« Reply #420 on: March 11, 2014, 05:55:26 PM » |
Great news about the funding! It'll be great to see this become a complete game one day :D
« Reply #421 on: March 18, 2014, 04:26:39 AM » |
Just discovered this thanks to the Devlog Magazine. Looks and sounds awesome
I was curious, I've only read the first few pages. The GIFs so far have been of map traversal, but eventually there will be gameplay like shown in the pixel art screenshots? The art and style looks fantastic
« Reply #422 on: March 18, 2014, 04:54:22 AM » |
Just discovered this thanks to the Devlog Magazine. Looks and sounds awesome
I was curious, I've only read the first few pages. The GIFs so far have been of map traversal, but eventually there will be gameplay like shown in the pixel art screenshots? The art and style looks fantastic
The majority of the game will consist of the map traversal gameplay. However, this is accompanied by close up scenes of your trek. The images you are refering to show the combat gameplay, which will play an important (but still less than the actual traveling) role in gameplay.
« Reply #423 on: March 18, 2014, 05:02:04 AM » |
Wow ! What an incredible game, both in it's execution and the conception. Going through your Devblog is certainly a delight.
« Reply #424 on: March 24, 2014, 03:14:44 AM » |
Wow, we reached 1000 Followers on Twitter! Thanks so much for your support  
« Reply #425 on: March 26, 2014, 12:41:53 PM » |
Some updates: It's getting serious very soon. I'm spending my last week at the game studio I've been working at for 8 years. Next week we'll start working full-time on the Curious Expedition  On more development related things: We've been busy adding perks (or skills or whatever you want to call them) to the game. Perks can be unlocked for your chosen specialist and will open up many different ways of how to deal with a given situation. The perks we have so far are (more to be added and names are subject to change): Diplomatic - Talk yourself out of tough situations Swordfighting - Fight with a sword Native Customs - Improved interaction with natives Stealth - Less likely to be attacked when traveling through dangerous territory Counseling - Heal lesser sicknesses of the mind Herbs - Use and collect herbs Motivate - Improve the treks morale once a day Psychotherapy - Heal greater sicknesses of the mind Anthropology - Study native customs for fgame Malicious - Attack and exploit natives Animal handling - Tame and handle animals Creature handling - Tame and handle exotic creatures Fishing - Catch fish as food when near water Hunting - Hunt animals on jungle tiles Stable Mind - Less likely to develop a mind sickness Stable Health - Less likely to get a sickness like fever Scouting - Improved sight distance We're also considering increasing the size of units. Just a tiny bit would be nice to get a better pose and some more detail into the individual characters. The two on the left would be the new, increased size while the two right ones are the old size. Opinions? 
« Reply #426 on: March 26, 2014, 03:48:41 PM » |
It's getting serious very soon. I'm spending my last week at the game studio I've been working at for 8 years. Next week we'll start working full-time on the Curious Expedition  Congrats! I'm doing the same in about 3 weeks 
« Reply #427 on: March 26, 2014, 10:47:29 PM » |
[...] We're also considering increasing the size of units. Just a tiny bit would be nice to get a better pose and some more detail into the individual characters. The two on the left would be the new, increased size while the two right ones are the old size. Opinions?  Are you considering increasing the size of humans only, or all creatures? More detail is welcome, for sure, but if it's just humans, then dinos and other creatures will look less massive/threatening (or "realistic", if we're talking about pack animals). Did I say I'm really looking forward to The Curious Expedition? I am 
« Reply #428 on: March 27, 2014, 12:35:02 AM » |
Are you considering increasing the size of humans only, or all creatures? More detail is welcome, for sure, but if it's just humans, then dinos and other creatures will look less massive/threatening (or "realistic", if we're talking about pack animals). Did I say I'm really looking forward to The Curious Expedition? I am  Nah, it's mostly about the human size. I made the animals slightly oversized already, so their size will fit just nicely with the new humanoid sizes. I'm currently going through all the units to update their sizes - one this is finished I'll post a comparison. Also, we greatly appreciate your interest in Curious Expedition, we also look forward to finally get it out and have it played :-)
« Reply #429 on: March 27, 2014, 12:38:51 AM » |
this looks ace. love Tesla electrocuting dinosaurs!!
« Reply #430 on: March 27, 2014, 05:59:07 AM » |
Nah, it's mostly about the human size. I made the animals slightly oversized already, so their size will fit just nicely with the new humanoid sizes. I'm currently going through all the units to update their sizes - one this is finished I'll post a comparison.
Also, we greatly appreciate your interest in Curious Expedition, we also look forward to finally get it out and have it played :-)
Is there an estimate for a beta/early access stage for the game? I suppose that Kickstarter is not in the cards, following your success in securing that government funding, but a Greenlight campaign wouldn't hurt to get more exposure/people talking about the game.
« Reply #431 on: March 27, 2014, 06:10:28 AM » |
Is there an estimate for a beta/early access stage for the game? I suppose that Kickstarter is not in the cards, following your success in securing that government funding, but a Greenlight campaign wouldn't hurt to get more exposure/people talking about the game.
We hope to have a playable alpha up sometime around July. We'll make sure to toot all the available horns once this time has come  As for Kickstarter, we don't really see the platform fit to our game / needs. We'll probably do something similar to tiers on our own website, which is currently planned to be the primary place to buy our game (we gonna work with the super nice Humble people and their awesome widget). Greenlight, at least the concept version, is something we really want to get started on rather soon. The only thing holding us back there is that we want to have a trailer for the game first. However, given the sideproject nature the game was stuck in up until now-ish (NEXT WEEK YAY) we did not manage to produce one yet. As soon as this changes, there is a high chance that we gonna go on Greenlight. Stay tuned for this as well. Oh, and in case you are interested in that trailer, you can check out a very early rough script for it here. Feel free to comment, the option is enabled. 
« Reply #432 on: March 27, 2014, 06:24:43 AM » |
I was going to comment on the goggle doc, but my comments probably applys to it all rather than a part...
my only comment is I think you have the story the wrong way round...
You start slow, and in 30 seconds I see very little, I think you'd be better off starting with a bang, otherwise people might get bored and not get drawn in.
So I'd switch it, I'd show the game play and the do the multiple biomes and different creatures, some combat..with the narrator rambling over the top. Then settle down to the london gentlemans club.. and have the narrator say "ha old boy, I see I've peaked your curiosity... My Expedition is ready to leave when you are" or somthing to those lines.
LOGO balloon flys over logo...
Thats my opinion on it anyways. hope it's not too critical.
« Reply #433 on: March 27, 2014, 06:38:13 AM » |
I was going to comment on the goggle doc, but my comments probably applys to it all rather than a part...
my only comment is I think you have the story the wrong way round...
You start slow, and in 30 seconds I see very little, I think you'd be better off starting with a bang, otherwise people might get bored and not get drawn in.
So I'd switch it, I'd show the game play and the do the multiple biomes and different creatures, some combat..with the narrator rambling over the top. Then settle down to the london gentlemans club.. and have the narrator say "ha old boy, I see I've peaked your curiosity... My Expedition is ready to leave when you are" or somthing to those lines.
LOGO balloon flys over logo...
Thats my opinion on it anyways. hope it's not too critical.
Not too critical at all! Thanks a lot that is very helpful indeed. I was hoping that moody introduction with, may I say "high production value" of the street scene could also be something that sparks interest. But you are right, it really starts a bit slow. I'll think about it 
« Reply #434 on: March 27, 2014, 06:43:35 AM » |
No problem  I mean for your launch trailer go all out with story and high production values  but for green light and the way I know myself and friends use it is, click, watch first 20 secs of video and vote... next... unless im already a fan from forums etc. So I think for greenlight Wow them, then later show them the finer and more gentlemanly story aspects
« Reply #436 on: April 01, 2014, 09:54:34 AM » |
Hey there! WOW, im getting back active in here, and to see you getting govermental funding si extremely great news! GG
Makerimages-Its in the pixel
« Reply #437 on: April 02, 2014, 01:12:12 PM » |
Some updates from the unit resizing: Top row new, slightly increased size, bottom old sizes:  Three new units - British Soldier, Monk, Ottoman Mercenary 
« Reply #438 on: April 02, 2014, 01:13:13 PM » |
Looking good!
« Reply #439 on: April 02, 2014, 01:24:54 PM » |
Ahah, the poor grandmother don't change  Good job it's awesome !