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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsCogmind (sci-fi robot-themed roguelike) - BETA RELEASED
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Author Topic: Cogmind (sci-fi robot-themed roguelike) - BETA RELEASED  (Read 242084 times)
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« Reply #940 on: May 03, 2017, 07:00:23 PM »

Part data visualization has been a feature that expanded significantly since first envisioned with Alpha 1. At first it was just a way to compare relative coverage of parts, where the actual values involved didn't really mean as much. In the past couple years, though, it's become a really useful way to compare more than just that. So now there is a new optional feature (on by default, but not for beginners since it requires Tactical HUD mode) whereby most of the graphs also show the precise value they represent.

MORE DATA! AKA, how many numbers can be fit into a single UI and still have it be readable and fun Tongue

Anyway, this goes to show that when developing over long periods, it's good to revisit features that may have become more or less useful in that time, and adjust them accordingly. Polish begets polish begets polish... Haha, it's hard to stop this train!

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« Reply #941 on: May 04, 2017, 04:40:31 PM »

Versioning Schemes
[Cross-posted from the devblog here--follow link for better formatting and light-on-dark style.]

Normally I wouldn't have another post up so soon, but the topic of versioning has become somewhat time-critical. I've been thinking over it quite a few times in recent months, but haven't been able to make a final decision on where to go from here.

Why now? Well, know that in one sense--one of the more important senses, actually--next week Cogmind will be "done." All the confirmed maps are in, all the major NPCs exist and are doing their thing, all the endings are in place... The story will be complete.

*fanfare, cheering*

Development will continue, but this is a pretty significant milestone.

That said, there are still certain items left on the TODO list that keep me from calling it a true 1.0. And honestly I'm not ready to handle all the meta work that should come with a 1.0, anyway, mainly on the marketing side which at the very least requires putting together a new trailer and getting in touch with press/LPers. (I still like the

and am tempted to just update it using new visuals, but even that takes a while.)

So what to do about version numbers in the meantime?

Searching for version numbers in the matrix.

We could at least wait until the Steam EA release (as a different kind of milestone) before switching to a new system. However, rather than basing it on an external factor like that it'd be nice to keep the system a little more relevant to the current state of development, and we're definitely switching some gears here (more on that later).

I wouldn't say continuing along with "Alpha #" releases is off the table, making next week's release Alpha 15 as expected. Plenty of games do Alpha 1-2-3 their way to 1.0, and I admit I'm fond of the Alpha system, if only because I've been using it for a good while. But there are a few reasons for which, if possible, I'd like to find a satisfactory alternative.

Another vote for switching away from the alpha designation is that for most people it implies a game is in a very unfinished state, probably even buggy or unenjoyable, neither of which would describe Cogmind even years ago. While it's true I've wanted people on the outside to believe that for the past couple years of alpha so that I could reduce the number of buyers and instead focus on development (not unlike my approach to pricing), I'm now more willing to allow the terminology, and first impressions, to start inching into new territory Smiley

For a short while I was thinking of using "Beta," as it naturally follows Alpha, but that's technically more of a "this software is feature-complete though still subject to pre-1.0 tweaks and fixes" sort of state. If we wanted to judge Cogmind's development in those software terms, it's clearly still in alpha and will be for a while, since I plan to do lots more with it! Even major new features...

Hey, maybe we could do something off the wall and go with "Gamma" releases? Haha, okay that might cause some confusion.

R for Release
Some games and libraries simply increment an integer with each release: R1, R2, R3... Pretty straightforward. I like it. I've also used it before, for X@COM. Minor patches can just add a decimal or letter, e.g. R5.1 or R5a.

If I went this way, another thought is to skip straight to the actual release number, so "R15," just to keep the sequence going rather than starting over, though an "R1" is a pretty meaningful statement for that one release in its own way. A true new beginning rather than more of the same.

Maybe one day!

"RC#" is another option, though not too often used with games (?). Designating a Release Candidate is more akin to beta, or the final versions of beta software, not to refer to something that will continue receiving large feature updates for the foreseeable future. But then you have games like Starsector, which has been using an RC numbering system alongside their decimal-numbered releases for many years now Tongue

Speaking of decimal systems, they're definitely the most ubiquitous. But I don't really like the idea of purely sticking with a bunch of numbers. (Just this week I posted about how and why I've circumvented numbers where seeds are concerned Tongue)

Numbers aren't as easy to remember, and more importantly any sub-1.0 version numbers might be assumed to reflect the amount of development remaining until completion (e.g. 0.5 is half finished), even if they're not intended that way. Given that there's a huge number of possible future features, and I can't say exactly which will make it in, it's tough for me to nail down where a given release stands in terms of numbers.

Trivia: Technically Cogmind does have decimal version numbers, but they're all simply 0.10 (a common "this is an early build lots more to do!" number) followed by the date, e.g. 0.10.170509. These are just for my reference, because I find it really useful to have the date in the "version" itself.

One way devs work around the boring number version issue is to give releases unique names. I did this for X@COM, for example "Sheer Terror" when adding terror missions, "Sound Like a Hero" when I added sfx, "Chryssalids in my Backyward" for... the chryssalid update Shocked. They're a fun and easy way to remember, more interesting to read, and useful for setting the theme of a release.

Revenge with Blaster Bombs in an X@COM town. Damn that game's a blast and I want to work on it...

I've thought of naming Cogmind releases for a long time, even retroactively naming older ones for consistency, but never went ahead with the plan.

Actually, I have sort of named each Cogmind release, if only in one place: IndieDB. For release announcement posts there I always name the release rather than reporting it as a number like elsewhere, just to give the post title a less boring look since it appears listed with other games, and also to give a hint of what the release includes. The next release is already dubbed "The End," Alpha 14 was "Hack 'n Slash" (melee multi-wielding), Alpha 13 was "Rise of Zion" (new plot thread), Alpha 12 was "The Place No One Lives to Tell About" (boss map), etc. While we're at it, do you have any opinions on named releases?

In any case, version names are really just supplementary to another system, as ideally a game's versioning should reflect some kind of sequence.

Dev Cycle
As far as other considerations go, the decision here depends somewhat on the future release schedule.

In the past it was easy to maintain a 4/5-week release cycle, with a couple weeks of adding a big chunk of content centered around a new map or branch, followed by a week of bigger feature(s) and then some little ones. While I really like that approach, which makes each release pretty substantial (and discussion-worthy!), future updates won't usually have new maps to be focused around, which themselves lead to lots of other related required content, features, and mechanics.

I'm also looking forward to the pace being a little more flexible and responsive, such as releasing smaller batches of new features every two weeks or so. This change in pace would be another reason to depart from the original alpha designation, if only because sticking to the ongoing "Alpha #" system can distort and dilute the effort and value of the previous releases, each of which took a lot of work to complete.

Grid Sage Games release history as of 170504.

I very much enjoy the practice of releasing with meatier changelogs, but then players also appreciate more rapid development, so there's a good chance I'll be heading in that direction for a while, at least for much of 2017 (once past the "actually releasing on Steam" hurdle).

Are you done yet?
No, this is cathartic and I might be coming close to a decision Tongue

Having written all of this out, I'm leaning a lot more strongly towards an R# system, maybe calling it R1, kinda like a fake 1.0.

And beyond that? I guess then we can, okay, eventually declare a release the 1.0, and then I imagine there will be updates even beyond that (I probably won't be able to stop myself even if I wanted to), so then we could go with numbers since there is no longer some kind of commonly-assumed target after 1.0, which just breeds updates like 1.01, and so on. Alongside it we'll probably just continue with the R-numbering as well.

Anyway, regardless of what versioning we go with for now, I'll keep up the same date-appended pure number version (still 0.10!).

So what do you think--have I overthought this enough yet? Tongue

I... still can't decide. Because after sleeping on this post I woke up thinking about it from another angle and started to question the whole R-thing, in that unlike a < 1.0 decimal version number, or clearly having an "alpha" right in the version name, using something like "R" doesn't even hint that the game still has a fair bit of development coming, or that it's technically "early access." That information has to be expressed externally to the versioning, which is somewhat annoying. Maybe just let innertia do its thing, call it Alpha 15 and stop thinking about this? Or is it time for something new? Hm.

Maybe Beta? It's different from Alpha but clearly "not done," and we can ignore what it really means in terms of software development (most games ignore it...). Hm.

Update later same day: For scheduling reasons I had to make a quick decision since it's Friday and for some reason I really thought it was still Thursday Tongue. So... Beta it is.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 06:32:54 AM by Kyzrati » Logged

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« Reply #942 on: May 05, 2017, 06:37:45 AM »

Just posted a 39-image Cogmind Beta preview (warning, 8 MB page Tongue)

Milestone release coming May 9th!

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« Reply #943 on: May 05, 2017, 06:57:10 AM »

>  the switch also reflects a coming change in pace: we'll be seeing fewer large releases in favor of putting out smaller updates more quickly.

Ah yes, because the fans really had good reasons to complain about the "slow" pace of updates... Tongue
io3 creations
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« Reply #944 on: May 05, 2017, 12:54:58 PM »

*fanfare, cheering*
Wow! Smiley

In terms of versions, from a developer's perspective, I personally prefer the decimal system because then you can have a sense of progress.  That way, 0.9.xxx means that the game is close to being ready and 1.0 is the intended release verion.  1.1 is a significant update (new content or major gameplay change).  On the other hand, incremental numbering can go on forever and it's harder to "see the light at the end of the tunnel" before release. Grin

From a player perspective, going with Beta is a better choice.  My guess is that many players are familiar with the Alpha, Beta use meaning that Beta is "more" than Alpha and is a playable version with content additions and/or fixes coming before release.  So, now the question still remains: which numbering system are you going to use to keep track of updates. Wink

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« Reply #945 on: May 05, 2017, 03:35:57 PM »

>  the switch also reflects a coming change in pace: we'll be seeing fewer large releases in favor of putting out smaller updates more quickly.

Ah yes, because the fans really had good reasons to complain about the "slow" pace of updates... Tongue
Hahaha, hey, it felt slow to me! I was releasing every 4-6 weeks on average, but it's kinda annoying when clearly so many things are ready and finished within just a week or two. The main reason to hold on to it was for a bigger release all at once, but that was even responsible for delaying minor bug fixes, which are unfortunate to leave in for any length of time because they affect the experience and get reported multiple times despite having been "fixed" already...

From a player perspective, going with Beta is a better choice.  My guess is that many players are familiar with the Alpha, Beta use meaning that Beta is "more" than Alpha and is a playable version with content additions and/or fixes coming before release.  So, now the question still remains: which numbering system are you going to use to keep track of updates. Wink
Thanks for the confirmation. After hearing some other opinions and thinking about it a bit more Beta did seem to be the best choice here, all things considered. And to your last question, last night after posting this I was wondering the same thing--I mean, I'm sure it won't be long before I need it xD

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« Reply #946 on: May 06, 2017, 01:19:54 AM »

You know, some people consider 10x developers a myth created to turn us programmers into wage slaves, not a goal to strive for...
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« Reply #947 on: May 06, 2017, 01:29:06 AM »

...not long ago I read a roguelike thread somewhere where some people were talking about my work, and one of them added "though he's a little OCD"

He was right Cheesy (and it helps me get stuff done!)

Regarding 10x though, to be honest I feel a few devs I know easily qualify as 10x me, like Ben Porter (eigenbom here on TIGS). A good chunk of my own "apparent productivity" comes simply from a willingness to throw lots and lots of time at things, though. It's kinda cheating, yeah? Wink

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« Reply #948 on: May 06, 2017, 01:39:14 AM »

I think it also helps if you have a clear idea of what you want. Once I know what I want to do, the actual programming is, as you say, a matter of putting in the hours. I'm sure your "OCD" helps there Wink
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« Reply #949 on: May 08, 2017, 05:16:00 PM »

Cogmind Beta 1: "The End"

A major milestone, a big ending, and a new beginning, all in one! After four years in development, Cogmind's story is truly complete, and today we begin a new phase: Beta.

Welcome to Cogmind Beta!

To kick it off we have the largest release ever, which not only finishes off the plot lines with a new map and seven different animated endings, but also adds major NPCs, lotsa QoL, and more lore, mechanics, challenge modes... Check out the huge collection of feature images in the Beta Preview from last week to see some of what's included.

Also note that Cogmind Beta is priced differently, having recently been set to its final base price. And for anyone who wants to help spread the robot love, gifting is now easier.

For the full release notes with extra detail, an introduction to what this release is all about, and some words on the future, see here.

The full Cogmind Beta 1 (0.10.170509) changelog:

* NEW: Branch map "[redacted]"
* NEW: 7 different animated endings, with content dependent on plot-related actions
* NEW: 1 major new NPC (unique robot class)
* NEW: 4 new minor NPCs (unique builds)
* NEW: 3 more prototype robot variants
* NEW: 2 more robot analysis records
* NEW: 21 new items (8 completely new item mechanics) (total = 846)
* NEW: 2 more Trojan() hacks (secret)
* NEW: 1 more Force() hack (secret)
* NEW: 37 more score sheet entries (total = 626)
* NEW: 48 more sound effects (total = 847)
* NEW: Added content to "Archives" map
* NEW: Score sheet filename appends win type indicator, and +'s for boss kills
* NEW: scorehistory.txt Location column differentiates between win types
* NEW: "Devolution" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeDevolution)
* NEW: "Inhibited Evolution" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeInhibitedEvolution)
* NEW: "Gauntlet" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeGauntlet)
* NEW: "Super Gauntlet" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeSuperGauntlet)
* NEW: "Pure Core" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengePureCore)
* NEW: "No Salvage" experimental challenge mode (for now set in cogmind.cfg: challengeNoSalvage)
* NEW: Any active challenge modes are listed in log on starting a new run
* NEW: All treads have at least a 5% chance per slot to instantly crush ram targets of medium size and below
* NEW: Ramming with treads active never leads to self-damage or destabilization
* NEW: All legs have a 20% chance per slot to kick a ram target out of the way, avoiding any self-damage but damaging target
* NEW: Sound effect origins heard but not seen temporarily marked on map, color coded by type (can toggle in cogmind.cfg: disableVisibleSfx)
* NEW: More specific result text for final game over screen and score sheet on a win
* NEW: Score sheet meta data now records all wins and their type (listed by Game subsection's new "win type" entry)
* NEW: Game over screen includes buttons for mouse users to restart/quit without keyboard
* NEW: Added explicit note to manual about challengeScavenger leaving static stockpiles untouched
* NEW: Will not reload previous target position if entering targeting mode after having fired at a machine, but that machine is now gone
* NEW: "Map" manual subsection under Advanced UI, collecting in one place all reference info on temporary map-related indicators
* NEW: Keyboard mode can inspect walls/doors as other objects, for both armor and resistances
* NEW: Random world seeds composed of word combinations rather than random numbers (creates fake item name via adjective + adjective + noun)
* NEW: Item info for Self-destruct Interrupters and similar disposable non-part items now includes a battery indicator (also in scan window)
* NEW: Non-part items with internal power sources (e.g. Self-destruct Interrupters) flash blue on the map while active
* NEW: Core reset results in a particular additional negative effect, as well as another bonus
* NEW: Explosion/projectile EM damage spectrum listing now shows associated chance of triggering chain reaction
* NEW: Destroying Network Hubs gives bonus points
* NEW: Dedicated RNG for hacking success checks
* NEW: Earn increasing bonus points for destroying hostile combat robots from alert level 3+
* NEW: Follower ally kills earn bonus points
* NEW: Transmission Jammer activation animation highlights robots that will be jammed (also changed appearance)
* NEW: Data Miner more helpful
* NEW: Some Waste areas have additional effects
* NEW: One more way to gain access to Deep Caves
* NEW: Highlighting of all cave-in prone areas now freely available in tactical HUD mode (no Structural Scanner required)
* NEW: Hold Ctrl-Alt to greatly brighten color of visible cave-in prone spaces
* NEW: Power-consuming utilities can be toggled all at once using " (or new CYCLE button, like propulsion/weapons)
* NEW: If no parts to toggle on entering a cycle command (;/'/"), will display a reminder message
* NEW: Overloaded attached power/propulsion/weapons in part list info mode ('q') display their modified stat values, and highlight them
* NEW: Multiprojectile weapons in scan window and part list info mode ('q') have a * between their damage value and type
* NEW: Parts/inventory color-code weapon damage type abbreviations
* NEW: Increased number of tie-breaking rules on "Furthest Area Reached" leaderboards (depth > boss kills > regions visited > date)
* NEW: Unlocking a garrison after installing a trap on the entrance itself gives explicit log message referring to the trap's destruction
* NEW: Commands, targets and results of all successful hacks mirrored to message log
* NEW: Static color for machine trace lockout and Force() hack success reflects Cogmind affiliation/state
* NEW: Robot analyses count as lore, added to collection system (including '!' indicators for uncollected Analysis() targets)
* NEW: Lore collection UI includes better keyboard-based page scrolling support
* NEW: Robot info temperature readout context help contains explicit note about meltdown threshold ("DANGER")
* NEW: Dedicated map shift mode toggled by ` (keyboard mode only, and supports all sets of movement keys)
* NEW: Offensive hackware decreases chance of successful hack repelling by hostile Programmers
* NEW: Part data visualization shows values next to graph in most modes (only available in Tactical HUD mode; can deactivate via cfg: precisePartGraphs)
* NEW: Full list of Tactical HUD features added to manual
* NEW: Simple animated effect for part destruction by impact damage causing system corruption
* NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 14 added to in-game list (see Credits menu)
* MOD: Win types are differentiated; none are simply "reached Surface" (the collective term on leaderboards is now "Ascended")
* MOD: Opening an item swap menu via keyboard autocloses open item info windows (matches mouse behavior)
* MOD: Recall(Extermination) hack no longer appears at Materials terminals (useless at that depth)
* MOD: Random traps will no longer be placed within 15 spaces of where Cogmind enters a main 0b10 map (does not apply to branches)
* MOD: Misfires due to corruption less likely to hit allies
* MOD: Adjusted AI movement behavior to theoretically reduce possibility of enemy combat bots "jumping" into rooms
* MOD: Transmission Jammer description updated to more clearly list all of its effects
* MOD: Machine structural analysis (resistances) now provided automatically on viewing info (no Structural Scanner required)
* MOD: Several non-fabricatable utilities and weapons that were not prototypes now categorized as prototypes (though never faulty)
* MOD: Taking any action other than ramming resets the ram permission check, to avoid ramming a previous unintentional ram target that suddenly moved
* MOD: GRD reduced from 4 waypoints to 1
* MOD: C Programmers no longer carry GRDs (guaranteed elsewhere)
* MOD: Shortcuts to special cave areas through Lower/Upper caves can only appear in the first cave map, not the second
* MOD: Data Miner ASCII changed from '0' to 'm'
* MOD: Name changes for "Operators" (the NPC kind)
* MOD: Placeholder location name "Tunnel" given a real name
* MOD: On-map dialogue/scene descriptions limited to ten most recent lines (all still recorded to log as normal)
* MOD: O7 resistances improved
* MOD: Core/part shielding prevents effects of critical hits against protected targets, rather than completely ignoring them
* MOD: Stasis Generator slot count reduced to 1
* MOD: Unstable Evolution challenge only shows instability message on evolution/depth changes rather than during all map transitions
* MOD: Each successful Overload/Assimilate hack increases global system defenses against all future robot hacks by 1/2% (respectively)
* MOD: Options menu Player/Seed entry boxes no longer accept commas
* MOD: Tunneling between rooms slightly more lenient: no cave-ins for wall-earth-wall scenarios
* MOD: Destroyed wall spaces can cave in just like destroyed earth
* MOD: Sensor behavior in "that secret map" no longer has any meta component, and can be learned via specific means
* MOD: Two specific random dialogues in Zion now considered lore despite their low value, to keep them from baiting players seeking new lore (green '?')
* MOD: Multi-cell robots can no longer be hit more than once by penetrating weapons
* MOD: Part autosorting prioritizes EM weapons within their own category (e.g. EM guns before TH/KI guns)
* MOD: Waiting now costs 100 time units, rather than simply canceling any time remaining in current turn
* MOD: Direct Schematic() terminal hacks for items likely to be out of depth (as with preloaded Fabricators)
* MOD: ESC key access to game menu enabled by default in keyboard mode (can disable by setting disableEscMenuAccessKeyboard in cogmind.cfg)
* MOD: Schematic(), Analysis(), and Load() hack readouts referring to robots list their "Tier" rather than "Rating"
* MOD: Intercept squad dispatch timing factors adjusted
* MOD: Ambush Traps can no longer contain Saboteurs, and are capped at 3 attackers instead of 4
* MOD: Hacking command buffer no longer stores manual unique codes or Zion hacks
* MOD: Broadened definition of "ally" for purpose of some score sheet entries, e.g. Ally Attacks/Total Damage/Kills/Largest Group/etc.
* MOD: Transmission Jammer effect requires visual on target
* MOD: Transmission Jammer works on active Engineers and distress signals from other non-combat robots
* MOD: Messages for jammed distress signals only shown if that signal would have alerted a nearby armed hostile
* MOD: Non-combat robot distress signal message more explicit about results
* MOD: Increased difficulty of rescuing "SW"
* MOD: The most dangerous mid-game maps are inaccessible in the easiest difficulty mode
* MOD: The most dangerous late-game maps are inaccessible in both of the easier difficulty modes
* MOD: Spotting hostiles and dialogue robots while motion trails toggled off now flashes !/? markers rather than using background color marking
* MOD: Flashing '?' indicators for NPCs with uncollected lore dialogue, or benefits, now flash indefinitely until interacted with
* MOD: Part list info mode and on-map part labels differentiate between prototypes and alien items, marking the latter with a second asterisk (**)
* MOD: Internal Heat Shields removed in favor of superior new part with additional mechanics
* MOD: Programmer variant names reworked
* MOD: Programmer defensive hack success rate no longer a static 25%, with high-tier Programmers much more likely to block hacking attempts
* MOD: Upped hacking attack time cost for Programmers, from 100 to 150
* MOD: Programmers have reduced chance to reboot higher-tier robots
* MOD: Higher-tier Programmers more capable of successful hacks
* MOD: Evolution UI rearranged to put confirmation button in a more natural location
* MOD: Causing a positive salvage modifier on a robot can never result in more matter than the upper limit of its salvage potential
* MOD: Busy engineers don't always call for reinforcements when they come under attack at lower depths
* MOD: Removed Auto-ascend from options menu
* MOD: Stepping on an exit/stair position always enters it, but requires confirmation (can disable confirmation via cogmind.cfg: ignoreAscendConfirmation)
* MOD: Ramming a target off an exit automatically takes that exit
* MOD: Part data visualization defaults to Integrity for new players, rather than Coverage
* FIX: Component Analysis Suites were using their old processor tile in sprite mode, and removal would still destroy them [Amphouse]
* FIX: System Backup Modules and other corruption-purging utilities reported their effect to the log even if nothing to purge [Amphouse]
* FIX: Bonus points for Wall Chamber destruction were applied per cell rather than only once [Sherlockkat]
* FIX: Imprinter death not registered properly if enemies with Zion [Sherlockkat]
* FIX: Dispatch and high-security messages continued even after Command garrisons activated [Sherlockkat]
* FIX: Deep Caves entrance was always accessible without key or other special means [Shobalk, Sherlockkat]
* FIX: Certain uncommon types of allies may not follow if outside your FOV [Sherlockkat]
* FIX: A particular Reinforced Shell layout in Armory contained two invisible pieces [Sherlockkat, zxc]
* FIX: Hunter info Scan Cloaking data entry not showing its value [zxc]
* FIX: Under special circumstances some regenerating items might be restored to greater than maximum integrity [zxc]
* FIX: Controlled Mechanics were no longer capable of repairing allies when in AID mode [zxc]
* FIX: Zio. Metafield Generator missing its effect description [Shobalk]
* FIX: Dropping a Storage Unit resulting in inventory overflow would stack it on top of the first item force dropped at current position [Widmo]
* FIX: ISC terminal entry query incorrectly highlighted a reference to "Command" [Widmo]
* FIX: Firing at a target followed by a second target against which entire volley fails to cycle remembered first target for input recall [Widmo]
* FIX: Two status entries and three utility effects with decimal values always appeared negative under some versions of Wine on Linux [MJWkr, gammafunk]
* FIX: New autotargeting system would recall previous misfire targets if still in view [gammafunk]
* FIX: In rare cases Zionites might be completely blocked in by machinery [gammafunk]
* FIX: Friendly O8 hack in Zion stopped working in previous release due to data typo [MTF]
* FIX: Crash during special event in Recycling (broken by Alpha 14) [MTF]
* FIX: Under rare circumstances a valid path between cave entrance and special exits may be blocked off by a wall [MTF]
* FIX: Crash on destroying a specific piece of a certain Manufacturing Module while active [MTF]
* FIX: Was still possible for important NPC allies to stop following into a new map (despite adjustments in previous release) [MTF]
* FIX: Typo in Stasis Generator query [MTF]
* FIX: Data Miner hackware would self-destruct, despite not being an 0b10 bot [GJ]
* FIX: Backup parts auto-identified via refit showed correct name/info if inspected, but still listed as Unknown in parts list until reattached [GJ]
* FIX: Destroying a Network Hub, Energy Cycler, or Phase Generator would not cause the intended effects if unstable at the time of destruction [GJ]
* FIX: UI crash on using a Core Expander while a "G Unit" active [GJ]
* FIX: Removing an incomplete Asb. Biocell Array can drop Cogmind to negative energy [GJ]
* FIX: M Guard AI exhibited odd behavior in combat [GJ]
* FIX: Patrolling ARCs triggered by fire from outside their sight range would not notify deployed robots of the attacker [GJ]
* FIX: Signal Interpreter effect description missing a period [DDarkray]
* FIX: Derelict logs that reveal later map zones would not label exits which happen to be within those zones [DDarkRay]
* FIX: Manual contained obsolete reference to inventory window ASCII display contents [Bacon]
* FIX: Allied AI followers might accidentally step on known hostile traps [Finestep]
* FIX: Under rare circumstances it was possible to load into a new map with an empty parts list [buthix9]
* FIX: Even-length destination names displayed in left-oriented access labels at right edge of map were offset from their target by 1 cell
* FIX: UI crash if ally transferring to new map moved within 500ms of the transfer to a coordinate that doesn't also exist in target map
* FIX: Taking a Self-destruct Interrupter to a map other than where it was found would deactivate its battery timer, allowing unlimited use
* FIX: Reconnecting to O Command terminal under the right conditions would repeatedly award bonus points
* FIX: Destroying two or more Network Hubs reported to the log a bonus lower than actual value
* FIX: "dangerous territory" base commander dialogue kept repeating every time you stepped next to him
* FIX: M. Deconstructor works against machines again (was messed up by special condition added last release)
* FIX: Some generic AIs with scripted attack responses on coming into view would say their dialogue but not actually attack if too far away
* FIX: RMB on undiscovered phase wall would not enter firing mode as expected, meaning it could be used to detect them
* FIX: Dirty Bomb Trap description specified explosive damage but is actually EM

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« Reply #950 on: May 10, 2017, 10:24:26 PM »

Oops! I was already working on a Beta 1.1 to put out some balance tweaks for new features, and might've worked on it a bit longer if not for definitely having to rush it out today--what several of us suspected turned out to be true: The player was firing a lot of ineffective projectiles, missing a lot more than they should due to a pointer-based ID system I'd started using for projectiles, forgetting that projectiles are pulled from a pool and pointers are reused frequently Tongue

This shows the importance of leaving enough time to truly playtest before releasing xD

I always test individual features very thoroughly, use automated testing to make sure there are no critical logic errors, and for recent versions have even been giving some regular players a couple days to play around with it before the public release, but this one slipped by since there wasn't really enough time...

Anyway, fixed now. I put more details, and the 1.1 changelog, on the forums here, along with some images showing a few of the tweaks.

It's kinda refreshing to start doing smaller releases again! Always working my way up to a massive release was a lot of pressure...

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« Reply #951 on: May 10, 2017, 10:57:39 PM »

Congrats on this milestone! And excellent fireworks Smiley

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« Reply #952 on: May 11, 2017, 05:49:00 PM »

Thanks, and I'm glad I got the fireworks working again in time! I used/created them six months back for New Year's, but having been a while I had forgotten some of the details to getting them to display right Tongue

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« Reply #953 on: May 19, 2017, 07:22:39 AM »

Well, I was planning to get more rest this week... but instead worked on fixing all reported bugs and adding features for what has already become Beta 1.2.

You can never have too much QoL! A good number of 1.2 improvements deal with better pathfinding, like mouse-based pathfinding intelligently avoids moving obstacles when it will save more time than waiting:

Allied followers are smarter about not taking long circuitous routes when a more direct desired route is blocked, preferring to instead wait a bit. AIs will also avoid potential cave-in areas where feasible:

And the player's own pathfinding does the same as well (for those using the mouse to travel greater distances):

I added an optional, adjustable on-map combat log for players who want every single little detail (which doesn't really fit in the usual six-line window, where scrolling is not a very ideal solution to analyze the situation). I personally don't think the log is very helpful/important, but some players insist, so I'm happy to improve its usability Smiley

Default on-map combat log size relative to the actual map view in 16:9:

I didn't actually make the 1.2 release official yet, for the first few days I'm instead letting those who want it ask to get a preview via the forums, in case there are any little issues that need fixing up. It should be a pretty solid release already anyway. (The worst is when I put out a release to everyone and someone finds something amiss that makes me want to update immediately, but most things aren't really worth doing such frequent updates for xD. So I'm trying something a little different this time, and honestly I'm also really curious how many people will actually bother to ask for a preview...)

Was fun to finally get back into actually playing this week, with a two-day stream of the latest seed, which I took to victory despite several very close calls :D (I wrote a bit about it and saved the VODs)

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« Reply #954 on: May 22, 2017, 04:49:48 PM »

Cogmind Beta 1.2 is out! Lotsa QoL as usual--UI stuff plus balance tweaks. Release notes/images.

Beta 1.2 (0.10.170523) changelog:

* NEW: Mouse movement pathfinding automatically avoids non-hostile blocking robots (can deactivate via cogmind.cfg disablePathfindingRobotAvoidance)
* NEW: When combat log detail set to Full, automatically mirrored to left side of map (tweak via cfg: mapCombatLogMaxLength/mapCombatLogDuration)
* NEW: Armor Integrity Analyzers expanded to a full four tiers (+2 items)
* NEW: Particle Chargers expanded to three tiers (+2 items)
* NEW: Added meaning of part info summary ** and + prefixes to manual
* NEW: Manual available online, too: gridsagegames.com/cogmind/manual.txt
* NEW: Allied followers will not chase down Watchers that leave Cogmind's FOV
* NEW: Allied followers will generally avoid taking incredibly circuitous routes when blocked, preferring to wait instead
* NEW: Player and AI pathfinding both avoid traveling through potential cave-in areas where feasible
* NEW: Attempting to fire in view of a Researcher will temporarily block attacks with a warning message, and highlight all such Researchers in view
* NEW: Programmers capable of remotely rewiring disrupted robots
* NEW: Energy restored to full on heading to new map (also fills any energy containers)
* MOD: Rating 10 items show their rating as 'X' in the part list info summary mode (instead of "10")
* MOD: Exp. Actuator Arrays and Exp. Shock Absorption System now classified as prototypes (though never found faulty)
* MOD: Free peeks inside rooms / around corners no longer guaranteed for fast Cogminds gaming the time system
* MOD: Some utility effects no longer stack: Target Analyzers, Armor Integrity Analyzers, Particle Chargers
* MOD: Some Particle Charger/Accelerator effects weakened, also lowered energy upkeep
* MOD: Armor Integrity Analyzer effect no longer applied to AOE attacks
* MOD: Programmers can no longer remotely repel hacks against allies made via direct melee Datajacks
* MOD: Score sheet doesn't list tallies for specific effects of overheating or corruption if zero
* MOD: Scanalyzer Insert Component list no longer displays duplicate items with matching integrity
* MOD: A certain well-known stash has gotten even better
* MOD: EM disruption no longer affects inactive robots
* FIX: May crash if standing adjacent to both a door and its terminal when [redacted] remotely unlocks that door [Sherlockkat]
* FIX: Newest secret map may rarely have an unintended tunnel extending from its exit area [Sherlockkat]
* FIX: Adjustments to Command layout generation in Beta 1 introduced the possibility of requiring travel through a garrison [Sherlockkat, zxc]
* FIX: Potential UI crash if in possession of an Omega Cannon with INFO mode active [Nikola Kolodziejczyk]
* FIX: Dedicated robot destruction codes retrieved from [redacted]'s decrypted terminal stopped working after Alpha 14 [MTF]
* FIX: New cave-in system allowing guaranteed passage through wall-earth-wall tunneling scenarios wasn't working as intended, might cave in [MTF]
* FIX: Was possible for fabrication network matter reserves to fall slightly negative if randomly drained close to zero while a build in progress [MTF]
* FIX: New bonus points for Network Hub destruction tallied incorrectly [GJ]
* FIX: Reversed score sheet ending name (only in header) for two of the seven endings [zxc]
* FIX: The conditions required for a plot-relevant end-game hack that used to be possible to obtain mid-game were no longer possible [zxc]
* FIX: Typo in Thermal Resupply hack name [zxc]
* FIX: Typo "Fabriactor" in new score sheet entry [zxc]
* FIX: Ramming a target off stairs may in some cases fail to immediately ascend [zxc, DDarkRay]
* FIX: Pair of typos in Zion [DDarkRay]
* FIX: Missing space in intel message revealing a single exit to a particular map [Amphouse]
* FIX: A particular encounter in the Mines could make it impossible to exit from one of the two stairs, though still showed the stair label [Senjai]
* FIX: Scanalyzer Insert Component list showed all items with matching name and integrity as broken if the first in inventory was broken [Senjai]
* FIX: Repeat consecutive messages in calculations log did not immediately show their multiplier suffix unless scrolled out of view and back again
* FIX: Super Gauntlet challenge mode could crash on -8/Materials if no Garrison Access generated for that map

(I'll be streaming a challenge run in 10 minutes or so.)

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« Reply #955 on: May 23, 2017, 04:54:09 PM »

Cogmind's Two-Year-Old New Logo
[Cross-posted from the devblog here--follow link for better formatting and light-on-dark style.]

I enjoy sharing lots of information about Cogmind's development process, and before the first alpha released two years ago, the main spot for followers to stay up to date on progress was this dev blog.

Sharing early dev stuff can in some cases become a problem later when related features, graphics, or some other aspect of a game are no longer representative of the game, but for me it's never really caused many problems. In fact, it's kinda interesting to even compare Cogmind's very first mockup with how it actually looks today.

Cogmind 2013 mockup vs. 2017 screenshot. Note the older font, and others, are still available, and have a rather significant impact on the look (!), but honestly neither looks incredibly improved upon the other--even old media more or less represents the game today. One exception would be the addition of tiles, which didn't exist during early pre-alpha and I use in about half of demo screenshots and GIFs these days.

There is one issue in particular where old info has come back to haunt me, though: The title logo design.

Cogmind's current logo design, new as of... 2015 Tongue (12x12 cell version)

Back in 2015 I explained the logo design process, showing here on the blog how I used REXPaint to draw layers which were then animated separately in game. (No, I'm not even going to link it, but I'd also prefer to not edit or remove it outright--I believe it has its historical value.)

Some months after that, not too long before the first public release, I revisited the logo and made changes to its shape. Specifically, the original idea was to make the entire thing as square as possible, but the 'D' required a slight adjustment (missing corner) to help distinguish it from an 'O'. In the end that didn't look nicely balanced, so both the 'C' and 'D' got two rounded corners each. (I admit that the current style can still be interpreted as an 'O', but at least the whole thing looks better overall...)

But I wasn't experienced enough at the time to realize that all those PNGs I'd put out there would be enshrined in Google Images to be found by anyone searching for Cogmind's logo to use elsewhere... So in the time since, many people who've gone to create things like cover images for LPs just grab whatever Google Images tells them the logo is (no one bothers with press kits, it would seem, because Cogmind has lots of proper logo downloads in various sizes available there!).

In the end, there are a lot of incorrect logos being used out there. Some are even using the old 7DRL logo, or the non-ASCII logo used during pre-alpha development. It's basically a mess Tongue

It's possible that some logo searchers may want to try to save the header from the web site, and in those cases it'd be my fault that I stubbornly insist on using the GIF there, because it's cool Smiley

Cogmind Logo, 10x10 animated version. This was recorded from within the game, which actually animates the logo procedurally rather than itself using a recording, so it's formed slightly differently each time the game is run Smiley

While it's also possible to screenshot its long static frame, some people might not be set up to do that so easily, and from that source it's only available in one size anyway, whereas logo seekers would like to check for other options as well.

You want more options? I've got more options!

Cogmind Logo (size 4) (animated version here)

Cogmind Logo (size 5)

Cogmind Logo (size 6)

Cogmind Logo (size Cool

Cogmind Logo (size 10)

The lesson is, be careful what you put out there, and how you do it Tongue. At least be aware of what can happen. Some developers are afraid to even put out screenshots or videos of their early progress (which may feature programmer art), lest it become attached to their game forever, though I believe this attitude has been shifting significantly over recent years with the indie boom as more developers share their progress--players are becoming more aware of the dev process and have a better understanding of what WIP means.

That said, I can understand why devs use code names for their projects before a proper release or marketing campaign. On a related note, at the start of pre-alpha I did at least foresee an issue with the old 7DRL stuff interfering with future reception of the game, the older jam version being as inferior as it is, so in 2013 I went and renamed all the original online content as "Cogmind 7DRL" to make the distinction more clear. That much worked out okay.

And yes, this post is a completely unveiled attempt to put more "official" logo images out there Tongue
« Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 05:03:57 PM by Kyzrati » Logged

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« Reply #956 on: May 23, 2017, 05:16:02 PM »

Cogmind Logo (size Cool
So, that's what badass size looks like. Grin

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« Reply #957 on: May 23, 2017, 05:21:43 PM »

Hahaha, copied from the blog and that... happens sometimes. Not changing it! Cool

(The same thing happens on my forums when players post a score sheet that ends a line with those two characters--looks pretty funny, too.)

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« Reply #958 on: May 26, 2017, 05:14:46 PM »

Bought this game a while back. It's really fun, but quite difficult. That's probably a fairly common opinion! A few notes, gripes, etc. Spoiler tagging just to be safe:

I feel like tread/leg armor is so good that having a bit of it is almost necessary. It's basically weightless, heatless armor with comparable stats, and it's much more versatile as a slot since it can become propulsion for you at any time as well. I'd like to assert that having armor is necessary, as is being low-weight, so this is the cure-all for what is usually a catch-22. I'll back up my reasoning to some degree.
Not having the safety buffer found in armor means your actual propulsion, supply, or weapons get blown off commonly enough that you need a huge inventory or armor to get from stockpile to stockpile without running out of something crucial. Huge inventory = armor = weight. I'll get to why accepting that weight isn't the best in the next paragraph. You can risk not having protection, but then you swear yourself to the gods of random generation to not lose things, or to not get into a tooth-and-nail encounter when low, or to find the next stockpile in a timely fashion. Having replenishable armor that you can find on everything that moves in the game significantly lessens your dependence on these contingencies. Also, it makes you lose crucial parts less often in combat which effectively increases your damage output since you don't have to spend turns reassembling.
As for keeping yourself low-weight, I don't think it's as necessary as having armor, but there are certain unavoidable scenarios that being fast for can mitigate a huge portion of the danger from. I'm talking about finding yourself cornered with the only option being to run past or fight a swarm of patrolling robots or similar. This happens quite a lot unless you stick to the wide open areas, in which case you're liable to just get ganged up on anyway. If slow, you can't really choose where the engagement happens and may end up getting triple-teamed whereas you could have lured them to a door if fast (you could lure while slow but expect to take 2-3x the onslaught in the process)
I think there are other valid builds that can be slow or unarmored (like maybe raising an army, hacking around, or stealth), but they seem to rely on contingencies and more luck than just slotting a ton of propulsion and enjoying the increased survivability.
Anyway I like the power level conferred by having this as an option, I just feel like the other options are a bit undertuned with respect to it, leading to some feeling of the illusion of choice at points.

Speaking of illusion of choice, some parts are just so terrible that I'd never consider using them even if I have an open utility slot because they're not worth the 10 matter. The thermal converter for example, unless there's some way to inflict thermal damage on yourself I just don't see it ever being useful even if it recouped 100% of the damage taken as energy. I would recommend identifying these weaker items and doing something about them. Now, differing power levels are good for variety, but that difference is already present intra-class so it's not particularly meaningful to have a further difference inter-classes since doing so just makes an entire class terrible regardless of the power ramp present for it. They don't have to be super powerful in the end, but they should at least match their rating level in overall power and have at least a few scenarios where a sane person would consider using them if nothing else. Bonus points for not having desperation be a reason for an imagined use case Tongue

I made it my furthest ever today (to -1) and was right at what I assumed to be the end vault, with reinforced walls and huge colossi guarding them. I had a nova cannon so I decided to circle around it and blast through, but for no telegraphed reason the inner walls of the vault were unbreakable, so I took a whole bunch of crushing damage and lost a ton of parts by seeming divine intervention on the architect of that miserable entrance's part, and ended up being too wounded to break through all the blast gates before my weapon was blown off and I accepted my slow demise. It was quite disappointing, and if you just made those inner walls look different or something, that would be nice. Death by divine intervention is never fun!

I also lost once in Warlord by deciding to hang around and help the cause, which was apparently a terrible idea since robots poured in endlessly depleting every resource in the base until Warlord and the fake(?) God Mode joined the fray, dying unceremonious deaths as I cowered in the throne room until I tried to make a break for it but got swarmed. It wasn't just a bit strange that at the exact time the player visits, this huge story-pivotal invasion happens apropos of nothing, instead of what you'd expect (a routine fight of some sort, since the NPCs seemed calm about it all).

I forgot to get the screenshot, but I was in Mines I believe, in an exit vault that had a whole bunch of either batteries or matter pods in a big grid, and the vault seemed to touch the edge of the map on the right side such that instead of walls there was just unlabeled, uninteractable blackness out in plain sight. I don't know if this is known, but it was a bit jarring to look at. Maybe consider just making the outer edge of the map look like a different type of wall and note that it's indestructible, since that would make more sense to players than just nothingness, I feel.

Well, that's all I can think of to write about now. I had a lot more things to mention thought up, but these seemed the most pertinent. Thanks for making a great game, and I'll win eventually! Gentleman
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 05:22:04 PM by Glyph » Logged

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« Reply #959 on: May 26, 2017, 06:23:02 PM »

Hi Glyph! Thanks Smiley

Bought this game a while back. It's really fun, but quite difficult. That's probably a fairly common opinion!
It's certainly difficult, but those who've gotten good enough can win every single run, using a variety of different strategies, so it's definitely as fair as I was aiming for Smiley

There aren't too many spoilers in your text, so I'll just edit anything that might be considered such, to make it easier to reply and read (lack of a collapsable spoiler tag on TIGS has always been somewhat annoying...):

I think there are other valid builds that can be slow or unarmored (like maybe raising an army, hacking around, or stealth), but they seem to rely on contingencies and more luck than just slotting a ton of propulsion and enjoying the increased survivability.
Anyway I like the power level conferred by having this as an option, I just feel like the other options are a bit undertuned with respect to it, leading to some feeling of the illusion of choice at points.
I can guarantee that there are a lot of different viable strategies based on unique loadouts, so what you're discovering here is just what happens to work for you. It's true there might be some luck involved in what you find, but that's why Cogmind is a game about adapting. Of course, there are so many guaranteed ways to acquire exactly what you want that once you know how to use them, you can... basically build whatever you want Tongue. If you check out the Cogmind chat, players there discuss winning with very different tactics, and planning how they're going to do it right from the start. (In fact, this is really the only way to ensure you'll be powerful enough to take on the many optional extra-difficult endings.) This kind of discussion used to be on the forums, but everyone hangs out in chat now instead...

Speaking of illusion of choice, some parts are just so terrible that I'd never consider using them even if I have an open utility slot because they're not worth the 10 matter.
Almost every part has a use (some are not so obvious and may apply to special strategies you've yet to discover), but there is definitely still a handful of utilities that aren't very useful and will be tweaked or removed eventually. I just haven't gotten around to culling them yet.

but for no telegraphed reason the inner walls of the vault were unbreakable
There are no walls that are unbreakable. Every single piece of terrain can be destroyed, although in some cases you may need to be capable of doing significant damage to overcome their armor.

Not sure which walls you're referring to here (*ah, on rereading sounds like the barrier walls), but as with other objects right-clicking on line walls (blast doors) shows their armor value, and with respect to "wall walls" note there are two kinds: some are brighter than regular walls and have a much higher armor value, though this may be somewhat harder to notice in Access if you're not looking carefully (light gray vs. pure white). In any case, you can check wall armor too but for now it's only possible via examining in keyboard mode. (I didn't add it to the mouse yet because RMB is not valid there, so it'd have to be something like Ctrl-RMB and that's... kinda annoying to require. Might be the only option though and it's on the list of things to do, so if you're a mouse-only player you can look forward to that.)

There are multiple ways to exit though, so you don't actually have to fight through that way. You'll figure out the other ones eventually. And even if you do want to go through those blast doors, there is a tactic you can use to do it without any weapons at all Smiley

I also lost once in Warlord by deciding to hang around and help the cause
They did tell you to leave when things were getting out of hand Smiley

I forgot to get the screenshot, but I was in Mines I believe, in an exit vault that had a whole bunch of either batteries or matter pods in a big grid, and the vault seemed to touch the edge of the map on the right side such that instead of walls there was just unlabeled, uninteractable blackness out in plain sight. I don't know if this is known, but it was a bit jarring to look at. Maybe consider just making the outer edge of the map look like a different type of wall and note that it's indestructible, since that would make more sense to players than just nothingness, I feel.
Yeah it's something I've considered, though it's rather uncommon to see the edge of the map since the way they are generated usually prevents it from happening. Mines include some special/different kinds of features, though, so apparently it's still possible for that to happen there. If you ever see something like that, a screenshot and (most importantly) the seed would help, so that I can recreate it here and fix that part of the mapgen to not allow it. Technically if you remember which run it was (a recent one?), the seed for each is stored in your scorehistory.txt file.

Good luck and congratulations! You'll win before long considering where you can already reach.

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