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Author Topic: Game Maker Tuts  (Read 383868 times)
Level 0

High priest of the lysergic church of 0/000

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« Reply #460 on: June 04, 2016, 07:25:05 PM »

Is there anyone interested in a tutorial on pixel perfect upscale in Game Maker? I have tow version of it, one rendering an upscaled version of the view to a monitor size picture, and another one rendering an actual low res image, upscaled properly.

Apparently there is nothing up to date here, and I remember how it pissed me to fail at upscaling properly my pixel art when I started. Angry

Im definitely interested. I have finally found a way to make it scale the low-res image to the highest even multiplier that the monitor can support... But i've got a feeling there are lots of room for improvement. One thing that bugs me is the camera-movement when the pixels are not split, when it's set to interpolate between, say, player and crosshair, i often get "camera-seizures" when it's closing in on it's focus point... There are some other issues that i can't remember right now of course...

But at least im interested Smiley I would also really like to see one on some good looking parallax-backgrounds, for some reason i can't seem find any tutorials, or project-files, or own ways to make it work well. And it feels like it should be quite simple really, don't know why it doesn't work out  Lips Sealed

Oh, and if anyone could explain how to do this: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/106884/Implementing-Auto-tiling-Functionality-in-a-Tile-M

I that would also be greatly appreciated by me at least... Maybe i've just been too tired every time i've read the article, but i can't figure out how the principle is supposed to be implemented.

<- lazy noob, but you may as well try to get it cheap, if no one feels up to explaining it i will brute force it into my brain somehow Wink I really should get some sleep first though

STROBOSAUR soundcloud
Level 0


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« Reply #461 on: June 09, 2016, 01:55:19 AM »

I spoke to some people before about doing some intermediate level tutorials for GameMaker as there are loads of beginner ones. So heres one about using surfaces to get unlimited blood in GameMaker.

If it is well received I will do more.


Level 0

Always be the best dressed in the room.

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« Reply #462 on: February 28, 2017, 09:14:30 PM »

I wrote a short tutorial for class about implementing 'juicy' gamefeel elements like screenshake and impact frames.

I'd super super appreciate a quick proofread by someone who knows what they're doing so I can improve it, no doubt there are many spots where I assume too much/too little knowledge of gamemaker


b∀ kkusa
Global Moderator
Level 10

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« Reply #463 on: March 20, 2017, 03:38:14 PM »

would like to recommend this channel for people starting with Game maker studio 2 or still in Gms1, as it contains a lot of valuable information, and Stefan Rand is really helpful as he answers in the comment section


Level 2

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« Reply #464 on: March 23, 2017, 01:23:16 PM »

Is there anyone interested in a tutorial on pixel perfect upscale in Game Maker? I have tow version of it, one rendering an upscaled version of the view to a monitor size picture, and another one rendering an actual low res image, upscaled properly.

Apparently there is nothing up to date here, and I remember how it pissed me to fail at upscaling properly my pixel art when I started. Angry

Im definitely interested.

Yeah, me too! I Don't understand how those fricking camera works now in GM2... So if anyone has any resource to make this things clearer, I'm interested.

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b∀ kkusa
Global Moderator
Level 10

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« Reply #465 on: March 23, 2017, 04:38:16 PM »

I just started putting together some tutorials for GameMaker.

This is my first one doing top down lighting.

i really like your tutorials but as a beginner it's sometimes hard to understand where things went wrong.

      draw_vertex(bbox_left, bbox_top)
     var dir=point_direction(other.x,other.y,bbox_left,bbox_top)
     draw_vertex(bbox_left, bbox_bottom)
     var dir=point_direction(other.x,other.y,bbox_left,bbox_bottom)
     draw_vertex(bbox_right, bbox_top)
     var dir=point_direction(other.x,other.y,bbox_right,bbox_top)
          draw_vertex(bbox_right, bbox_bottom)
     var dir=point_direction(other.x,other.y,bbox_right,bbox_bottom)

NVM: fixed, i forgot those brackets { }
« Last Edit: March 23, 2017, 05:17:26 PM by b∀ kkusa » Logged
Level 0

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« Reply #466 on: July 22, 2017, 04:13:32 AM »

I spoke to some people before about doing some intermediate level tutorials for GameMaker as there are loads of beginner ones. So heres one about using surfaces to get unlimited blood in GameMaker.

If it is well received I will do more.

Ave Dave,

just wanted to say many thanx for thy tuts, & DLCs on your homepage, which must be beneficial for most GMS users, imho, as too few reach higher levels. The ones in top-down labyrinth r my favorites.
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