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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsCRAWL: arcade dungeon crawler where your friends control the monsters
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Author Topic: CRAWL: arcade dungeon crawler where your friends control the monsters  (Read 222383 times)
Level 2

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« Reply #380 on: December 04, 2014, 07:30:48 PM »

@Fenrir I do all my pixel art/animation using Photoshop, and we're putting the game together in Unity.  We use an extension called Ex2D to help with sprite sheets and stuff, though that may be obsolete since they updated their default 2D tools (which i haven't actually tried since the update)

@Storsorgen yep there are two floating heads in the picture.  That final screen for the hydra has many variants- you can chop off his heads in the fight, and then they attack you as detached entities, needing to be individually killed- so there are many possible makeups of hydra depending on how many heads have been detatched and how many have been killed- the variant i showed is the one for 1 head still on body, 2 severed but still alive, but i do have variants for all the other setups Smiley

@achebit absolutely- getting those early wire sketches right makes all the difference

@chriskoebke cheers :D!  i wish we weren't operating on such a tight timeline so i had time to add the extra layer of drool/blood splashes and dust puffs etc to get that final layer of juiciness, but as a 2-man team i have so much other stuff to do!  maybe if we get good sales on the release version i'll be able to afford the time to juice things up that extra bit :D

@Storsorgen again hehe yes absolutely- i probably should make that more clear!  i've updated my signature and the first page of the topic Smiley!

Level 0

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« Reply #381 on: December 04, 2014, 07:47:40 PM »

Hey! I didn't even know there was a Crawl thread here...
Anyway, a friend gave me the game on Steam for my birthday a few months ago (it was on my wish list).

We had a blast playing together! Really interesting concept.

Keep up the good work guys! Looking forward for future updates!

Hey! I'm a game designer/programmer/writer, and I like to make games. Smiley

@LucasZanenga Facebook
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« Reply #382 on: December 04, 2014, 07:53:14 PM »

Well where do you think all of this qwesome is coming from? Wink

Level 0

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« Reply #383 on: December 04, 2014, 07:55:56 PM »

Dem pixel animations are yummy as hell! Kiss

Level 2

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« Reply #384 on: December 08, 2014, 03:44:15 PM »

more hydra anims Smiley

Level 10


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« Reply #385 on: December 08, 2014, 09:00:46 PM »

Lol gross. Smiley

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« Reply #386 on: January 29, 2015, 02:32:08 PM »

oh man, i've been neglecting this thread so bad!

as my stress level has been going up, my communication on the net has been dropping off!

here is some enviro art anyway Smiley


Level 1

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« Reply #387 on: January 29, 2015, 02:35:47 PM »

Looks sweet barney! I've been suuuuuuuuper MIA online too, twitter aside. I need to do some serious updating on my TIG page haha.

But yeah, as per usual, crawl looks dope.

Level 2


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« Reply #388 on: January 29, 2015, 04:01:29 PM »

Don't get stressed, get even.

Looks great!

Level 2

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« Reply #389 on: January 29, 2015, 08:56:18 PM »

cheers dudes Smiley

another one:

(spooky forest/garden kinda thing)

Level 3

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« Reply #390 on: January 29, 2015, 11:42:45 PM »

your art looks really nice  Smiley
posting to follow
Level 1

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« Reply #391 on: January 30, 2015, 06:39:26 AM »

New art looks great! Really happy to see you putting stuff in this thread again.

I know you have other stuff on your mind, but I wanted to ask if there are any changes planned to the difficulty of the Kourok fight? My friends and I used to always play CRAWL when we got together for local games night, but lately we haven't been picking it up as much because now that we're more skilled, no-one ever beats Kourok - the ghost players making intelligent use of slimes and boss weapons are almost impossible to win against for all of us. Like, in the last fifteen 4-player matches we've played, maybe one of them ended with Kourok being defeated, and all the others by Kourok unleashed.

In order to feel even a little confident about attacking Kourok (for the third time), we try to accumulate power and levels for a really really long time, but then the game ends up going extremely long and it starts to wear us out. Has anyone else been reporting an experience like this? We've also ended up with a situation where most players who encounter a Kourok portal will immediately jump in for the first or second use (where there are minimal consequences for failing to beat Kourok), with a 100% failure rate, meaning that a lot of time ends up sort of "wasted" on two unwinnable boss fights every game, followed by a huge amount of "grinding" to increase power level enough to have a shot at winning the crucial third match.

Anyway, we really love CRAWL as a game and we had a blast with it (before we got too good at playing as Kourok-parts), we are definitely poised to get back to CRAWL after the next update, but I wanted to know if you have any thoughts to share on this issue which, for our group, has come to define the whole game.

EDIT: After playing a bunch of games with 2 players + 2 hard AIs today, we've been able to get some wins vs. Kourok. The slimes no longer being able to be saved up for the boss fight, combined with more aggressively going for the bomb-in-mouth shot regardless of needing to walk through acid or lasers has helped. Maybe this issue isn't such a big deal Smiley
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 02:50:42 PM by Low_Chance » Logged
Level 4

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« Reply #392 on: February 01, 2015, 03:40:44 PM »

Got to play for the first time a couple of days ago (no real opportunity for local coop games here, sadly) for about half an hour.

Very impressed. Well done guys!

What are your future plans?

Level 2

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« Reply #393 on: February 04, 2015, 06:50:18 PM »

a couple more...


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« Reply #394 on: February 04, 2015, 06:51:07 PM »


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« Reply #395 on: February 04, 2015, 06:51:20 PM »

@low_chance- yeah sorry to hear the with kourok... it's a hard thing to balance because a lot of people find it way too easy and a lot of people find it way too hard so we can't really satisfy everyone Smiley  ideally I'd want to put mechanics in game for handicapping or increasing the challenge for players who want that, but realistically I'll never get a chance to do that Sad

we did take his damage down with the recent update to try and find a nicer middle point, so hopefully that helps- when it comes to balancing this out, i definitely lean towards players losing more often than not, so it really feels significant when you do get a win, but there are problems both ways really, so it's the lesser of two evils in this case Smiley

@gambrinous- future plans are basically to just make as much extra content as i can!  I'd love to add more weapons, monsters, items etc, do a handful more bosses and add a whole load of secrets and special features for advanced players, but no idea how much of that i'll get a chance to do in the end, just gotta work as fast as i can and try to get as much in there as possible!

Level 1

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« Reply #396 on: February 05, 2015, 08:43:00 AM »

I think the problem is that most of my playtime was during the v0.2, where with the slimes being present for boss fights plus the bosses doing full damage rather than 80%, we all continued to over-prepare for the boss and fear the portals too much.

After playing several games with 2 human players and 2 hard A.I.s, we've had much better results fighting Kourok and the balance feels great now. Sometimes we'll attempt the boss at level 10 or 11 for the slim shot at victory, and it's rare for someone not to try the boss portal at level 14 and higher, which seems about right.

I'm obsessed with getting better at using ranged weapons after seeing that they were buffed in the last patch - it's slow going yet Smiley my aim isn't quite where it needs to be, methinks.

There are two things I think might bear a bit of tinkering, balance-wise, right now:

1. The flying green octopus monster is great, though the A.I. might need a little tweaking in dealing with it. Melee-only AIs never seem to be able to actually hit it - I think perhaps they need to try swining at the octopus as soon as it starts to swoop at them rather than afterward. Vs. human players the flying octopus seems fine.

2. Fetid discharge, in our group, is the new ultimate spell. Even die-hard Advanced Dodge Roll/Hyperdash players like me have come to just stick to fetid discharge. The combination of low cost, fast recharge/long duration, and large area make it a clear winner for our group. It's also super effective against both Kourok and Ghidrak, as well as most monsters. If other users are reporting the same, I think maybe reducing the duration or increasing the ability's recharge time (or simply raising the gold cost to purchase the book) might be a good idea to promote variety.

EDIT: Talking with my play group, we did think of one other comment:

The current potion format for the miscellaneous ability boosing potions (+2 Str, -1 Agi, etc.) is in some ways less appealing to us than the percentage-based system in v0.1. The issue is that, as players, we have no idea what, for example, +2 Str actually means. We know it's raising damage by some amount, but we don't know how much strength we have already or how strength affects our actual damage. Likewise agility and stamina. As a result, we generally just buy every such potion, if we can afford it, without even considering what type it is, because all we know is that +2 / -1 is a net gain. Perhaps some dynamic text could appear next to the potion indicating the percentage increase/decrease over the current values, e.g.: +2 Strength (+13% more damage per hit), -1 Agility (6% decrease in movement speed, 1% decrease in attack speed). This might help make potion purchasing a bit more strategic, as it was in the original system (with potions with very dramatic changes to HP, damage, and speed).

« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 09:19:14 AM by Low_Chance » Logged
Level 2

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« Reply #397 on: February 07, 2015, 08:44:22 PM »

Oh man this game is amazing. I love it to bits!

Level 2

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« Reply #398 on: February 08, 2015, 01:58:17 AM »

hey thanks ENDESGA Smiley great to hear! i just recently say NIKRA and it looks great- can't wait to see more!

@Low_Chance thanks so much for the feedback! I'll be sure to keep my eye on how the AI handles the tentacle guy and on the discharge spell Smiley

the potion issue is a bit more complex, but i'll definitely keep this in mind!

Level 2

Located on the first galaxy in the Heptaverse.

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« Reply #399 on: February 12, 2015, 12:48:11 AM »

Thanks man! Progress is going well  Grin

I can't get over how beautiful your animations are! Like seriously!
I spend hours and hours on singular images, and yet you have these fluid sexy gifs of things I could never animate in my dreams! Especially the attack animations  WTFHand Money Right

I guess it just requires practice... But I have to draw so much in such a small time Hand PencilConcerned

Love it! Following! Buying! Everything!

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