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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsJungle.com: a stealth roguelike about robbing amazon.com
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Author Topic: Jungle.com: a stealth roguelike about robbing amazon.com  (Read 2540 times)
Level 0

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« on: November 24, 2012, 04:14:40 PM »

Hi guys,

Jungle.com is a procedurally generated stealthy puzzlely game that I've been working on off-and-on since July. The game is effectively about sneaking into and robbing a major online retailer (not to be confused with any real, large, and legally well-endowed retailers of course) where the only help you get comes from tools that you can order instant delivery from that same online retailer.

I guess the original idea was a roguelike where the only relevant player stat was money and it just kinda flew away from there.

I'll probably be logging updates here, my blog, and on twitter as @alecthomson as I keep hacking away at this thing.

Anyways, here is some stuff:


Level 10

high-heeled cyberbully

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« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2012, 04:29:55 PM »

Clever concept!

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« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2012, 06:06:47 PM »

That's an interesting warehouse :O

I like the concept.
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« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2012, 07:35:36 PM »

That's an interesting warehouse :O

I like the concept.


It's actually intended to be an office, which doesn't make perfect sense given the context, but oh well. Maybe they're in the 90s as a start-up and use the office as a warehouse or something?

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« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2012, 08:49:01 PM »

Bizarre concept. Which means I like it. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
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« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2012, 11:50:14 AM »

Update 11-28-2012:

So something I've been working on this week is adding "Trap Tiles" to Jungle.com. These are floor tiles that can live underneath other objects and hurt the player when she walks over them.

Since I'm working with placeholder art for the time being, I made my trap tiles by recoloring the normal floor tile with a red tint and pretending it's lava. The floor is lava!

One goal of the lava tiles is to give the player another reason to use the "scooter" item. The scooter was originally envisioned to allow the player to escape tigers by moving really quickly. Unfortunately, the way the game evolved, the levels ended up being too densely packed with walls for the scooter to ever be particularly useful.

That's why, if the player manages to walk over the lava tiles at high speed (either by using the scooter or via some other method), she won't take damage from the lava.


I'll probably make some level generation templates with big lava paths for the player zip over on scooters.

Of course, scooters aren't the only way to traverse lava. Since one of the primary actions in the game is lifting and moving items around, I thought it would be fun if the player could build "Bridges" across lava tiles. The placeholder item I chose to represent these bridges are these poorly drawn "Rugs".

Now I know rugs would burn up in the lava just the same as the player, but I've been thinking of it as not real lava anyways. More "the floor is lava" kind of lava. Anyways, I'll have to figure out what lava and rugs actually are eventually. Meanwhile, rugs totally make sweet lava bridges.

Now here's another fun thing about lava tiles. When a tiger is in patrol mode, it will avoid lava like any other reasonable mammal.

However, when a tiger is chasing the player...

As you can see, all bets are off. I like adding ways for the player to trick enemies into hurting themselves or looking dumb, so this was a fun addition.

Anyways, that's all I've got for lava tiles for now. I'll be making level generation templates with them soon so I can play with them in the game properly and see how they feel.

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« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2012, 08:53:38 PM »

Update 12-07-2012:

Just a quick update. No new features this week. I've mainly been designing level templates and fixing bugs.

I'm also working on throwing together a demo which I might post here when it's ready, so stay tuned.

For fun, these are images from some levels that totally didn't work:

Seriously, these templates were producing levels that were way too hard and frustrating and all around piles of poo. The general conclusion was that too much lava is basically too much lava. After a bunch of tweaking, I got some templates that seemed to have an okay mix of lava and not lava:

Also, made some more level templates with procedurally generated lock and key puzzles. I wrote about these in a blog post a while ago, but didn't really test them all that much. They seem to be pretty fun in moderation, though I did discover an embarrasing number of bugs while testing them, whoops.

Anyways, that's all I've got for this week.

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« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2012, 05:58:35 PM »

So I got kind of sidetracked last week by the Ludum Dare (my entry here), but I did implement a data collection server that can collect play-test data from demos I send out.

Which of course means I now have demos you guys can try!

Now that I'm on break, I should be able to work on this a bunch so feedback is appreciated.


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