« on: December 18, 2012, 09:26:05 AM » |
Hi there! It's my first game here. I hope it's not the last one) Great Permutator is puzzle. Hard and tricky. You should move boxes from the top side of field to the bottom one using conveyors and action blocks. Now the game in the alpha stage, almost beta. Also demo is available. Screens (a bit old): Trailer: (I don't know how to insert video here) Demo: From 18 Dec 2012From 18 Jan 2013From 7 Mar 2013 <- the last demo Every demo has only 15 first levels of the full version. But more new demos are more stable. They have less bugs, more comfortable interface and other small features. System requirements: Windows (only XP and 7 are tested) DirectX9c MSVC++2008 Redist any videocard with 3d support Controls: Mouse ESC for fast exit Aslo you can see all above mentioned (and download demo, for example) on the IndieDB Page. I need your feedback: - Found bugs and slip-up's. - Support and constructive critic. Thank you! upd. Project need beta testers! Details are in the 9th reply. upd. Beta testing phase is over. Full version coming soon. Details are in the 19th reply. upd. Please vote up the project on Steam Greenlight.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 10:20:37 AM by ripatti »
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 09:43:39 AM » |
I like it!
Alec S.
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 11:50:34 AM » |
Very nice! The puzzles are clever, and I really like the pixel art. I will say that I found it a bit counter-intuitive the colors you need to get to the goal are shown bottom to top. I feel like the first color you need should be at the top, with the next color beneath it and so forth.
Ichigo Jam
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2012, 02:29:45 PM » |
This is very nice - I just completed all the demo levels (with A+), and I'm definitely looking forward to the full version!
A few minor bugs/suggestions:
1) If you drag a piece (e.g. a trigger) from on the play area to off it, it disappears without increasing the number available. If you then undo, you can get negative numbers showing on the right-hand panel.
2) A faster speed option (x4 at least) would be nice, especially when replaying levels to optimize tile count.
3) The way the game uses the floor squares to determine what you've clicked on, rather than the graphics makes it very easy to click one tile above where you intended. The undo feature makes this only a minor annoyance, though.
4) I like the graphics in general, but I think they could be a little brighter - the colours of the boxes in particular look kind of dingy. Oh, and some kind of background instead of plain black would be nice.
5) More effects would be nice (e.g. when boxes collide, when you output a correct box, when you win a level). Certainly not essential for a game like this, but it would still be nice.
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2012, 02:54:15 PM » |
Your first game?! Wow, I watched the video, it looks really great! The concept would be great for ipad imo, are you intending on releasing a version for that?
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2012, 06:00:13 PM » |
Thats kinda genius. And it really looks Great Talking about great, i can't help but i keep reading the great on the title screen as greatE with an E on the end. Maybe because i looked over it really fast the first time, but now i can't unsee it
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2012, 09:25:21 PM » |
I like it!
Thank you! Very nice! The puzzles are clever, and I really like the pixel art. I will say that I found it a bit counter-intuitive the colors you need to get to the goal are shown bottom to top. I feel like the first color you need should be at the top, with the next color beneath it and so forth.
Hmm... I'll think about reversing order of output boxes. This is very nice - I just completed all the demo levels (with A+), and I'm definitely looking forward to the full version!
A few minor bugs/suggestions:
1) If you drag a piece (e.g. a trigger) from on the play area to off it, it disappears without increasing the number available. If you then undo, you can get negative numbers showing on the right-hand panel.
2) A faster speed option (x4 at least) would be nice, especially when replaying levels to optimize tile count.
3) The way the game uses the floor squares to determine what you've clicked on, rather than the graphics makes it very easy to click one tile above where you intended. The undo feature makes this only a minor annoyance, though.
4) I like the graphics in general, but I think they could be a little brighter - the colours of the boxes in particular look kind of dingy. Oh, and some kind of background instead of plain black would be nice.
5) More effects would be nice (e.g. when boxes collide, when you output a correct box, when you win a level). Certainly not essential for a game like this, but it would still be nice.
1) Oops, I thought I already fixed this bug. 2) Good idea. 3) I'll think how to fix this problem. 4) Good thinks, I'll think about it. 5) Yes, I'm going to add effects like this. Your first game?! Wow, I watched the video, it looks really great! The concept would be great for ipad imo, are you intending on releasing a version for that?
It's my first game here, but not the first one at all Architecture allows not so hard port it to any (almost any) platform that has C++ compiler. I'm planning versions for Linux and Mac. Then I'll see about other platforms. Thats kinda genius. And it really looks Great Talking about great, i can't help but i keep reading the great on the title screen as greatE with an E on the end. Maybe because i looked over it really fast the first time, but now i can't unsee it Oh, now I see this E too and cannot unsee it =_=. I think it will pass.
Level 0
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2012, 04:27:07 AM » |
Very nice, I really like the colors, the text font and that art style !
I can test it in 8 hours from now, did you use DirectX for the drawing ? I hope you won't encounter any trouble to translate it in OpenGL, if you plan to port it in OSX and Linux !
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2012, 05:31:54 AM » |
Very nice, I really like the colors, the text font and that art style !
I can test it in 8 hours from now, did you use DirectX for the drawing ? I hope you won't encounter any trouble to translate it in OpenGL, if you plan to port it in OSX and Linux !
Yes, I used DirectX. For drawing, sound and input. All graphic is drawing through very simple interface. So I just need implement about 10 methods of this interface for every graphic library that I want to use. I hope no troubles will happen) About DirectX... It has happened historically. This renderer was written about 5 years ago. And I use it so far with slight modifcations.
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2013, 09:30:10 AM » |
I finished new demo. You can dowmload it here. Changes: - Many bugs were fixed, many things were polished.
- All sounds are done.
- Way of output of picture was changed. Now in fullscreen mode game doesn't change screen resolution but just strerch picture. If you had troubles with fullscreen mode - please try this version.
New screens: Project need beta-testers!If you want to be beta-tester, send me your save file of demo version to my e-mail. You can find the e-mail in the readme file of demo version. You should done all (or almost all) demo levels, because I need beta-testers that can (and want) solve all (or almost all) levels of the full version (I already has many "testers" that drop game before 6-th level). I promise mention in credits for any good beta-tester and free access to following versions of this game. Main condition - you must not distribute full version before official release. Expected date of release is end of february or begin of march 2013.
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2013, 01:31:25 PM » |
Umm...isn't this just a ripoff of Manufactoria with better graphics?
Ichigo Jam
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2013, 06:46:37 PM » |
Umm...isn't this just a ripoff of Manufactoria with better graphics?
I'm guessing you didn't play it yet? I thought the same when I first saw the screenshots, but the mechanics are different in many ways - this is a game about rearranging multiple inputs into multiple outputs rather than about complex manipulation of a single object. For anyone who liked Manufactoria I'd suggest giving Great Permutator a try - they obviously have some similarities (although I think gets hard rather quicker than Manufactoria)
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2013, 03:38:01 AM » |
I didn't know about Manufactoria before I released the first demo version of GP. So, mechanics of GP is not based on Manufactoria mechanics. I tried Manufactoria today and I like it. And now I can say that GP and Manufactoria have quite different mechanics.
Instead of this I played Spacechem, Codex of Alchemical Engineering (yes, these two ones are from same author) and Light Bot. I used some small ideas from these games in GP.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 03:47:11 AM by ripatti »
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2013, 04:10:28 AM » |
I would lick that pixel art if I could!
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2013, 02:45:38 AM » |
Up! I still need beta testers.
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2013, 09:36:38 AM » |
Prerender of box art o O
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2013, 02:40:30 PM » |
yeh thats nice
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2013, 08:15:55 AM » |
I finally finished box art Hmm... maybe it has some faults? I worked on it a long time and now I have some blear effect with my eyes...
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2013, 11:22:50 AM » |
Very nice! The puzzles are clever, and I really like the pixel art. I will say that I found it a bit counter-intuitive the colors you need to get to the goal are shown bottom to top. I feel like the first color you need should be at the top, with the next color beneath it and so forth.
I don't feel like it'd be unintuitive at all, because I caught on to the fact that the colors are bottom to top based on the fact that that is how they'd actually stack. So long as this is the first level, the way the output is rendered will make sense.
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2013, 01:48:34 PM » |
Breaking news! Beta testing phase is over. Thanks for all beta testers! Now I have almost release version. I just need to add one last feature, I think it's not so long. I uploaded the last demo. You can download it here. There are same 15 levels that in two previous demos. Changes are only technical again. I fixed many bugs and polished user interface. I feel the game is perfect now Now I'm awaiting approval of publishing on Desura. So, I hope, the full game coming soon. The full version will have following differences from the demo version: * 50 levels + 15 bonus levels * many other types of action blocks * extended soundtrack * global score leaderboard (it is the last feature on which i'm working now) Also now I'm making launch trailer... Hey folks, what the price I should set here? I'm from Russia and I don't really feel west prices I have some number in my mind, maybe it will match your price.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 01:57:11 PM by ripatti »