« Reply #140 on: March 07, 2013, 11:02:31 AM » |
Really fun style game.
I think the biggest selling point for me is the Coop, but didn't have a chance to get some friends in to play.
I agree about needing more variety of monsters, I assume more assets could be made after ironing out the major bugs but that was my only issue so far. Looks great!
« Reply #141 on: March 07, 2013, 04:11:45 PM » |
Awesome game with gorgeous pixel art graphic style. The only issue is that the Ranger is a bit overpowered.
« Reply #142 on: March 07, 2013, 06:59:37 PM » |
I only have one major complaint about the game, wait no... two.
1. Autofire. Even with a controller, I can't tell you how cramped my thumb got pressing the attack button over and over and over. Adding the option of autofire would fix that nicely.
2. Save. I understand that a co-op game would be difficult to save but what about in the single player? The first Act is so long (not that that's a bad thing) that I felt the need to get up, stretch my legs, and have some dinner. Adding a save feature would at least let players take a much needed break from the game.
« Reply #143 on: March 08, 2013, 12:39:17 PM » |
i found letter H! really cool game, respect guys!
« Reply #144 on: March 08, 2013, 01:37:57 PM » |
Hehey! I found three Pharaoh Keys! Guys, do you mind if i borrow a couple of ideas from your game to my MAZE? Special thanks for the links to good old games! Keep up the good work!
« Reply #145 on: March 08, 2013, 02:42:05 PM » |
I've been watching this for a bit and am really excited about it. I played the demo a bit and it's exactly as I anticipated, great work guys!
I do have a few recommendations though: - Movement speed - I feel like you move a little too slow. IMO games like this should be a bit faster paced and the movement speed hampers that. - Attack while moving - I think that letting you attack without having your character stopped would help speed things up a bit, as well - Procedural generation - This doesn't seem to be a design goal, so it may not be something that you guys want to do or started with in mind, but games like this would have a significantly higher replay value if levels were randomly generated.
The game reminds me of Legend of Dungeon a bit, which is awesome. Keep it up, I'm excited about continuing to see you progress the game!
« Reply #146 on: March 08, 2013, 03:50:17 PM » |
I think the game is way too easy.. I was playing as the ranger though, I didn't even take any damage until lvl 2 when I decided to just shoot at point blank.. The enemies are so slow that you can kite them around.
Then I tried the paladin and I love the dash, I just wish I could use it more. It's so tempting to use it to run around, since you move quite slow. You can pretty much skip all the enemies when playing the paladin by just running past them, and there is no reward to killing them.
Finally I played the wizard and it was back to easy mode (to be fair, the paladin is easy too if you just take it slow.) He's very similar to the ranger, except shorter range but area damge to compensate. The rangers long range makes him the easiest one, but the wizards aoe makes him much faster at clearing the enemies.
It's an incredibly satisfying feeling when destroying boxes, picking up gold, killing enemies. But destroying boxes and picking up money does get very tiring, when there are so many. Also, enemies not dropping loot feels kinda weird, you are rewarded for breaking boxes but not slaying hordes of enemies.
Enemies lack challenge and variety. Same with the levels and level design. The slow movement speed is a pain when there are so many paths and long corridors.
Also, the levels are handmade but it doesn't show very well.
I might come of as quite harsh in my criticism, but only because I have great hopes for this game! I really like it but I think it needs a lot of tweaking.
As for the good parts, graphics are awesome, music is superb. The feel of the controls and the abilities are great. Effects and sounds are nice and juicy. You got a great engine and a really nice theme!
« Reply #147 on: March 09, 2013, 05:39:41 PM » |
I must agree that the game is a bit easy and that there are too many boxes. Fewer with more gold would probably be better. Also had some technical troubles: on launch, some prompt reads that OpenAL is missing, maybe you should pack it with the game. During the game, some weird color effect sometimes appear when I'm near walls. It seems to affect ground tiles only. However, it worsen when I try to display the minimap, and this time, it affects all the screen. screenshots:,fzbVIRB,uYqrr2aThe game is pretty fun however. The challenges sound fun, I'll try them later on. I think they can really spice up the game a bit. Why don't you add some to single player mode?
« Reply #148 on: March 11, 2013, 01:44:22 PM » |
We are getting tons of feedback, both from these two threads here at tig, but also at steam and also in our mail. It's great to see that people enjoy the game that much so they are willing to share their thoughts and ideas to improve the game. It's hard to reply to everything and probably no reason to do so either.
At the moment, we are testing a combo system, you know, if you kill 10 enemies within a very short time you get a boost to speed, damage and probably something else.
The elite maggot now spits three slimeballs in an arc, instead of the single one that the others maggots do.
I'm gonna increase the time, slightly on the bombs that spawns from barrels, because it seems like people just don't know what they are taking damage from, I've also made them a bit more easy to see.
We have done a lot more things, unfortunately most of our changes have made the game even easier. But when we feel that we are done with our current batch of changes I'm gonna see what can be done to restore and maybe even up the diff level a bit. The current level is supposed to be the medium diff-level.
« Reply #149 on: March 11, 2013, 04:33:30 PM » |
Just out of curiosity, what tech is it using? I noticed it required .Net and it had FarseerPhysics, XNA? We started out with XNA which is why we are still using Farseer Physics, but to be able to have the game multi platform we now use OpenGL.
Level 0
« Reply #150 on: March 11, 2013, 04:36:14 PM » |
I would agree with bringing the amount of boxes down and bringing the amount of gold dropped up, certainly, because it simply takes too much time to squeeze the gold out of a level. I would not agree, however, that it is too easy. I did find it rather easy while playing with the ranger and taking my time, but as soon as I played it with other people, I lost the ability/desire to take a long time to peck away at large groups, and was frequently wounded by slug shots dragged into me by my compatriots. The difficulty increased dramatically then, or such was my observation. The Speed of party play entices you into recklessness. I think You need to give the wizard a tad more health. I get that he's sort of the glass cannon of the group, but he's simply too weak of health for how short of range he has. I find that consistently amongst me and my friends, whoever is playing the wizard is dying the most.
« Reply #151 on: March 12, 2013, 12:19:54 AM » |
The Speed of party play entices you into recklessness.
Yea, hate this. That's really the main reason why people die so much in coop I think, they don't take their time and observe what's happening. In single player, you know everything pretty much. Playing 4 people on one comp has always been a bit of a mess and yes, the wizard always dies and keeps dying. The firespray also forces him into being almost a melee character with a long stick and trying this skill with 4 players, with the added health on enemies, that's just suicide. I might have to level out his life and damage ratio, reduce his damage a bit and up his health more... away from the glass cannon.
« Reply #152 on: March 12, 2013, 04:35:57 AM » |
Suggestion: If the Paladin's Dash skill went through enemies he would be alot easier to play.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 05:16:48 AM by Mellow »
Level 0
« Reply #153 on: March 12, 2013, 08:02:09 AM » |
The only major criticism I have is that I found the controls clunky, especially for ranged. You have to move forward a little bit to change attack direction. Adding a hold button or making 4 separate directional attack buttons (twin stick shooter style, like binding of isaac) would make the controls a lot more intuitive and smoother for me.
Level 0
« Reply #154 on: March 12, 2013, 09:50:06 AM » |
Well, i've completed beta with wizard and i have some things to say. There were no crashes during playing. Wizard is awesome(I didn't try multiplayer). I also tried paladin and ranger. Ranger is a kind of wizard with more HP and less MP and attack power, it's ok to play ranger, but paladin... All he can do is to die. I don't know how to kill the queen with paladin-it's just impossible... Enemies always shoot him so you have to dodge all attacks and you have no time to deal damage. It's extremely difficult to kill shooting enemies without taking damage, and paladin's attack power is too weak.
« Reply #155 on: March 12, 2013, 02:52:03 PM » |
This game is amazing so far! It feels really great.
My one suggestion, which I'm sure will change as it's updated, is more variety in enemies. I'd like to have to be able to use certain skills to defeat enemies rather than just always plainly attacking them. Maybe enemies that require timing, or a certain positioning, or some other tactic to defeat them. Right now playing feels very button mashy and one-dimensional. Still very fun (I played for like 30 mins with my brother), but I'm not sure I could play it long term.
After watching the trailer, seeing the new environment and other mechanics seems like it'll freshen it up a bit. But some more special enemies would be nice.
You have something amazing here, I +'d it on steam greenlight and can't wait.
« Reply #156 on: March 12, 2013, 03:10:36 PM » |
This looks like great fun and I dig the artwork (reminds me a little of Cannon Fodder!). A word of advice to you and anyone who wants exposure for their game, though:
Link a screenshot or two on your homepage!
A lot of sites would prefer to open with a screenshot rather than a video, and you don't want them to be worrying about "Print Screen" to give you coverage. Make it as easy as possible for lazy journalists/bloggers/whatever.
« Reply #157 on: March 12, 2013, 03:36:29 PM » |
i have already updvoted this on greenlight, didn't know it was being developed from here really love the art style
also, I don't know why but, i have a soft spot for any game where damage is shown.
« Reply #158 on: March 13, 2013, 12:25:07 AM » |
The only major criticism I have is that I found the controls clunky, especially for ranged. You have to move forward a little bit to change attack direction. Adding a hold button or making 4 separate directional attack buttons (twin stick shooter style, like binding of isaac) would make the controls a lot more intuitive and smoother for me.
I totally agree with the hold button and I see no reason why we don't have one (if we didn't have button enough, but as long as you can map all functions on 8 buttons excluded the movement, then it should be good) In fact, I've been annoyed by this in many other similar games, that thing when you need to move and shoot just to change the angle. Suggestion: If the Paladin's Dash skill went through enemies he would be alot easier to play.
When he kills the enemies, he goes though, in SP, this happens more often since they have less health. The biggest issue is when he don't kill and stops, then you a lot of times get's hit by the enemy you got stuck on. If we didn't introduce stun as a bonus to the normal attack later on, I would have pushed for it to be on the dash skill, now I'm not sure... This game is amazing so far! It feels really great.
My one suggestion, which I'm sure will change as it's updated, is more variety in enemies. I'd like to have to be able to use certain skills to defeat enemies rather than just always plainly attacking them. Maybe enemies that require timing, or a certain positioning, or some other tactic to defeat them. Right now playing feels very button mashy and one-dimensional. Still very fun (I played for like 30 mins with my brother), but I'm not sure I could play it long term.
After watching the trailer, seeing the new environment and other mechanics seems like it'll freshen it up a bit. But some more special enemies would be nice.
You have something amazing here, I +'d it on steam greenlight and can't wait.
I agree with the monster variation, but later in the game, there will be a lot more variation and functions to the enemies. Link a screenshot or two on your homepage!
No reason to raise the font size, I'm sure the one who handles the homepage can add a few screens! =)
« Reply #159 on: March 13, 2013, 12:48:14 AM » |
I agree with the monster variation, but later in the game, there will be a lot more variation and functions to the enemies.
You can't really afford to wait until later in the game to show off all the variations and gameplay. The lack of variation kills a lot of the gameplay early on, since it gets too repetitive.