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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsFlight of the Data-Thief - Star Fox Style Rail-Shooter
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Author Topic: Flight of the Data-Thief - Star Fox Style Rail-Shooter  (Read 20683 times)
Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #40 on: March 13, 2013, 10:57:31 AM »


tanner bananer
Level 1

aspiring train conductor

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« Reply #41 on: March 13, 2013, 11:56:36 AM »

Keep it low poly, no texture. I love it and I've never been more excited for a tigforums game. Except for maybe human passage.

Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #42 on: March 13, 2013, 11:57:56 AM »

Keep it low poly, no texture. I love it and I've never been more excited for a tigforums game. Except for maybe human passage.

Yeah, I've actually been thinking more and more about doing this.  I'm really happy with how the station level has been turning out with the no-texture look.

Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #43 on: March 21, 2013, 11:23:29 AM »

Starting to get into some serious level design.


Level 10

Brobdingnagian ding dong

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« Reply #44 on: March 21, 2013, 11:44:10 AM »

Starting to get into some serious level design.

Looking mighty fine Evil

Level 1

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« Reply #45 on: March 21, 2013, 03:09:28 PM »

I like the art. How did you get that choppiness on the edges of your art? Is it an effect or just low res stretched with no AA?

Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #46 on: March 22, 2013, 10:41:34 AM »

I think it's just the way Unity renders hard edges.

Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #47 on: March 23, 2013, 01:46:49 PM »

Screenshot Saturday


Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #48 on: April 03, 2013, 03:35:57 PM »

I've got a new build up:  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33986982/RSUnityBuild.html

The build contains just the first level.  Same deal goes with last time:  I could use feedback on how it feels to play.  Also the difficulty level (keeping in mind that this is to be the first level of the game)

« Reply #49 on: April 03, 2013, 04:58:38 PM »

The first part of the level before you get to those spinning blades is pretty uninteresting. I just sit in the lower right hand corner the entire time. No need to dodge enemies or bullets, except right before that tunnel. So it's mostly uneventful.

Which also is the reason why I quit, after dying to the blades 3 times. The reason for dying is I'm having trouble gauging the distance between my ship and the obstacles. And going through that first part is a bit tedious. Dunno if this is against some kind of design philosophy you may or may not have, but checkpoints wouldn't be a terrible idea.
Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #50 on: April 03, 2013, 05:15:29 PM »

I'm going to have checkpoints, they just aren't implemented yet, so aren't in the current build.

I'll work on trying to make distances/player location clearer.  I'll also probably make that section a bit easier.

Thanks for the feedback!

Level 0

Sometimes I'm grumpy, sometimes I'm not.

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« Reply #51 on: April 04, 2013, 11:35:14 AM »

I agree on the necessity of having checkpoints. Also, I don't like how the enemies are coming from behind, it is hard to tell if they are going to hit you when arriving, and is hard to tell if you are hitting them with your bullets after that.

Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #52 on: April 06, 2013, 10:06:12 AM »

Started working on some basic HUD.  Theres now an actual crossair instead of a cube, and the green rectangles show you the edges of where you can aim (and thus the edges of where you can move)

« Reply #53 on: April 06, 2013, 01:33:29 PM »

I've got a new build up:  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33986982/RSUnityBuild.html

The build contains just the first level.  Same deal goes with last time:  I could use feedback on how it feels to play.  Also the difficulty level (keeping in mind that this is to be the first level of the game)

Big, big thing for me - As objects (walls, enemies) come closer to the ship/player/screen they need to increase transparency. Walls spaced quickly after one another meaning you die because you didn't happen to know what was coming are a frustration: I didn't die because of my actions.
Level 9

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« Reply #54 on: April 06, 2013, 01:42:40 PM »

The fan blades are driving me insane. Other than that and the lack of collision between yourself and enemies, it seems fine. Maybe tone down a bit on the big empty space.

Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #55 on: April 07, 2013, 12:33:53 PM »

Big, big thing for me - As objects (walls, enemies) come closer to the ship/player/screen they need to increase transparency.

Yeah, this is something I want to do, it's just turning out to be more difficult than anticipated as unity is really weird about rendering textures with transparency.  I'm going to try to work out a way to do it, though.

« Reply #56 on: April 07, 2013, 02:32:04 PM »

unity is really weird about rendering textures with transparency.

what do you mean? all you need to do is set the material's shader to transparent/diffuse and modify the alpha value based on it's distance to the camera.

obviously it would need some tweaking but that's the simple and fast way to get the effect implemented.

edit: and to have a proper gradient effect you'd have to have a texture with a gradient on the alpha channel.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 02:39:39 PM by allen » Logged
Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #57 on: April 07, 2013, 10:21:44 PM »

I mean the fact that the unity transparent shaders (outside he cutout shaders) all have issues with z-buffering, and thus will appear on top of other objects when they're not supposed to.  I managed to find a shader someone had made that doesn't have this problem, though, so I've gotten object fading to work (it'll be in the next build).

Alec S.
Level 10

Formerly Malec2b

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« Reply #58 on: April 08, 2013, 11:45:31 AM »

Added a powerup (which will quite possibly be the only powererup in the game) which makes you go faster for a limited amount of time.  This allows you to out-run many of the enemies, but also makes it more challenging to dodge obstacles, so there's a certain tradeoff there.

I also change how the camera follows the player when they gain the powerup, this will allow me to have small secondary paths which have powerups at the beginning.


Level 3

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« Reply #59 on: April 08, 2013, 11:54:28 AM »

I mean the fact that the unity transparent shaders (outside he cutout shaders) all have issues with z-buffering, and thus will appear on top of other objects when they're not supposed to.  I managed to find a shader someone had made that doesn't have this problem, though, so I've gotten object fading to work (it'll be in the next build).

Is it possible you are having issues with the center of the mesh causing the wrong z-order when sorted?

You have to make sure the center of the meshes allow the z-buffering to work right, tris/polys within a mesh are not sorted.
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