Before you do that, try out the beta =)
Greenlight trailer
Latest COOP-4P video
Everything below here is older and could be a bit outdated, could.
Media:I know you want it, so lets start with it. It's a colorful pixel art styled game with different themes and graphical features, several enemies and heroes.
Two video files, slightly outdated, older graphics and no light engine, but showing some basic gameplay with the wizard and the paladin
(these videos, the look, theme and especially sounds, doesn't fully represent the current game)
This here first little fellow is our bat, flying peacefully around - the bomb can be spawned randomly by breaking barrels and such, or just thrown by certain enemies - the death animation of the paladin - slime creep exploding when the player comes to near.

Bronze, silver and gold key, used for, bronze, silver and gold doors - A rather big tick in idle, walk and bite animation.

A small line up with some skeletons and the three lich kings in the rear.

Here's the current 4-p HUD, that will be used when playing 4 players in co-op.
Design:This game is
a shameless rip inspired by the old Gauntlet-series of games, with some influence from newer action rpgs and hack & slash games, such as Diablo and titan quest, but, the core is simple, fast and action packed. We have sorted out most of the design but there are still a lot to actually implant.
The entire game takes place inside of Castle Hammerwatch, where your goal will be to travel from down the prison up to the royal chambers in the top and kill the evil dragon. On your way to the top you will encounter several kinds of monsters, puzzles, secrets and be developing and upgrading your character. The story will be minimal and not distracting.
Features:#12 levels, divided between 4 acts
#4 different classes, with unique features and skills
#Character development through unlocks and upgrades
#Several different monsters all with different skills and abilities
#4 large bosses, which requires more strategy than just hacking
#Survival mode, on small arena levels with waves of enemies just charging
#Hardcore mode, also, hard, medium and easy of course
#Controller support, supports various different gamepads
#Multiplayer COOP, for up to four players, online, LAN and local
#PC, MAC and Linux support
#Mod and editing support, make your own levels and change other things to your liking
What this game won't have is a inventory system, advanced skill tree and "loot", all upgrades to the player is made through purchase from NPCs around the game.
Editing support:Seeing how people like to mod and change games, we are going to ship the editor so people will be able to make their own levels and campaigns. Hopefully we can also support editing and tweaking of other files, like graphics and tweakdata.
Team:This project is run by a skeleton crew of two people, Myran a programmer and me a level designer - we share the game design process between us.
We've had great help from my good friend
Jonatan, who made the base pixelation of our characters, without these we would have no enemies, more or less!
There are more things to show, but I'm gonna take it in a future post, I don't wanna make this too long! =)