First of all, thanks for the feedback guys.
Your feedback is very valuable to me and gives me a specific direction to work towards.
Anyways, so ever since I added the inventory and the combo system and shop stuff, I've been really inspired to make new weapons and items to add another layer of depth to the combat system, because of the new possibilities of combat. Which explains why all these new "toys" have been appearing. You can read my article on the item combo system here which is a pretty big thing I have going for my game. way I dev is through working on whatever interests me at the time, so I end up adding a lot of features at a concept minimalist stage and what happens is that I have a lot of unpolished content. I'm afraid that I have a lot of polishing up to do because of this.
That's just how I dev, even in writing this post, I'm a little bit all over the place, but in the end everything comes together and it just fits.
As for the combat needing that "oomph" quality to it.
I've already worked on some kind of knockback system on the skeletons that throw bones where your attacks have a more visible force attached with them. I even had it so that you stun them with the shield and even reflect their own projectiles to stun them.
When I got that done for the skeleton, I kinda just left it at something to come back to for the other enemies and only recently have I been thinking of setting up the knockback and stun system for the rest of the monsters. I still need to set up hit animations for everything which won't really be a problem, since I've been getting a lot of good spriting practice.
I've actually spent a lot of my time on the combat, finding ways to have interesting behaviors for enemies that aren't just walk in a straight line towards the player.
Even though there are 9 enemies, they each have unique behaviors.
There's actually only 3 enemies that have a sort of timer combat as Catguy mentions.
But even those 3 enemies have unique behaviors with them.
The bats are the simplest of them, yes they do just fly at you and tick damage away at you, and if you try to cut a corner to lose them, they can somewhat navigate around it to find you.
The zombies, they can latch on to you ticking damage away from you and limiting mobility, you have to shake them off before you can move again.
For the tarman, when you look at it, it hides and you won't be able to attack it while it's hiding, it can use this to its advantage and come up from under you and attack.
For all the other enemies, they have some kind of different way of attacking you, even the three new ones. For the three types of bosses, and somewhat the miniboss, they all have even more complex behaviors.
The enemy behaviors are definitely not as simple as they seem, but yes, they definitely need a lot of more work done on them.
So for the rest of my game, I've had to also split my effort into making a map editor, setting up a dialogue system and inventory system. There's also the effort that went into the dungeon creation and all of its puzzles and secret puzzles, the arena mode, the shopping system, the new items and combo systems, lighting system. There's also the fact that I had to take up learning how to sprite due to my artist dropping. There's definitely a lot of content which makes up the bulk of that 60% progress.
It looks like the rest of that progress is going to be coming in from balancing and polish.
There's a lot of content in the game and a majority of my work will need to be spent polishing up and balancing the content.