I love this! I've been tinkering with this for awhile now and was wondering how far I can actually mess with the settings. Everything I have tried so far has produced similar classical-esque style music. Are more simple compositions possible, such as techno/chiptuney stuff? How about more ambient-sounding songs? I noticed you did post some examples of this at some point in the thread. Is it possible to share the presets?

Also, I ended my lurk status on this site just to respond to your amazing tool!
Great, thanks!
I don't really know how to do techno/chiptunes but I would love to add that.
The presets and the whole code base has changed a lot since many of the examples, so it is not possible to reproduce them

It will be possible to save presets at disk or local storage in future versions, its quite high up on my todo list.
What I would find really interesting is to cooperate with a great chiptune composer and try to create a plugin or other constructs for that type of music.