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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsAces
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Author Topic: Aces  (Read 2777 times)
Level 1

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« on: January 03, 2013, 03:22:48 PM »



Aces is a sidescrolling arena shooter with fighter jets.  And hats.  Lots of hats.  I'll be posting about its development over the next week and a half as it goes from a basic prototype to a completely finished product ready for sponsorship on FGL.

Progress Overview

03 January, 2013

A playable prototype with limited game rules is up and running.  Over the next few days, game rules such as free for all, team deathmatch and capture the flag will be added.


Game Design and Programming
A. Scott McCallum (www.grozzler.com)

Kandi Maciejewski (www.artbykandles.com)

John Hughes (www.twune.com)


Prototype screenshot:

« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 10:43:13 AM by GroZZleR » Logged

Level 1

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« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2013, 02:46:17 PM »

I spent today working on the weapons / projectiles for the game.  There's going to be six different weapon systems available:  the default slow machine gun, a much faster machine gun, a spread gun a la Contra, a plasma cannon, a homing missile launcher and deployable mines.  To obtain them, you have to fly over special weapon crates that spawn at specific points in the level.  If I get the AI right, I'm hoping a lot of the strategy of the game will centre around controlling weapon spawn points like Quake.

Additionally, I added trails to the jets and they're coloured coded to your team.  I was doing it entirely for aesthetics but found it really helps with target identification, so I'm very pleased with the result.

Projectile / crate artwork is programmer art still being finalized.  Tomorrow I'll implement the game rules.


Level 1

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« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2013, 10:55:29 AM »

Pretty busy weekend so I haven't got as much done as I would have liked.

I added the logic for the free for all and team deathmatch game modes.  The AI chases and strafes hostile team members while also keeping an eye out for weapon / health crates to pick up.  Right now target acquisition is a simple "who is closest" type behaviour, so I need to add some weights to the decision process.  A wounded AI should prefer to go after a health crate (if within a reasonable distance) rather than chasing down a random target.  That's my next task.

Visually I added the backgrounds to the game.  The jets really pop out now.  Explosions and projectiles remain programmer art.


Level 10


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« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2013, 06:25:18 PM »

mwahaha this looks like a riot!

Level 0

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« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2013, 08:47:28 PM »

This looks like a lot of fun. Making good progress!

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