method act all he liked but he wouldn't slip past me.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 11:05:05 PM by Panurge »