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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsCogmind (sci-fi robot-themed roguelike) - BETA RELEASED
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Author Topic: Cogmind (sci-fi robot-themed roguelike) - BETA RELEASED  (Read 240622 times)
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« Reply #480 on: March 10, 2015, 02:06:30 AM »

Shiet, these tiles do certainly look awesome, great job <3
gameplaywise they seem to be (at least) at the same levels with ascii, if not better!

Your job with how well the UI performs is in my mind the key thing in usability, more than the art or ascii it's displayed with..

So, keep up the damn good work!

- - - -
Level 10

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« Reply #481 on: March 10, 2015, 04:27:19 PM »

Thanks everyone!

Kacper really did capture the feel of the world, and I do think that with the characteristics we focused on they manage to come functionally close to ASCII, certainly better than the latter for some players. There are still advantages to using ASCII in that 1) it's more thematic, 2) letter association is reinforced by several other parts of the game, and 3) it's still quicker to parse (especially at the smallest couple sizes). It's true that, as TheWing mentions, regardless of how the map is displayed the many supplementary UI features are a big help in making Cogmind a smooth experience.

Already more than one person has come out and said they're planning to switch from ASCII to tiles Roll Eyes. Haha... Not a bad thing, insomuch as it shows what a good job he's done! Now we just have to do a good job of scaling them to dimensions 14~20, which can be tough to accomplish while keeping the same feel. We're still working out the details of that process...

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« Reply #482 on: March 11, 2015, 12:34:30 PM »

Absolutely amazing!  Kiss

(I missed your post till now..  Facepalm)
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« Reply #483 on: March 11, 2015, 04:47:52 PM »

Absolutely amazing!  Kiss

(I missed your post till now..  Facepalm)
Ha, we're all busy and can't get to the latest news about everything immediately  Tired
Some regulars don't even noticed my new posts until a week or more later, but no big deal since news only comes every week or two, plus with news this big I like to leave it as the top news for longer than usual, too  Cool

I have several other important posts coming up, and written, but I'd also really like to keep the tiles there for a while because I LOVE THEM :D.

In related news, Kacper's now onto scaling the sprites for different resolutions (after obliging me by adding two more robots not in the initial set). After a bumpy start that's starting to turn out well, too. Scaling samples of the Worker and Grunt classes:

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« Reply #484 on: March 11, 2015, 11:51:59 PM »

They look great too. The art style works really well at all those different resolutions. Smiley
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« Reply #485 on: March 23, 2015, 06:30:44 PM »

Cogmind Release Schedule
[Cross-posted from the devblog here--follow link for better formatting and light-on-dark style.]

When Cogmind was rebooted in mid-2013, the intent was that it would be a relatively quick production that would take "about a year" to finish. As we approach the two-year mark, it's looking like an accurate forecast would have been more than twice that.

Of course, the original plan was to simply make "a polished version of the 7DRL, with some new mechanics." And that would've taken about a year. But it turns out the project had so much potential that it seemed like a wasted opportunity to not expand it further. Thus we end up with a huge number of assets, significantly expanded mechanics, and a bigger world and story to go with it.

Not to offer these up as excuses--I wouldn't have it any other way! As one follower mentioned earlier this year: "I'm away from Twitter for half a year and you turn Cogmind from something amazing into something I can't describe!" Drawbacks of having an indescribable game aside, that's a good summary of exactly why it's been worth the additional investment =p.

Alpha Access
Development could go on for much longer, but the desire to steer clear of feature creep gets stronger with every passing month. So it's about time to release this thing into the wild.

Cogmind Alpha Access is essentially a paid early access program scheduled to launch in May.

Setting that deadline has also had the positive side-effect of accelerating development beyond full time (we're deep in overtime territory now). At the beginning of January I drafted a three-month development plan leading up to the alpha launch, and that plan remained right on schedule except when we ventured outside my familiar territory and into tileset land, mostly due to handling the strong response from pixel artists looking to join the project.

For three months I've worked day and night to make the intended April launch despite all the additional tileset-related work, and while we could theoretically still be ready to release by late April, I should probably stop developing at breakneck speed to avoid a complete burnout.

The release is still too far away to set a specific date, which probably won't be announced until shortly before launch. Regardless, now that there's a feature freeze in place it's only a matter of (finite) time before we launch. Much of what's left to do is peripheral business and marketing nonsense rather than actual game development.

Release State
Just because there's a feature freeze doesn't mean the game is complete--the freeze is temporary so we can get this thing out the door in a tested, playable state.

As an alpha launch the game is naturally still a ways from its intended final state. That said, the core experience is there and it's plenty fun, so you'll without a doubt be getting something you can enjoy immediately.

All the core mechanics are complete, and you can salvage parts, engage in combat (or avoid it) with help from hundreds of unique components, hack multiple types of machines, and interact with dozens of robots while exploring the "main areas" of the world and a couple of the early branches.

Still to add are environmental sound/music, many more "branch" maps, bosses, more story elements, fluff, and NPCs, plus a few other features that aren't required but will improve balance and/or the overall experience.

Progress has been reported intermittently throughout the development process, on the website FAQ. The pre-alpha progress chart and roadmap have been replaced by new ones which will continue to receive updates as development continues, as before.

Cogmind's state for alpha release.

A follow-up post after this one will go into even more detail regarding the state of the game and how it will evolve in future months.

Supporter Benefits
Back to Alpha Access: The obvious primary benefit is access to all alpha release builds of the game, including everything up to 1.0 and beyond, forever. While enjoying the game you can also join us in the forums (not open yet) to help improve and shape its future.

Assuming Cogmind eventually finds its way on to Steam, as currently planned, you'll also be the first to have access to the game on that platform (via private beta testing before it goes public). In that case, everyone in Alpha Access will receive a Steam key.

Your name (or a name of your choosing) will also appear in the game, but not just anywhere...

Item/Art Collecting
Introducing the ASCII Art Gallery and Item Compendium! The game menu Credits page now includes access to a new area where you can browse the many hundreds of pieces of ASCII art from the game. But, you can only view art for those items you've discovered so far. Art and names for items never seen before are listed as "unknown."

The art gallery also keeps track of an interesting piece of meta info: the total number of times you've attached an individual part across all your plays combined. So there's a reason to open it other than just to look at art.

Where do supporters come in?

Everyone* who joins the Alpha Access program is randomly assigned their own unique personal item from among Cogmind's huge selection. One supporter per item. Your name (or a name of your choosing) is then forever listed with that item in the gallery (you can of course opt out of this if you prefer). Consider this "adopt a component drive" a chance to be immortalized in roguelike history :D.

I wonder who will get Matter, the most basic and common item in the game, or any of the many rare items that could take a while to discover. Some of you may embark on a "personal quest" to find your item Wink. Or perhaps you could enlist help from others...

ASCII Art Gallery and item discovery records (click for full size). As an example I added in names left by some of the blog's more frequent commenters :D. Unshown is some descriptive text telling you which item is yours (unless you haven't found it yet) and an indicator of the total percentage of the game's items you've discovered so far.

*Personal items are assigned randomly on a first come first serve basis. If all available items are taken by previous supporters, your name will be added to a waiting list and assigned in order as new items are added to the game, though there is no guarantee that new supporters will have a chance for assignment beyond the existing set of items. If we really have so many supporters that becomes an issue (there are a lot of items), I'll add a separate scrollable list of every supporter. (I may add that anyway, but it's not in there yet.)

Alpha supporters who, like me, really want a Cogmind T-shirt also have that option by adding the cost of the shirt and shipping (I'm not looking to make money on the shirts).

I went through a lot of potential design concepts, and most of what represents Cogmind doesn't work too well on a shirt. In the end I settled on two main designs, the title logo and a (previously unshown) Heavy Battle Rifle in ASCII. I ordered a few samples to make sure the ASCII details would come out alright. They sure did:

Cogmind T-shirts Samples! (click for full size)

Aw yeah, I finally got me a Cogmind shirt--so official :D

Now that I know how this company's process works and the quality of what they can produce, I may add another design or two later on. (And no, I didn't try green because high-contrast saturated green doesn't work so well with ink printing.)

Price and Distribution
The Alpha Access price is set at $30. With a T-shirt (mentioned in the benefits section above) it's $60, which includes the cost of the shirt, printing, handling fees, and international shipping anywhere. It's not the absolute cheapest shirt available, but I figure that if much of the fee is the base cost for printing anyway, adding a little extra for better quality is worth it.

Alpha Access sales will only be processed through the Cogmind website. This is better since I can receive a much bigger cut than going through a value-added distributor like Steam. It also helps us ease into sales and gradually scale up, rather than jumping in the deep end with more chances to screw something up on the business side of things.

The price of the final game will be lower, but you'll have to wait, and will miss out on the other benefits. There is no set time limit on Alpha Access availability--it depends on reception and the pace of subsequent development. The details are also subject to change since I haven't yet set up the business side of things. Final details will be announced on launch. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Money Matters
In a perfect world we could all sit around and make and play games all day :D. In the real world (or my world at least), making Cogmind a reality has required that it be my full time job for more than a year now. Otherwise it would simply never see completion (unless 2030 is soon enough to be considered outside the figurative realm of "never"). To clarify, I'm not a young carefree kid anymore--I have a family to care for, lots of bills to pay, and nearly zero free time outside work and other responsibilities. Not to put down any carefree devs out there spending their copious spare time making free games! I did that for a decade myself, and my advice to them is to do their best to take advantage of that opportunity!

I felt that it's worth it at this transitionary period in my life to take a shot at making something grand, with the hope that the investment could be recovered and possibly fund "other grand schemes" Wink. Even if it doesn't turn out that way, we still get a grand game out of the deal, eh? :D

Cogmind in particular has cost over US$ 25,000 to develop, and I expect total costs could reach $45k or more by the time it's complete. For those of you unfamiliar with expense budgets behind indie games similar in scope to Cogmind, this is actually a very modest amount. (There will be a detailed budget breakdown at or after we reach 1.0, when such data will be more meaningful.) Based on sales potential, recovering that investment is quite possible. Many will agree Cogmind is a unique quality game and has a good chance at being fairly popular. In any case, with enough support during Alpha Access we can continue to make this game better, and hopefully lead to more like it in the future!

We should probably reach 1.0 some time this year, though the pace of development will depend on Alpha Access reception and feedback.

I may put Cogmind on Steam Greenlight around or shortly after the Alpha Access launch, just to begin some community interaction over there and get the voting started. And because by then we'll also have our first trailer :D.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 04:21:23 PM by Kyzrati » Logged

Level 10

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« Reply #486 on: March 24, 2015, 03:19:40 AM »

Sign me up for the grey Cogmind logo shirt.
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« Reply #487 on: March 24, 2015, 06:12:15 AM »

I was wearing mine just yesterday. Quite comfortable, plus it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside Grin. That despite all the pointy ASCII.

It'll be great to have your support!

Level 1

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« Reply #488 on: March 25, 2015, 10:01:40 AM »

Oh dang, too many things to support with monies when I'm a poor student myself... will surely give a hand (and that 30$) when I'm able to.

Keep up the awesome work!

..oh, the hand I can give straight away, here Hand Thumbs Up Left

- - - -
Level 10

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« Reply #489 on: March 25, 2015, 05:59:25 PM »

Oh dang, too many things to support with monies when I'm a poor student myself... will surely give a hand (and that 30$) when I'm able to.

Keep up the awesome work!

..oh, the hand I can give straight away, here Hand Thumbs Up Left
Hehe, thanks for the hand--to the launch! Toast Right

I know what you mean. I remember the poor student days and that period just after college when my savings were dangerously low just before landing my first freelance gig. No rush, all in good time!

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« Reply #490 on: March 30, 2015, 04:34:30 PM »

Alpha Release State
[Cross-posted from the devblog here--follow link for better formatting and light-on-dark style.]

Cogmind's first public alpha release, scheduled for May as announced earlier, will be both playable and fun, but by no means done. This post explains what will and will not be included in the first release, and where development will go from there.

What is ready?
First and most importantly, what exactly can you already do in the game?

Simply put, Cogmind is functionally complete. I wouldn't want to launch anything that doesn't already offer an enjoyable experience. Thus we have the entire core game and its wide array of mechanics:
Even once you know the mechanics inside and out, procedural maps combined with plenty of unique content mean the game already contains a huge amount of replayability. Content-wise there is currently plenty to discover and experience:
  • Many completely unique robot classes to interact with, or even control (though allies will not be as plentiful or easy to come by in the initial release as they will be in subsequent versions).
  • Many hundreds of unique items, each with their own ASCII art.
  • Explore 10 depths to the end game (the largest maps cover 20,000~30,000 spaces).
  • Start learning about the world's story and lore via hacking.
  • A zillion sound effects (or somewhere around that number) for weapons, destruction, and more.
  • An equally zillion ASCII particle effects with the potential to blow minds (effect tripled when combined with sound effects).
  • The most powerful ASCII UI in history (simply too much to link here--so many more features...).
  • Both fully operational ASCII and tiles modes.
If you've played the prototype from 2012, and many of you did and had great things to say, it's like that only x100.

And by the time we're done it's going to be x200, or so Smiley

What are we missing?
While it's likely we'll be adding a few new mechanics later on, that part of the game already offers a complete experience. What we're missing from the must-have category of features is a rather large chunk of the world and related content that guides the overall experience.

Essentially we have a lot of core content as described above, but need to add much of the complementary content that makes up the world, as well as a few features that glue it all together. That's an abstract way of explaining that we're missing:
  • Different Maps: While you can currently traverse the main complex straight to the end of the game, the intention is that you'll sometimes want to take a few detours into other areas for various purposes. As is, beginning in the mid/late-game areas you'll find a fair number of blocked exits because many of these branches are incomplete and therefore closed off. There are about 7 map styles out of a planned 25-30. For the final stretch of pre-alpha development, just completed, we did add initial versions of the two primary early-game branches.
  • Map Content: Aside from their robot inhabitants, and machines, maps lack additional unique character that will later be provided by encounters and more hand-made content. There is still plenty to enjoy, however. It's not that you'll be bored, but more that the game is missing a fair bit of "extra stuff."
  • Story: The interactive parts of the story have not been added, as almost all of it takes place outside the main complex in branches that aren't prepared. For now you'll be able to read background information scattered throughout the complex, and thereby learn about the story indirectly.
  • NPCs: The only unique NPC you'll see is Revision 17, who briefly greets you as part of the introduction. Other NPCs will be gradually added as their respective maps become accessible. Some of the new branches already contain non-unique NPC encounters, mostly as a demonstration of things to come.
  • Ambient sound, both emitted from machines and the environment in general. I'll include a placeholder door sound effect because hearing those is rather important, as well as a couple machine sounds just to demonstrate how they work.
As you can see, most everything "missing" can be considered fluff as far as traditional roguelikes are concerned. There is already a fun and mechanically deep game to play, but it will grow to be an increasingly compelling experience as development continues towards 1.0.

Another point worth making is that balance will be rough at first. This is intentional, because planned content will be used to counterbalance some of what is already there. Currently, unless you really know what you're doing, you stand a good chance of getting roflstomped around the half-way mark (I still want to do a bit more balancing before release, so it's possible it'll get a little easier, but my goal here is not to make an easy roguelike--if there even is such a thing).

Alpha and Beyond
The purpose of releasing the alpha version in its current state, shortly after the conclusion of what I consider pre-alpha development, is to demonstrate the game's solid foundation and make any necessary adjustments before building an entire world on top of it.

That latter stage will be relatively quick since all the building blocks are in place, but we may want to tweak some of those building blocks beforehand, and large scale feedback has the greatest chance of suggesting meaningful changes. And not just subjective player opinions, either--a wide array of optional metrics will let me know how players are interacting with the game and help guide development in the intended direction. This is something I can't do myself or with just a handful of playtesters.

The remaining path towards 1.0 is 90% decided by the design doc, but the other 10% is fairly flexible, with additional features beyond the full release also possible.

See the diagram below for a visualization of the game's current state and future direction:

Cogmind Visual Development Roadmap (click for full size)

As you can see, the vast majority of work to do is world building, which aside from a few little things here and there is mostly about adding maps and whatever other unfinished content they might need. For a more specific breakdown of features to come, see the new roadmap maintained on the website FAQ:

Cogmind Development Roadmap (March 24, 2015).

It's difficult to predict the long-term time frame with any certainty, because much will depend on how the game is received. There is a minimal "I must do all these things for Cogmind to be what it should" list, and a separate "if Cogmind is popular enough I'll be happy to run with it and add more" list. The final game probably lies somewhere in the middle, but I can't be sure which of those features will be added and when, so the indicated times are only rough estimates.

One thing is certain: During the alpha-beta period updates will come frequently. With all the game's internal moving parts in place, creating the rest of the experience will be a smooth process.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 04:20:05 PM by Kyzrati » Logged

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« Reply #491 on: April 08, 2015, 04:49:06 PM »

Cogmind the Roguelike
[Cross-posted from the devblog here--follow link for better formatting and light-on-dark style.]

Probably one of the latest hot marketing terms to see rampant use in the indie scene is "roguelike," regardless of whether it really suits the game in question.

No, I don't plan to tackle that can of worms (the topic gets more than enough attention over on /r/roguelikes), but I would like to begin a series of posts aimed at clarifying "what makes Cogmind a roguelike," and, more importantly, what perhaps unexpected features it adds to the mix.

We'll start with the basics, those features which most players familiar with the genre have come to expect.

Procedural Generation
This is the element that has apparently become synonymous with "roguelike," which is completely wrong--granted it's an absolutely required core feature of roguelikes, but the genre is defined by so much more than PCG (procedural content generation).

For each new game Cogmind generates the world layout, individual maps, and procedurally* distributes what content you might encounter. *Note that "procedural" is not "random"--the process is driven by data and algorithms with a purpose.

However, overuse or misuse of PCG risks leading to a bland experience, thus most roguelikes don't go so far as full procedural generation of enemies, items, etc. Neither does Cogmind. Players and the world itself can both benefit from a certain amount of static content to latch onto. In Cogmind we could easily generate robots from an assortment of parts (considering we have so many), but there's a lot of value in keeping robots (and parts) hand-crafted as they are. Static content has two advantages, enabling 1) us to build the game's lore around specific dependable content and 2) players to form a strategy around known factors in an otherwise ever-changing world.

In this area Cogmind is therefore pretty much what you expect from a roguelike: maps are generated, most everything else is defined beforehand and referenced by the generator when putting those maps together. The approach is sufficient to provide infinite replayability without putting too great a burden on the player to relearn everything with each new play.

Cogmind's map generator building factory map layouts for a 200x200 space from a combination of algorithms and a few hand-made prefab pieces.

Another roguelike staple, permadeath goes hand-in-hand with procedural generation. In case you didn't know, permadeath means no loading saved games aside from continuing your most recent game, and loss is permanent (unless you're cheating!=p). It would be quite boring if a game forced you to restart from the beginning on failure without offering a new experience each time, hence the advantage of procedural maps here.

You'll be seeing a lot of this until you get the hang of it. (One of the performance indicators is obscured as it's a minor spoiler. Also, the factors that contribute to your final score will likely be changing.)

Cogmind is actually more forgiving than many traditional roguelikes. In most roguelikes if you stand motionless and unresponsive next to an enemy, you'll probably be dead in mere turns.

Not so with Cogmind. While I wouldn't recommend letting enemies wail on you, the mechanics are such that sudden death is impossible. Even quick death is unlikely unless you're intentionally avoiding the most basic defensive measures (or you're exploring optional dangerous areas in the late-game).

You are pretty resilient and most likely to die from poor planning/decision-making, or attrition (this works because there is no normal way to heal/repair damage beyond reaching new areas!). The pre-alpha is currently not balanced enough to promise you won't run into some very deadly situations, but the final goal is a fair game in which you can win a majority of runs once you've accumulated enough meta experience.

Despite the long-term attrition approach to success or failure, rarely are you forced into a "walking dead" scenario wherein you're pretty much guaranteed to lose the game but just haven't died yet.

For the experienced player, comebacks are commonplace. You can be reduced to a barely functioning mobile pile of scrap, only to several hundred turns later once again be an armored four-legged menace bristling with cannons (or maybe you decided to keep a low profile and stole some flight units and sensor gear instead).

And even for the new player, there's always the opportunity to simply absorb the damage from attacks while fleeing (or even outrun pursuers) until you happen across an exit, which might be just around the next corner.

In short, there is always hope! On reaching a new area you'll (usually) be safe from attack for a bit, giving you a chance to build up if necessary.

This is a somewhat controversial factor of roguelikeness, more so in modern times where there's a high degree of genre mixing going on in the indie segment. Roguelike gameplay traditionally takes place in both discrete time and space (the two are fairly complementary). Certainly all the classic roguelikes fall under this category.

Roguelikes are a test of problem solving skills rather than reflexes, thus we should have as much time as necessary to consider options and make decide on a course of action. Sure we're all guilty of the "pressed the key too many times and died" experience, but we did have the opportunity to stop and think if we hadn't gotten so complacent at the wrong time!

This puts pausable real-time games like FTL into a gray area I won't address here, but I do think non-pausable real-time games, while they can certainly embrace the roguelike spirit, really belong to a different category ("roguelites") because they test decision-making from a different angle by putting an emphasis on physical coordination.

Anyway, Cogmind is turn-based and grid-based, the latter part so ingrained in the UI that even the map tileset doesn't use connected wall segments.

Regarding the turn-based mechanics, for those who haven't played the prototype I should briefly introduce how it works. Cogmind uses a "time-energy" system as seen in a number of other roguelikes: Each game turn gives every actor (robot) 100 units of time, and performing an action reduces the available time by the cost (duration) of that action. Whichever robot has the greatest available "time" is the next to act. So performing actions with a greater time requirement will allow other robots to perform more actions before you can act again (unless they, too, perform time-consuming actions).

All of this happens under the hood, though you'll get a feel for it as you play, plus some of the numbers are shown to you where important to help make comparisons and weigh decisions.

Most actions take about 100 time units, i.e. can be carried out once per turn. There are primarily two other actions that can vary greatly in how much time they require: movement and shooting.

Current speed in "time to move one space" as shown in the HUD. Also the amount of time required to fire the currently active volley of weapons.

One significant difference between Cogmind's design and the average "time-energy" system (or other similar system) is that in other games the time differences between actions are intentionally fairly subtle, or at least don't exceed a certain reasonable threshold. By comparison it's possible in Cogmind to have extremely exaggerated time costs, so be careful of that! This would be a result of your own design, something you have to aim to balance while maintaining peak efficiency for the functionality you want.

In a worst case scenario assuming you're a massive hulk of parts hopping along on one leg, you could move a single space and suddenly everyone within sight gets 2-3 shots at you, and again for every further step you take (in this case, if your goal is to escape, you may be forced to drop your stuff and run; or pull out that grenade launcher you've been hoarding and make a stand!).

The opposite is also true: you could fly so fast that enemies don't even see you as you zip down the corridor and off into another room.

As you can see your speed value is incredibly important to how things play out.

Firing weapons can have a similarly exaggerated effect on relative time since you're allowed to fire as many weapons as you want, but the total firing time could span multiple turns during which other robots can continue to act.

This makes large attacks front-loaded (since you are in effect spending a block of future time that you don't have--time energy can be negative), but dangerous if used improperly. The benefit to larger volleys is that each additional weapon requires less additional time to fire, until it's almost insignificant (because the more firing, the more that are able to do so simultaneously).

There is a lot of tactical decision-making involved in how many of what type of weapon to fire at what kind of target, but that will be for you to explore.

Ah, bumping into something until you kill it, the time-honored simplest method of conflict resolution in roguelikes.

It's true that roguelikes don't have to be combat-oriented, but aside from fun 7DRL experiments we see that that the most popular roguelikes are all about causing death and destruction.

For all its guns, cannons, and missile launchers, Cogmind is actually kind of an anti-combat game. Unlike in other roguelikes, combat is not a way to improve yourself. Sure you can "re-appropriate" parts scrapped from a robot, but there are also plenty found elsewhere for the taking (and what you find elsewhere is better, no less).

This has the advantage of making the stealth approach a much more meaningful strategy, which the game has plenty of mechanics to support. You aren't required to fight anything at all. That said, it's likely that even the stealthiest Cogmind, and most players aiming to win (as opposed to just causing mayhem, which is lots of fun, too), will end up fighting the occasional battle in the interest of avoiding greater confrontations that are even more difficult to evade or control. (For example, if you encounter a lone patrol squad that might spot you and warn others, you have the choice to lure them to a suitable battleground and take them out, or take a detour and risk it.)

Most roguelikes are heavy on combat, and while the genre is now trending towards more interesting forms of interaction than bump-them-til-they-die, melee attacks remain a staple action. They take a back seat in Cogmind.

In fact, Cogmind's original prototype had no melee weapons at all--they have since been added as a new option you probably won't solely rely on, but that do come in handy in certain situations.

Handy indeed...

The vast majority of the combat in Cogmind takes place at range, which changes the experience significantly. This is not you one-sidedly mowing down waves of short-range attackers approaching from a distance; encounters are all-out firefights in which almost every enemy you meet can pound you from range.

Not only that, but you can fire as many weapons as you can attach and power at once, none of those left hand, right hand limits Smiley

About to let loose (poor strategy--one grenade or rocket at a time would be enough for these guys). I made this into a gif so you could see the scene in both ASCII and tiles.

Inventory Management
Interaction is a key gameplay element in roguelikes. While items (and usually by extension an inventory) are by no means required for a roguelike, they do offer a useful medium for expanding the number of possible interactions.

I've already covered Cogmind's unique inventory system and its impact on gameplay in great detail in a separate post.

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« Reply #492 on: April 08, 2015, 04:50:40 PM »

ASCII & Tiles
While I don't believe ASCII is an essential feature of roguelikes, it does embody the ideal roguelike interface: a simple easily readable representation designed to facilitate decision-making. For my take on the inherent benefits of ASCII as opposed to tiles, see this earlier post. No sense in rehashing that discussion here.

Most popular roguelikes these days offer both modes, and so does Cogmind. The use of ASCII is pretty well represented and documented throughout the blog and game website; the tileset and an analysis of its composition can be seen/read here.

What most roguelikes don't have is ASCII art. Drawing it all was a huge amount of work (one reason most RLs avoid it...), but in Cogmind every item has associated art that adds a lot of character (or "characters" depending on how you look at it =p).

Compilation of ASCII art samples (click for full size, or check out the introduction to all these item categories in the Cogmind ASCII Art Gallery).

Cogmind's ASCII particle effects are also a big draw seen elsewhere only in moderation, not least of all because they can cause a bit of a pacing issue with what are normally quick to play games. The negatives are mitigated by tying animation speed to the importance of the attack--weak weapons animate extremely quickly while big powerful weapons and explosions can afford a little extra time for their animation (like maybe 300-1500 milliseconds compared to 100-200ms).

If I'm going to put the effort into making something blow up, may as well as give it some juicy particle goodness. (Composite image showing explosion reversal and switch to tiles mode for fun.)

Roguelikes are traditionally not very accessible. [/understatement]

However, modern roguelikes are trending towards broader accessibility, what with standard 2D visuals (no ASCII, even?!), proper mouse support, and other features mainstream audiences expect from a modern game. This is great for attracting new players to the genre, something we need in order to create bigger better roguelikes, while also aiding discoverability of those that already exist.

What I've done with Cogmind is apply most of these same modern UX design principles to a traditional ASCII interface, which surprisingly very few developers bother to do. And why not? We get to keep our minimalist ASCII and at the same time make the game accessible to players who won't, for example, memorize 100 keyboard commands.

Simply put, Cogmind's design adheres to a handful of guidelines that go a long way towards accommodating different types of players.

First and foremost, every action and command must be accessible via both mouse and keyboard. Sometimes there are even multiple keyboard commands for the same action (four different sets of movement commands are supported).

Furthermore, alphanumeric keyboard commands are embedded directly into the UI wherever they make sense and can look good, facilitating learning of hotkeys.

Embedded keyboard commands appear all over the place, and fit nicely with the style of the interface.

Here I must regretfully announce one of Cogmind's only major failings in this area: there are no keyboard rebinds! It's theoretically possible, but given the state of the program architecture would be a rather large project in itself. Everything is arranged on the keyboard as logically as possible, though this doesn't help players with non-US keyboards. We'll see what kind of issues we encounter once the game is released, but there's always mouse input, or a mouse-keyboard hybrid, as alternatives.

And we'll see if we can get any of the really fringe players on board with drag-and-drop inventory manipulation! Smiley

Cogmind doesn't yet have any explicit support for color blind players, though some solutions could be implemented based on needs as described in an earlier post.

One design feature that will hopefully mitigate the need for alternative color blind solutions, while at the same time improving the general player experience, is multi-channel feedback.

Wherever possible, Cogmind presents the same information through multiple means, usually a combination of colored words, symbols, sound effects, and animation.

For example, when you are low on core integrity (health) a warning sound plays, a red "ALERT" text box appears next to integrity on the HUD, and all the interface window frames oscillate between their normal green color and red. It's unlikely you'll miss the news.

Plenty of indicators and alarms warn you when things aren't going so well.

An example of multiple ways to obtain the same information: The name of an enemy robot is automatically shown when you first see it, and can also be found by hovering the cursor over it (to show its name, whether it's spotted you and other info in the HUD scan info area), pressing '1' to label all robots, holding ctrl-shift and hovering the cursor to label that one robot, right-clicking on the robot to open its full data page, or pressing 'x' (look mode) then 'tab' to automatically shift the cursor to the enemy and label it (from where you can press 'd' for data to open its info if you want to know more than the scan window shows).

Calling up a label for a nearby robot, basic data for which is also shown in the HUD scan window: red name for hostile, green rectangle for its current core integrity, red exclamation mark meaning it's spotted you, and the base chance to hit it. (Same scene shown in both ASCII and tiles.)

Text-heavy games like roguelikes place a lot of importance on fonts, and with good reason because there's a lot of reading to do. I've mentioned before that Cogmind's design attempts to shift as much information as possible from the message log to the map itself, but you'll still be reading plenty of words, phrases, and short sentences.

The earliest roguelikes, true terminal RLs, had no choice but to stick to a single font, but with more and more of today's roguelikes making use of emulated terminals, we have more options and should use them to lighten the burden on the player. (For an in-depth discussion and lots of images from other roguelikes, see this post.) Wide/square fonts are difficult for reading text, while narrow/rectangular fonts create distorted maps. So why not use a mix of both? Naturally plenty of modern roguelikes that have moved away from the traditional grid-based environment already do this, but we can technically apply it to the grid as well.

For the 7DRL/prototype Cogmind chose to emphasize a square cell size for maps, which unfortunately meant that text like the list of parts was not very pleasant to read--this has been vastly improved by enabling mixed font dimensions in the current version.

Improved readability of the respective interface areas is Cogmind's biggest single visual change from the 7DRL prototype, and something that sets it apart from almost every other ASCII roguelike. With multiple fonts we can get the best of both worlds. (More about Cogmind's font design here.)

Audio feedback is an element of accessibility, but also contributes to the game's environment, so it gets its own section:

One could say this feature is somewhat controversial with regard to roguelikes, because it is known that many traditional roguelike players will play a game silently or to alternative music/audio, even when the game provides its own. Certainly players we may be able to attract from adjacent genres are used to and interested in relying on a game's own audio, and I think there is much room in traditional roguelikes for the suitable application of sound effects.

Audio feedback is to me one of Cogmind's biggest leaps forward as far as roguelike evolution is concerned. Not many traditional roguelikes take advantage of the potential benefits of a robust sound system, and none do it to the same extent Cogmind does. I've already written an entire series of posts on the usage and development of sound effects in roguelikes and Cogmind.

While I wouldn't say audio is absolutely necessary to play, it is without a doubt a huge part of both the experience and the accessibility of the interface. The interface is relatively dense and there can be a lot going on, making it sometimes difficult to notice everything of importance. Thus for every visual effect there is an accompanying sound (yes, that's quite a lot of sounds), making it more likely you'll be aware of important events and changes.

In its final state Cogmind will include even ambient sound effects to further develop the atmosphere, as described before. The goal there, as with map-wide ambient music/sound, will be to implement them in a manner that doesn't interfere with the existing sound system's accessibility-enabling qualities.

More than a Dungeon
The average roguelike dungeon-diving experience can be describes as a single player exploring corridors and rooms in which lurk individual or groups of unrelated monsters or humanoids. You aren't expected to question why that dragon didn't eat those orcs last time it got hungry.

Roguelikes with themed dungeon areas get around this oddity by at least limiting the local population to a variety of similar or related creatures, though rarely do we see any kind of larger ecosystem (the recently revived Incursion is a notable exception). This form does have its merits, successfully condensing as much interesting and unique material into as small a space as possible and thereby increasing the number of unexpected emergent situations to focus on the tactical decision-making aspect so central to roguelikes.

In this area Cogmind makes a rather large departure from most roguelikes with one of its more exciting aspects that I've been holding off discussing in any detail: A dynamic world with an overarching AI.

One reason for delaying its introduction was that it's a final stage of pre-alpha development that has only taken shape in recent months, and of course even in introducing this feature I can only say so much without spoiling the game by revealing how it works.

In short, all robots have some purpose other than just attack the player (and many robots don't/can't attack at all), while many areas of the game are overseen by a larger AI that controls the population, a population which is at the same time capable of communicating within its own ranks.

This is actually a huge topic to be discussed in two separate upcoming posts, one about the world layout and traversing it, and another about the inhabitants of that world. Stay tuned for those.

The "list of features" approach is not always a valid way to identify "roguelikes," a label that some players afford to games simply based on the gestalt experience offered by the totality of their moving parts. It is nonetheless a useful way to discuss this timeless argument. I mean topic.

Few will claim that Cogmind is not a roguelike, but at the same time there are many elements that set it apart from traditional roguelikes in both form and substance. I hope that it will appeal to both long-time players and those new to the genre. A truly modern roguelike. Rock, Paper, Shotgun really picked up on that when they named Cogmind one of the best upcoming PC games of 2015, writing "Cogmind is an impressive merging of old and new school game design." :D

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« Reply #493 on: April 17, 2015, 06:05:43 PM »

Voting time.

More than one person now has mistakenly read the title logo as "COGMINO". Obviously this is only possible among those who aren't yet familiar with the game, but pretty soon when we launch alpha the title logo will be seen in a lot more places (among them the trailer), so it's important to consider whether a change to that 'D' is necessary.

That being the case, I've put together some alternatives for consideration. Do you prefer the original (top), or one of the two variants?


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« Reply #494 on: April 17, 2015, 07:52:42 PM »

Another version of the last variant that tries to maintain consistency by also changing the 'C':

Though I don't much like the fact that not everything is very square... tough decision.

Level 2

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« Reply #495 on: April 17, 2015, 09:21:19 PM »

I like #3, and can see why people may read the original as an 'o'.
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« Reply #496 on: April 18, 2015, 01:00:20 AM »

Thanks for the input. Got a lot of responses through various channels and the rounded symmetrical C/D version is the most liked. It doesn't totally solve the "D looks like an O" issue, but it does at least make it a lot more D-like. And we even get some symmetry as a reward Grin

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« Reply #497 on: April 18, 2015, 01:53:49 AM »

I like the last one best - now that I've seen the "better" D I cannot unsee the clunky bit of the original. And if you have to go with that D, you might as well adjust the C for a nice bit of horizontal symmetry.
Level 0

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« Reply #498 on: April 18, 2015, 04:34:17 PM »

I like the most recent one best. The D which is only rounded on the top doesn't look like a D to me, or an O, or any letter in the Roman alphabet. I also like the new C which matches the new D.
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« Reply #499 on: April 18, 2015, 04:43:28 PM »

Excellent. Back when designing the logo the method was to create a perfect square and erase cells, as few as possible, to create the final letter. At the time I was apparently too focused on that to pay attention to the bigger picture so the problem with the D didn't jump out at me right away. Several months passed before anyone starting to bring it up! Better late than never, though, and just it time since we'll be launching next month...

It never would have resurfaced if I hadn't been showing the title screen around to some people less familiar with the game as part of the trailer prototype. Goes to show the benefits of sharing progress as often as possible!

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