Level 1
« Reply #1760 on: January 04, 2018, 10:07:01 AM » |
Don't know how to describe the game I don't remember.
b∀ kkusa
« Reply #1761 on: January 05, 2018, 04:31:10 AM » |
Is it Police Quest: Open Season ?
« Reply #1762 on: January 05, 2018, 04:38:53 AM » |
Nah, it was an open source/free game with a top down perspective.
« Reply #1763 on: January 05, 2018, 05:42:19 PM » |
Hey, I'm obsessed with not remembering things, so here we go.
It was a pretty adult game, including drug and sexual stuff, I think it was about mainly drug usage. It was fucked up. Colorful, pixel based rpgmaker game (not %100 sure about rpgmaker). You were walking through some beaches. I remember starting in a train or some kind of stuff like that, again not sure. It was an controversial indie game. Any ideas?
Level 1

« Reply #1764 on: January 09, 2018, 07:28:30 AM » |
***SOLVED!! GAME POSTED AT BOTTOM!!*** Okay so this is a long shot. I don't know much about the game I'm trying to remember so please help if you can. Here's everything I can remember. It was a very graphically limited game, mostly menu's and squares and stuff. I remember it having a dark color scheme (maybe dark brown? and possibly, but not necessarily, with neon green outlines around things.) It was a flash game, I do believe, possibly java, it was definitely a browser based game. It was made by, I believe, a Japanese indie game developer who was specifically KNOWN for making these sort of data/menu based games and he was relatively popular within his circles. (This following part is hazy so it might not be correct) I think you were controlling a city or some aspect of a city but it was mostly just represented by squares of different sizes. I forgot what the exact goal was, I don't remember if you were controlling the energy grid or what exactly. I think I remember money being involved and there were upgrades and stuff you could buy. There was a specific goal or end-state you could reach where you "won" by having all of something meet some criteria. Sorry guys, that's all I have I can remember, I really need help with this one, it's driving me crazy! Thanks in advanced! EDIT: I FOUND IT! It was called Heiankyo Parameters!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 08:24:53 AM by Tokyoma »
Level 0
« Reply #1765 on: January 10, 2018, 11:38:54 AM » |
No, it wasn't like 2d platformer. Thanks though. Hey, I'm obsessed with not remembering things, so here we go.
It was a pretty adult game, including drug and sexual stuff, I think it was about mainly drug usage. It was fucked up. Colorful, pixel based rpgmaker game (not %100 sure about rpgmaker). You were walking through some beaches. I remember starting in a train or some kind of stuff like that, again not sure. It was an controversial indie game. Any ideas?

Subaru FTW
« Reply #1766 on: January 20, 2018, 02:01:21 PM » |
there is this one game i had a couple years back. It was actually software and it was a car customization game. it had 4 cars, a ford focus that was called Rally in game, a japenese sedan that was called Sedan in game, a muscle car that was called Dragster, and a chrysler limo which was called Limo. it had lots of customization options and you could print out the cars you made after you were done making them. i think it was called Dream Cars but there is another game with the same name so i am not sure. can anyone help me?
« Reply #1767 on: January 28, 2018, 07:10:31 AM » |
guys i used to play one strategy game at my neighbors,where i could choose between 2 sides rich and poor,i could choose layout of the map,played against CPU i think,map had resources like stone wood,etc.i could build defensive,offensive and neutral buildings,i needed to kill opponents king while my king should stay alive.i could train archers,knights,ninjas and command them where to go and what to do.when archers did nothing they were sitting down with thei bows next to them and it whowed zz above them,also when i commanded other citizens to is windows game,should be from 2002 to 2009,i think he played this on pentium 3 or 4 pc.(4 i think).
« Reply #1768 on: February 12, 2018, 05:09:38 AM » |
Hi guys, I'm wondering if anyone can help me. I've been searching for a game for a while now and yet to have any luck. Basically the only details I can remember is that you're beginning character has twin swords, it's a turn based adventure fighting game for mobile devices, and there is one character I specifically remember, it's a baby flying a plane and he is called dino. You can build a team of up to 6 and through stages in levels. Any help would be greatly appreciated and you would collect shards to obtain characters
« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 05:23:34 AM by Jonnymae1009 »
« Reply #1769 on: February 13, 2018, 11:28:12 AM » |
It was some fish that you can attach to it rockets and other stuff.On every level you can add more attachments.On the end of a level you fight boss.Thats all i remember.
« Reply #1770 on: February 20, 2018, 08:33:22 AM » |
This was a while back, around 2007-2009ish, and it was a demo on the Xbox 360 marketplace. It had gameplay pretty similar to Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, but I remember that in the demo you had to choose between being an archer, a mage, or a warrior. At one point in the game a bridge went out, and you either had to teleport across as the mage or grappling hook across as an archer. No clue what you had to do as the warrior. There was a stealth mechanic, as well as the fact you could pick up and throw dead bodies. Any help would be appreciated.
Writer, Student, Passionate Lover I write things, and you should definitely have me write things for you.
« Reply #1771 on: February 26, 2018, 08:19:32 AM » |
There was this platformer which was probably shareware. While selecting the difficulty; Easy, Medium and Hard; Easy showed the character you were playing as a baby, Medium was just like your character really was and Hard was like a masculine guy. The first level was in a forest and the second was in a laboratory where you would have to fight robots and collect nuts and there was a story with a doctor in it and the character was maybe in a blue suit. Nearly eight years after posting this and a couple more searching for it I finally found it, or better said a friend of mine found it. Never really expected to see it again. Anyways, it's LightWeight Ninja.
« Reply #1772 on: February 27, 2018, 10:22:17 AM » |
There is an old rts war game I used to play. There is a campaign and a two player mode you can play. All your units are one color, which you could change in the main menu. You gain money through some means and use that to make dozens of different types of units like tanks, airplanes, cars, infantry and you try to destroy the opponents HQ. You could get units like Rambo, a tank that builds this weird goo stuff. It is a side-scrolling game.
The terrain was very destructible, though there wasn't much variation to terrain (there was water). It had graphics similar to Scorched Earth, the tanks are almost the exact same design. The game play was much more complicated than Scorched Earth, considering both players went at the same time (there was no turns).
« Reply #1773 on: March 04, 2018, 09:34:44 AM » |
devlog is on tigs metroidvania where with rewind at save points and you can rewind in fights too
b∀ kkusa
« Reply #1774 on: March 04, 2018, 12:44:22 PM » |
« Reply #1775 on: March 04, 2018, 03:39:55 PM » |
That looks cool! But no, it had much darker backgrounds, you started off on a spaceship and there was a quick boss fight, then you fell to the planet. You had a meter to burn to rewind time + could earn some of it back from killing enemies. You could rewind to previous save/checkpoints and use knowledge already gained eg. a combination to open a locked door
« Reply #1777 on: March 13, 2018, 08:24:18 AM » |
Really old RPG game, in the diablo 1 style. One thing I remember about it was the if you picked a spider web it would forever occupy a place in your inventory, you couldn't get rid of it ( or at least I didn't know how ).
Andrew Salamander
« Reply #1778 on: March 14, 2018, 12:25:16 PM » |
Ok, I think around late 80s arcade game. 2D sprite-based graphics. It was space themed, and I feel like each stage was on a different planet or something? I have this sense that each enemy was a pretty serious encounter (as opposed to waves of easily disposable enemies) but I could be wrong on that. I think it had "Solar" in the name, though maybe not? Sorry if this is vague, I'm old and it is a long ago memory... /EDIT Nevermind, thanks to the Internet I believe that I found it myself. I'm not 100% sure this is it, but it seems to fit everything I'm looking for (although it is more SHMUP-ey than I remember) and feels veryyyy familiar...
« Reply #1779 on: March 16, 2018, 12:30:16 PM » |
We need a game akinator