Hi there. I’ve been working on this game for about a week now. It was originally design for a game jam under the theme “Intergalactic, fantastic”, but I tried making something a little too ambitious. So now I’m spending a few extra weeks finishing up the project, and making it a little more fleshed out.
Story:The main character, Kegston, is on a quest to create the greatest home brew beer the universe has ever seen, and win the IBF (Independent Brewing Festival) award. The player accomplishes this goal by traveling to different planets in different galaxies, to collect the finest ingredients, and brew the ultimate home brew.
Progression:At start of the game the player will be presented with a level select screen, similar to Megaman. Instead of 8 levels however, the player will have 4 planets to choose from. This allows the player to pick which planets they would like to get the Hops, Yeast, Malts, and Water from. These ingredients give the player power-ups, and combine in unique ways. The game reward system would play out as follows.
First level:
Player gains a new weaponSecond level:
Player gains a unique abilityThird level:
Modifies the weapon in a unique wayForth level:
Modifies the ability in a unique wayFinal level:
Player beats gameThis item system would allow the player to be able to play through the game many times, and, still be seeing new items, and combinations. If I have time, I would like to make different versions of the levels, to mix up the experience depending on the order you play.
Gameplay:Beer And Glory brings two interesting game play elements to the table.
The first unique element is that the player uses a stream of beer, as a weapon. The stream is affected by gravity, which makes firing it tricky. If you are far away, you cannot simply move your cursor over an enemy and fire away. You must instead arc your shot. In some cases this allows the player to avoid damage by firing in tricky arcs through obstacles.
The second element is that the needs pumped to be able to maintain pressure. When firing the beer cannon the keg loses pressure, which causes the beer to leave the cannon at a lower speed. When the weapon is not being fired Kegston pumps himself back to full pressure (I originally had it so the player needed to do this manually, but I found myself disliking the feature).
Both of these game play systems allow the player to really finesse there shots, and do some cool things with the beer cannon. Gaining power ups, and upgrades will make this even crazier.
The planets:All of the planets will have different themes all based around beer. Here are some screen shots, to show you what I mean.

I’ll be sure to post updates on this site, and more detailed blog posts on the DrunkDevs homepage. Thank you for checking out this devlog.