Hey guys

it's been ages since I've had time to maintain this devlog at all- feeling a bit bad for neglecting it!
Since launch I've been run off my feet with admin/support/pr/marketing work, and it has been a struggle to get back to a balance were most of my time is spent on game content again
I went to PAX and got drunk with devs and gamers I'd previously known only on twitter, and got to be surprised by them all looking nothing like how I had imagined them

Anyway I'm back in action now and hoping to get back to blogging our dev journey again!
Gamedragon- I do all my animation in Photoshop. It has its limitations, not being built specifically with animation in mind, but it is the most versatile art environment for me, and it is where I am the most fast and fluent- feeling comfortable in an environment always trumps features, not that PS is missing too many features
Ruxar- Things are going well, but nothing earth shattering- to date we've sold around 16,000 units, and we're currently averaging just over 80 per day.
We're hoping for full launch to be a little bigger then the early access launch if we want to make a regular salary for the 2 years or so dev time- this looks fairly likely, but we definitely don't have any extra cash to hire another programmer to help with online support ar anything like that.
Still, if full launch ends up being significantly bigger than the early access launch, we could end up with some extra cash, not to mention doing console versions- so all in all it is looking promising for our first project, but we still have to be very careful with our money incase launch isn't as big as we'd like.
Low_Chance- haha yes I can't wait to get that big bird guy in there! In implementing the Demon Lord, we cleaned up our "grab" system, which means that the grab/chomp the bird has is now fully functional- all I need for him is a second move then I can put him in, but I haven't had achance yet to try out my ideas!
Also, thanks for the advice and compliments dude! After launch I did go away for a weekend with my girlfriend (who I had basically ignored for 2 months to get the game ready) and stayed in a cabin in the bush surrounded by nothing but trees and kangaroos and didn't touch my computer at all- this was a pretty good way to decompress after working 20 hour days on the weeks leading up til launch, but I think I like your idea of drugs on a tropical island much better :D
eigenbom- hehe yeah, I tried to make it look like it's mostly hanging over her face with just a crack showing- i did try some more covered versions, but if i take away the 1 pixel showing it would be hard to tell what she is
knifeySpoonie- cheers dude, I hope you had fun- a few bugs have come up in the update, but we have fixed 90% of them and will be doing a patch very soon with those fixes
Low_Chance (again!)- yup, we've tried to make all the potions equally viable, and fix a couple of oversights where we just had the wrong values and ended up with OP potions! also just trying to simplify it so it's a much easier decision in a quick game- generally the influence is not quite so strong but they are cheaper so hopefully people will buy quite a few without things getting unbalanced
Slader16- hey! Crawl is showing in IndieCade which we're really psyched about, but being in Australia, we can't afford the flights (and particularly can't afford the time off development) to come get involved in person! I think it takes us out of the running for much of the competition stuff which is a bit of a bummer, but it's still pretty sweet to have Crawl picked at all!
Low_Chance (again again!!!)- yep the new monsters will all get a bit of a tweak soon as we have a good handle on the balance issues and know the best ways to tweak them to keep them fun without unbalancing things!