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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsWe Need to go Deeper - Co-op Submarine Roguelike
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Author Topic: We Need to go Deeper - Co-op Submarine Roguelike  (Read 36366 times)
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2013, 08:44:52 PM »

This is just fantastic looking!  Blink Blink
Nicholas Lives
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« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2013, 12:58:06 AM »

Hey folks, long time no post I know. Our team has been doin' a lot of crunching these past few weeks, mostly revolving around getting the game networked (more on that soon). With that said, here are a few of the things we've been working for the past month or so.

The Customization Room:

You may have noticed in our past screenshots that the player character tends to differ in appearance from screenshot to screenshot. Well, now you may finally know why! Introducing the Customization Room, where players can name and create a new player character for every new adventure! Because We Need to go Deeper is all about you and your chums having your own unique underwater adventure every time you play, being able to create your own characters was an important feature for us.

In the screenshot here you can see my character, Pop N. Fresche, all outfitted in his adventuring gear and swirly mustache, ready for some deep diving goodness. But before I can send him into action, next I have to choose what tools he is going to take with him. Which of course brings me to our next screen!

The Loadout Room:

Here you can see we've got two slots for players to choose their items from. In this case, I equipped the Wrench for my first slot, and the Tesla-Gun for my second slot. More items will be unlocked as you play through the game, some of which are game changing, and some of which are nearly useless, but regardless, you must think carefully about what you choose to equip in the Loadout Room if you want to succeed in Deeper.

So those are some of the big things we've been working on lately, as well as a whole slew of bug fixes, but here are some of the smaller things I've been working on as well.

NEW Health Hud!

So recently I decided to go ahead and make a new Health HUD for our game, because frankly the old one was placeholder anyway, and I was gettin' sick of lookin' at it. The water you see there is the indicator that your character is about to drown. Once the water reaches the top, your health will steadily decrease until you flop dead on the floor.

NEW Blood and Gore effects!

Early on, whenever you would blow up in enemy in Deeper, they would vanish in a silly little red cloud poof. Very unsatisfying. So, I set out to make blowing up enemies with your torpedoes infinitely more gratifying, by reducing them into large chunks of meat that explode outwards from an explosion of blood that dissipates slowly in the water, while the chunks of meat float down to the bottom of your screen. This was insanely fun to make. Pretty happy with the results so far.

NEW Post-Death Stats Screen!

Dying can suck sometimes, and your team will certainly die a lot in the world of Deeper. But who's to say you can't take some pleasure in dying in the form of post-death stats screens? This screen will show up once your voyage meets its end, and will occasionally reward you with new items if you meet certain requirements(A new item for every 30 enemies killed in one playthrough, or for every extra fathom traveled, etc). Not much to look at now, I know, but we will be adding more stats to this screen as time goes by, and we even plan on introducing a post-death player awards screen, that awards certain players special titles for their good/bad behavior in that playthrough.
Heterogeneous Misogynist
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Jordan Farr

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« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2013, 02:28:17 PM »

Networking Update 1

We Need to go Deeper is a multiplayer adventure, and when we get talking multiplayer, we get talking networking.
I'm pleased to announce the Deeper is, in fact, now a networked game. While it is in its early stages, we here at Deli Interactive have successfully tested LAN games together and it has been a blast!

To start up a multiplayer game in our current build, one player must host a game by clicking the "Host" button in the Online Game menu:

Any players joining must enter the IP address of the hosting player to join their game, then click the "Join" button just below in the Online Game menu:

Joining players will see a "connecting" icon for usually less than one second on LAN games.

And voila! Just like that, we have two players playing together on different computers! Each may select their name, clothing, and equipment loadout separately in the menus shown in PureBredGentleman's post before this one.

Once both players are ready, they enter the submarine. Each can monkey around with the power, fire torpedoes, or drive the sub to its next adventure! All of these things work successfully over a network.

Things that have not yet been implemented include full 4-player networking or enemy position, among many others. These are going to be very, very big parts of our game, so expect many more networking updates as we work to make this game player beautifully and seamlessly with one another.

Network Programmer, Audio Engineer, and general thing-doer for Deli Interactive
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« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2013, 02:39:06 PM »

This looks so great, I really hope it's fun Smiley

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« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2013, 02:57:48 PM »

It's really cool that all the devs are updating the devlog Hand Thumbs Up Left  I'm going to have to see if I can do something similar for mine.

The game is looking good so far!

TIGSource Editor
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« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2013, 09:38:43 AM »

Well shit - a multiplayer roguelike set in a submarine? You've certainly got my attention!  
My Word!

EDIT: Wait, there's not just one, but TWO submarine games in the works?!
 Hand Money LeftEpilepticHand Money Right
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 09:46:19 AM by Alehkhs » Logged
Nicholas Lives
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Catch of the Day

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« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2013, 07:34:33 PM »

The Mud Giant:

"It was unlike anything we had encountered in our travels through the Unchartable waters. At first we had assumed we had discovered some sort of natural wonder in the form of some form of miraculously green mountains; but as we drew closer, we realized these were not rocks, but the spine of a great and mighty creature."

"A deep and ancient roar suddenly hit our ears with great force, as the beast sensed our presence. A large eye emerged from the darkness, followed by some horrendous jaws. As we redistributed more power into the engines, the colossal fish began to take chase."

"My crew's screams echoed within our vessel's interior, as total darkness consumed our sub, the creature having snapped its jaws around us. At first I thought us to be dead, and for a moment I waited to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then, I heard one of my crewmates switch our ship's lights back on. "

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« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2013, 08:16:48 PM »

Progress is looking really good. Smiley
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« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2013, 07:20:55 AM »

Seems it is impossible not to feel the need to use certain things no matter what submarine game one is working on. I wonder what more similarities there will be between our games. Shocked Looking great!

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« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2013, 12:31:03 PM »

One of the most original game design I've seen this year. Cannot wait to see some in-game footage though, it must render well once it's animated.

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Nicholas Lives
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« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2013, 09:40:20 PM »

While the team members of Deli Interactive have all been quite busy with all our life stuff lately, the good news is that we have still been able to tackle Deeper development whenever we get the chance. The better news is that we'll have a lot more time to work on it as soon as our Holiday breaks start!
So, what have we managed to add lately?

Well, Expedition Caves, for one! We've been meanin' to add (or should I say RE-add) this feature in for quite a while now, as the idea of being able to get out of your Submarine and explore is something we've been excited about since we started this project. Originally we had made it so that you could simply leave whenever you wanted to, but this caused some unfortunate problems during playtesting - namely, all of the playtesters would recklessly throw themselves off the submarine constantly, causing much confusion and drawing the game's focus away from keeping the ship running.
But we still wanted to have it so that players could get out and explore, so we came up with expedition areas! Basically, when your crew's submarine comes across a cave, or a boat, or some other explorable area, you have the option of parking inside, so that your crew can get out in their diving helmets and do a bit of expedition-ing! This is our first little prototype cave here, and so far it's been working pretty well! As for what there is to find inside these caves, well, you'll see soon enough.

Well yes, there are treasure chests, of COURSE we've got treasure chests.

As always, let me know what ya'll think! Sorry, I know it's been a while. We're still alive though, hope ya haven't all forgotten about us!
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« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2013, 07:23:32 AM »

Oh boy I've always had a fascination with the deep ocean. Are you planning on adding any mythical creatures?

Nicholas Lives
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Catch of the Day

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« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2013, 10:34:40 AM »

Oh boy I've always had a fascination with the deep ocean. Are you planning on adding any mythical creatures?

If by mythical, you mean fictional, than yes most certainly! Right now we're working on creating an in-game journal where players can learn more about the strange creatures, locations, and items as they discover them on their many doomed voyages. As far as traditionally mythical creatures go, we admittedly haven't discussed them much, but some of our creatures are partially inspired by certain myths and legends of the deep.

Speaking of creatures, I don't believe I've posted this yet, as we haven't implemented this fella into the game yet, but I thought maybe you guys might get a kick out of its design.

Nicholas Lives
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Catch of the Day

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« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2013, 01:16:17 PM »

Just released our FIRST TRAILER today! Come and see it in all its glory and tell us what ya'll think!

« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 02:41:29 PM by PureBredGentleman » Logged
Nicholas Lives
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« Reply #34 on: December 13, 2013, 02:52:24 PM »

Wow, so looks like we just got covered on Rock Paper Shotgun -http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/12/13/kraken-up-we-need-to-go-deeper-is-undersea-ftl/#more-179945

AND Indie Statik! - http://indiestatik.com/2013/12/13/we-need-to-go-deeper-preview/ This is pretty dang exciting for us I must say.

In other news, we've been working on some journal stuff!

Here's an example of what an entry in the journal might look like. This was made a little while ago admittedly, at least before we decided to start calling the Unchartable waters The Living Infinite instead. But the main idea is still there.
Nicholas Lives
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Catch of the Day

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« Reply #35 on: December 15, 2013, 01:29:12 AM »

Our main man Ryan Farr made it so that player characters now keep track of your mouse via head movements. A small but lovely touch. Look at that mustachioed gentleman as he blindly obeys the movements of the sacred cursor.

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« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2013, 06:11:33 AM »

Gratz on being featured on indiestatik and rockpapershotgun.
Some parts of the teaser reminded me of Lost planet 2's desert train level, which is positive!

Nicholas Lives
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« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2013, 03:01:20 PM »

Made a new little critter to populate our ocean last night. Thinkin' of calling it a Monoculi  Blink or something along those lines. Pretty happy with how it turned out!

Nicholas Lives
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« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2013, 12:50:05 AM »

Finished making another enemy today; since it's the holidays and all I have recently only been able to make more assets late at night after all the family stuff is done and over with. Anyway, here's a scary wormy dude. Tryin' to keep our enemy looks varied, so let me know what you guys think!

Also as a little aside, he actually used to look like this:

But after drawing him I realized how closely it resembled the worm boss from the Binding of Isaac. Whoops! Must have Edmund on the brain, I suppose.

EDIT: Made some adjustments. Here's the new version:

« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 01:13:20 PM by PureBredGentleman » Logged
Heterogeneous Misogynist
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Jordan Farr

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« Reply #39 on: December 30, 2013, 07:30:32 PM »

A Little on Networking

This post is a bit of a change of pace. As far as these go, we usually like to showcase features that we've been working on, but I thought it would be interesting for those thinking about making a networked game to talk about some of the potential problems and solutions that come up regularly when attempting something like this. The example I'd like to share with you guys is what we have been calling the unfixable break.

First, a little background: A break is a breach in the submarine’s hull caused by anything from the bite of a shark to the slamming of a tentacle into the submarine. These breaks constantly spew water into the sub’s interior, which fills gradually and can inevitably drown your characters. In order to prevent the sure drowning death, players can take out a wrench and literally whack the break until the hole is fixed. Once all breaks have been repaired, water begins to drain out of the interior, and the players inside are safe—at least from that threat.

But what if you can’t fix a break?

Worse yet, what if you can’t fix a break, and on someone else’s screen, that break is completely repaired? What we have here is a gigantic desync nightmare, which has in testing led to a player dying on one screen and living on another. Based on how we work with death, this created a “ghost” of the character who had died on one screen, popping in for one frame and disappearing everytime a keypress message came in. While this bug, among many others, is hilarious, we had to find a way to prevent this from happening.

One thing I’ve avoided saying thus far is what actually causes a break to be unfixable in the first place. Because we work on a slightly loose client-server model, the player who acts as the server is authoritative on breaks’ creation and deletion for all players ingame. The short version of why a break would become unfixable can be summed up in two words: packet loss. As it stood only a few versions ago, when a client nearly finished repairing a break, that break would only fix when and if the server believed it to be fixed, at which point the server would issue a “destroy this break object” command. The server, also carrying a local client, would receive its own mass-issued message, immediately delete the break object, and stop caring about it. But what if one of the other clients didn’t receive that message? The server wouldn’t carry any more information on that break, and would never send forward that crucial packet again.

A Pretty Nice Fix

Now, I’m not going to say I’m all-knowing on networking junk (in fact, this is the first multiplayer game I've ever attempted), but I was pretty satisfied with this fix. To remedy the unfixable break, I took out the server’s immediate response to what they saw as a break ready to send the “destroy” message about. Instead, I gave the client whose player is closest to a break object ready to be destroyed the authority on its fixing. That is to say that if you are the player closest to a break ready to be fixed, you will contact the server and request it to mass-message the “destroy this break object” command. If you don’t receive a reply between 0.5 and 1 seconds after your request, you’ll ask again. Finally, if another player does not receive this message, when they approach the break and attempt to fix it, they too will make that request for the fix—and will wait the same amount of time before asking again. Using this model, there is nearly no scenario in which a break object cannot be fixed, even when desync occurs, save for total disconnection.


Network Programmer, Audio Engineer, and general thing-doer for Deli Interactive
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