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TIGSource ForumsPlayerGamesGames you can't remember the names of
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Author Topic: Games you can't remember the names of  (Read 415928 times)
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« Reply #1860 on: October 17, 2019, 09:18:07 AM »

I'm trying to find an indie game that is probably recent (2015-2017?) that uses MIDI Keyboard input.

You press multiple keys at the same time on a midi piano keyboard to combine elements like fire/ice/air

I think the setting was either about planting trees or some other bioforms in different biospheres or terraforming of planets.

indie/unknown. maybe a (partially?) french dev team? Totally can't find it any more. don't think it's on itch.io or GGJ's site.

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« Reply #1861 on: October 18, 2019, 05:26:18 AM »

Hello guys!
I was talking with my friend a about childhood video games we played and we remembered description of one level in the game but we can't recall name of the game.
It is a Power Ranger game, older than year 2006. and we played it on PC.
The description of the level I mentioned before goes like this: We think that red ranger fights in some kind of western looking town against a huge enemy in the background. I drew a little picture (Yeah I know, I don't know how to draw)
If somebody has any information we would be very grateful!
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« Reply #1862 on: October 18, 2019, 11:04:48 AM »

Just so it's logged somewhere on the internet for me to revisit, I need to make this post.

There was a Sega Genesis game I use to play at elementary school back where that I always forgot the name of. What I remember of the game has always been so much cooler than what it actually way. The game ended up being Ultimate Qix. Not Verytex, Truxton, or anything else, it was Ultimate Qix.

What I imagined it to be was a lot different. As appose to trapping the enemy in a closed space, you instead shot at the enemy that was put together in layers. The thing was, you could go all around the enemy.

But the game is Ultimate Qix.

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« Reply #1863 on: November 05, 2019, 04:16:56 PM »

SOLVED from reddit, its magi nation

Platform(s): Gameboy I am almost positive, believe it was one of the purple see through cartridges as well
Genre:  rpg
Estimated year of release: early 2000's
Graphics/art style:  I believe it was color, so must've been gameboy color, kinda a neutral not dark or super happy bright theme, just neutral old school final fantasy feel
Notable characters: Nothing defining about a single character, but main character was a young kid in school, starts with his group of 4 kids
Notable gameplay mechanics:  I am almost positive there was some kind of feature where as you beat monsters you would collect like soul pieces or shards or something that would either let you use that monster, or evolve yours, battled kinda like pokemon
Other details:  The game starts with you either already in school, or going to school in a small coastal town,  the school had a secret passage on the left with like a potion, then you meet your friends in a cave on the beach after school for a club, i think you maybe get sucked into a portal in the cave? either that or you leave town on your own, one of the kids or your sister or something gets taken?
« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 04:52:25 PM by rabiddoughnuts » Logged
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« Reply #1864 on: November 13, 2019, 10:02:41 AM »

I have a few, but here's one that's been annoying me for a long time. 

DOS Game from the 90s, had matchbox-sized cars that raced around a long track. I remember it coming from an old shareware magazine-collection from 1997 (EasyPC). The cars would race for either one or three laps.

I'm sure the title had 'Formula' in it, but searches with any numbers have come up blank.
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« Reply #1865 on: November 13, 2019, 10:07:48 AM »

Also, a Flash game from around 2000-2001, multiplayer. You chose six different types of moves (high, medium, low block, or high, medium, low attack). The opponent did the same, and the scoring would be done based on whether the moves hit or were blocked. You'd be given a number of points to level up each area after a number of fights. 

This was, from what I remember, on the early BBC website. 
Level 3

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« Reply #1866 on: November 17, 2019, 11:27:12 AM »

I have a few, but here's one that's been annoying me for a long time.  

DOS Game from the 90s, had matchbox-sized cars that raced around a long track. I remember it coming from an old shareware magazine-collection from 1997 (EasyPC). The cars would race for either one or three laps.

I'm sure the title had 'Formula' in it, but searches with any numbers have come up blank.
Micro machines? Or part 2. First 2 games where in dos.
Could also be another game, but don't remember the name. But that was more "dirt rally", and had really "odd" keyboard controls to prevent keylocking with multiple local players.

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« Reply #1867 on: November 20, 2019, 06:07:02 AM »

I have a few, but here's one that's been annoying me for a long time.  

DOS Game from the 90s, had matchbox-sized cars that raced around a long track. I remember it coming from an old shareware magazine-collection from 1997 (EasyPC). The cars would race for either one or three laps.

I'm sure the title had 'Formula' in it, but searches with any numbers have come up blank.
Micro machines? Or part 2. First 2 games where in dos.
Could also be another game, but don't remember the name. But that was more "dirt rally", and had really "odd" keyboard controls to prevent keylocking with multiple local players.

I think that might be Ironman Offroad Racing, but I'm not sure if it's the game the OP is looking for:

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« Reply #1868 on: November 20, 2019, 06:54:58 AM »

No, but it's similar to that. Same theme.
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« Reply #1869 on: November 21, 2019, 03:14:28 PM »

did it scroll or was it single-screen?
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« Reply #1870 on: November 26, 2019, 11:56:33 AM »

Looking for a game:
-It was very Mirror’s Edge inspired (similar aesthetic and emphasis in movement) but 2D and a completely different story and characters.
-It was available in YoYo Games’ site where people posted their games.
-The plot involved a special pocket clock.
-It had religious references.
Found it: God's Watch
YoYo Games download link is down, but the Box.net download link still works.


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« Reply #1871 on: November 28, 2019, 04:09:33 PM »

ok so theres one game that like u were racing with some NPCS around the whole America map (missions) and u had to choose the right bike for the right map. I cant remember anything else it was like 5 yrs ago but the game was released I think in 2008 or 2009. hope someone knows the game. bye now

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« Reply #1872 on: March 02, 2020, 09:42:29 AM »

Okay so I played this not THAT long ago like 3-4 years last time(?) It was a flash game on computer where you could have a robot, train it in several ways, add new better parts and battle 1 on 1 other people's robots, and have about 4 different attacks depending on the parts. You could train the robot by making it ''run'' and destroying obstacles in the way, then the second one was something to do with colors like Simon Says or something and the 3rd one i have no idea, like a punching bag or destroying like stone/brick obstacles, which were in the running one too I think. There were leagues and you could progress in them. The robots were kind of human shaped but with like a glass sphere as their heads(?) The duels' view was the same as in Pokemon games as well as the training. The graphics were similiar to Habbo Hotel or NitroMe games. Please help I've been looking for it for weeks.  Sad Shrug
« Last Edit: March 02, 2020, 09:52:26 AM by Tutulius » Logged
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« Reply #1873 on: April 04, 2020, 11:01:31 PM »

You know that one Amiga 500 game where you play as a wizard/sorcerer with platforms. If remember correctly you fought against other wizards and could fly/teleport?

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« Reply #1874 on: May 31, 2020, 08:26:24 AM »

So there was an old top-down puzzle (I think?) game, it may have been either DOS or early PC platform. I have forgotten most of it, but I believe the graphics were 16 bit (probably in line with The Lost Vikings) and the main goal of each level was to touch a specific tile and then return to your starting position as fast as possible because when you touch the aforementioned specific tile, the outer wall tiles or possibly all wall tiles start turning into monsters one by one that then swarm the player once they completely turn into monsters. Basically kind of like Wario Land 4 with its vortex and frog switch feature, but it's a top-down puzzle thing instead of a platformer and without a timer. There was even a level that was nothing but a zig-zag path filling the entire level and leading from the starting position on top to the monster-triggering tile to the bottom, serving as a way of making it more difficult to make it back and clear the level. I think the background color for the levels was black.
Unfortunately, MobyGames wasn't very helpful and Google didn't seem to be able to figure out what I was talking about (I attempted various different search terms). I hope someone will be able to help Beg

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« Reply #1875 on: June 16, 2020, 11:36:15 AM »

This was a game that I used to play on a website called fastgames.com. I believe the year was around 2015. It was an adventure and search game where you played as a girl with a red hood I believe and fingerless gloves. The game starts with a storytime where the girl is seen hugging her teddy bear (which is sort of a robot, I'm not sure but I think that it was able to replay memories) in a train. There's a flashback where we can see her in her bed in her room listening to her parents fighting. It turns out that she ran away from home because of her parents fighting. Next, she finds out that the area in which she lived was hit by a flood, so the point of the whole game was her trying to find her way back home. The game art was detailed since the point was for you to find different missing things that you needed to find in order to progress. The world looks as a sort of a Wonderland, I believe that there were talking trees and other weird things. I am not sure if all the details are correct, I was about 13 years old back then. I've been trying to find this game for ages and it would make me immensely happy if someone recognizes it and tells me the name of it.

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« Reply #1876 on: June 22, 2020, 03:38:13 PM »

hi dudes.
looking for a game that i played in dos. its kinda memory game, that its block has heads with a kind of lamp on it.
this is a low resolution image of that game

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« Reply #1877 on: June 30, 2020, 01:22:49 AM »

I'm trying to find this old game that I suddenly remembered last week and couldnt stop thinking about it. I only remember this much for now. If anyone knows this game then please do tell because I feel like I'm being delusional since no one I know irl knows what I'm talking about, and I'm starting to think I dreamt it or sth.

I think it was a rhythm game since the functions are similar to it. The last time I remember playing the game was when it was around 2010 ish cause I was playing it on the ipad 1 or 2.

From what I remember, the plot was that MC was a new student at this prestigious music school and was going to become a composer or sth?? And met some characters along the way. One of them plays the flute and the other was drums or piano??

The way the game works is that I have to tap and flick whenever there's the white blobs appearing on the white lines (I think theres 2 lines max). And it sorts of "replicate" what an orchestra composer would do in the orchestra because of the "flicks" and "taps" and "hand gestures" by swiping the screen.
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« Reply #1878 on: July 12, 2020, 07:18:38 PM »

i played a mmorpg game like darkfall online,dont have level,i can not remember that game name

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« Reply #1879 on: July 30, 2020, 11:23:49 PM »

Last time I played this game (mobile game on android) was in the year 2014 - 2016 so maybe it doesn't exist anymore.

This game was a catoonish strategy/rpg game of wars , you control a character as 3rd person view when you invade other fortresses and you fight with a sword and you do have some abilities as well. You can also control your tiny set of army and strategize against the enemy.

You can go back to your home town and roam around the city. Probably for upgrading, and looking into the next invasion or war.

What was memorable is that there was a princess in the town, it was like a side love story different from the main goal of the game. She has a heart displayed on top of her head that shows how interested she is in you.

Whenever you finish a mission you get the chance to talk to this princess, if you impress her then the hearts increase, and if you don't then they get purple and decrease.

That's as far as I can remember of this game and I haven't progressed much further to give more details.

This game was a head of it's time for sure ... please help me if you know this game !
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