Been making diagrams and trying to iron out the balance issues between the many units and skills.
I originally started with the rock-paper-scissors nucleus of...
- Fencer, uses Feint to bait Ripostes and kill...
- Swordsman, counters with Riposte, can step into Triggers to kill...
- Spearman, places Trigger, area control.
... and built off of that until I had a lot of raw material to work with as far as units and skills.
Now I've got that raw material so I can address some of the design issues:
The Fencer's Feint became Disarm and the mechanics of it evolved along with the point/action system, but it's never achieved anything more than being a hard counter to Riposte.
The core idea of the Spearman is that he can't defend himself or be as offensive as some units, but has the ability to defend himself/allies/territory by placing attack triggers on the field.
That's solid, but I could never think of what
else to give him so that he has four skills like everyone else. I've tried a few things, the most recent of which was
Thrust which was just an attack that skips a space. That was something, but it gave the Spearman a hard counter to Riposte since it's technically a ranged attack. It also raised a lot of questions about how attacks work between elevations for units with <Reach>.
In addition, there are a bunch of ambiguities with Triggers that I didn't see until I was coding them in. What happens if two units have Triggers on the same space? Can they put Triggers on the same space? If they can't, what happens when only one tile has such a conflict for units that put down multiple Triggers in a shape (like the Halberdier that's on the drawing board)? Can units without <Reach> put Triggers on ladders?
Lots of tough decisions to make, here's how far I've gotten:
1. Spearman's Couch puts Triggers on two tiles instead of just one. This resolves some issues with <Reach>, let's me take out Thrust without making <Reach> useless on the Spearman, and allows for some interesting combinations that I'll be making gifs of.
*OH if you have managed to follow along with me this far, Triggers are what I was talking about when I said:
- You don't ever choose a direction for a unit to face, at least not in the traditional way. More on this later.
Because even though units don't have a 'facing' they can still be vulnerable from certain directions if they've committed to only defending one with some sort of Trigger skill.
2. Triggers cost ★ to activate when they are stepped on. This makes them more closely related to Counter skills, gives some more depth to ★s, and allows Triggers to be repeatable without being overpowered.
3. The Fencer's Disarm is now ★Disarm. It can only counter Trigger attacks, but when it does it depletes the attackers ★★★★. This completes the reversal of the original triangle and gives me room to make some more powerful Trigger-related units, such as the Halberdier. Also good because the Fencer was pretty close to being cut in favor of a Swordsman-Spearman-Cavalry triangle.
Sorry I'm not sorry about the wall of text, everything will be in version 0.6 of the alpha.
Give me a week or two.