Level 1
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:47:17 AM » |
TACTICAL | AERIAL | COMBATHunting Anubis is a single/multiplayer combat flight sim focusing on near future drone warfare. Currently in a free, open Beta period. Dogfight enemies fully autonomous or remotely manned in the endless fight for the skies of the 21st century. Many features are planned and in production for Anubis, and new Beta builds will be uploaded monthly. Release is currently scheduled for Late 2014. Download for Windows and Mac: http://www.noctuelles.net/Hunting-Anubis-> Controls :: W and S for Throttle, A and D to roll. Mouse to pitch and yaw. V switches view mode. T to chat. Mouseclick to fill your enemies with lead. -> Hosting :: This is a multiplayer game, so you might need grab a few friends if you want to play and no one is in game. Alternatively you can simply play with bots (They spawn automatically on host). The hosting system should work on almost all network setups and is extremely simple to use, simply click the host button and wait for players to turn up. If you wish to join a game, simply press connect. To see players currently connected along with the leaderboard, press Tab  Development/Change Log: http://www.noctuelles.net/Hunting-Anubis-DevlogSoundtrack: https://soundcloud.com/lhasamencur/qeb-hwt/Additional Information: http://www.noctuelles.net/Hunting-AnubisTips: Your weapon is more accurate in short bursts, and will overheat if you don't give it time to cool down. Flying low and cutting thrust will make you invisible to radar cover, just be wary of stalls. Credits -> Orihaus :: Design, Code, Modeling, Graphics, Enviroments. -> Lhasa Mencur :: Music, Audio. -> Aliceffekt :: Additional Modeling and Map Design. -> Henk Boom and Renaud Bédard :: Waiting For Horus base Code.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 06:42:24 AM by orihaus »
Chris Pavia
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2013, 09:04:28 AM » |
Streamed myself playing this and a bunch of other 7DFPS games right after the jam, although there wasn't anyone else online to play with so it wasn't that exciting apart from how beautiful it is. I'd love a breakdown of the shaders/graphical effects if you get the time.
Level 1
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2013, 09:04:37 PM » |
Oh yea, forgot to mention! If anyone wants to find other players, come by #merveilles on http://esper.net/publicirc.php if you want to organise a test!
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2013, 02:58:40 AM » |
Hey Orihaus, cool, i like how you're committed to your aesthetic  i just tried it on my mac and i can't throttle, i press W and S or Up and Down key and it does nothing. :/ See you soon 
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 03:05:25 AM by nss_aries »
Level 1
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2013, 03:11:41 AM » |
Oh, thanks nss_aries! Yea, sorry there's no real feedback for throttle yet, except in 3rd person. Increasing thrust takes a few seconds of holding w to get to maximum, and you can increase that thrust even further while you're holding it down. On top of that, thrust takes time to actually speed up the craft. Using V to go 3rd person will make it clearer!
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2013, 03:37:00 AM » |
Oh ok, thanks, now I see it  maybe you can add a little visual feedback, an effect or something to tell the player the move is going on.
Level 1
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2013, 07:49:03 AM » |
nss_aries: On it!
Level 1
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2013, 02:55:17 AM » |
Ok, drones are at Stage One; meaning that they will now: Hunt you, Shoot you, Dodge your shots, match speed and aim at your lead position (Where their shots are most likely to hit you). Here's the unoffical test build, just for you TIGSource: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61703399/Anubis%20-%20bV16%20-%20Windows.zip You can play locally with them simply by hosting.
Level 1
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2013, 07:46:00 AM » |
Added a new Heavy Fighter class with dual synced missile launchers and cannons. Projects a lot of hurt, but it's a good deal easier to hit. Also, upgraded drones to be much more lethal and to use secondary fire. Try it out the new class and drones with this build, and tell me what you think! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61703399/Anubis%20-%20bV16%20-%20Windows.zipNote: classes are randomised on host or connect as they're no UI for choosing yet, so just roll a few times!
Level 1
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2013, 06:29:23 AM » |
New official build up: http://www.noctuelles.net/Hunting-Anubis!  This one includes Stage Two bots, meaning they now act fully as another player would with new behaviours like: Roaming the map and attacking players that show up on their radar, matching speed and heading with their target, and attacking each other as they would players. Just host a game and check them out! Note: '!' on radar targets mean that the other player is picking you up on radar, flying low and cutting engines can help with this.
Level 1
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2013, 02:14:38 AM » |
New build up under the same name as there's no networking change: http://www.noctuelles.net/Hunting-Anubis. Added UI for Hull Integrity, Signature Radius and Airspeed. 
Level 1
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2013, 03:35:59 AM » |
Having issues with the Master Server, so Multiplayer is down. You still can play fine single player, just hit 'Host': http://www.noctuelles.net/Hunting-Anubis.  New features include: Spring Look, Heat/Accuracy indicator, Enemy Distance, More Readable Description Text, Rendering Tweaks, Smarter AI
Level 1
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2013, 03:15:14 AM » |
Uploaded a build with much improved spring look at: http://www.noctuelles.net/Hunting-Anubis, as usual. Also, anyone who downloaded the game within the last 2 days, please redownload as I accidently uploaded the build with bots disabled.
Level 1
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2013, 02:58:26 AM » |
Beta v27: I've fully restored the Hacking system and added sounds, a proper UI and a guide: -> Hacking :: When an enemy's radar signature enters within assault range (You'll notice target leading is active and the lines are doubled), you can attempt to hack their aircraft. To do this, hold Right Click while maintaining visual contact and keeping their signature within assault range (Keep close and try to keep them from flying low enough to scramble your radar). If your hack is successful, their aircraft will become unresponsive for 4 seconds. Additionally, you can hold shift to glance around while your aircraft maintains current heading, and forcing an enemy to crash with or without hacking will know count as a kill.