Warning - lots of gifs in here.
Recently featured in TIGSource Devlog Magazine #15:
linkRecent article from Alpha Beta Gamer:
linka "lets play" youtube video of early gameplay:

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@liftthegame for regular updates, including new planes and gifs.
Original postJust a heads up, this thread will likely be gif heavy.
This project started as a remake of
Sky Odyssey, but quickly turned into a physics based sandbox with an emphasis on flight. There isn't much direction at this point but I find myself playing more than programming so that must mean something.
This is currently being developed with Unity, and as you can see from the content that I have, it is using standard assets for the time being. The flight physics have been written from scratch and are realistic yet generalized. What I mean by this is for a wing, there is only a single point for lift and drag calculation as opposed to a detailed definition for the entirety of the wing. This is out of design because a) it provides results that are good enough and b) it is much easier to work with from a user point of view.
Without getting too technical, here is a basic plane:

This plane is defined by a fuselage, a propeller, 6 wing components, and 3 landing gear components. Each component has a mass property. The fuselage is nothing more than a mass. The propeller has a thrust, which you can see by the blue line extending from it. Each wing has lift and drag; lift is the green line and drag is the red line. The magenta line is the overall velocity of the plane. Wings can also have ailerons which when activated can increase or decrease the overall lift provided. In this example the far left and far right wings have ailerons, as well as the two parts of the tail. The rudder is just a vertical wing with an aileron. By manipulating these ailerons you can control yaw, pitch and roll.
A feature I recently added was the ability to attach planes together, as seen here:

This is two planes attached together. Even though it looks like two planes, they are both affecting the physics of the unit as a whole. At any point I can release the top plane and they will both fly separately under their own rules. This could be used for example to attach a glider to plane and release at high altitude and glide down to the ground. Here is visual:
(click for gif))

Any number of planes can be combined and detached at any given point. Here is an early test of a failed contraption. When I released the plane on the left it immediately wanted to lift up into the other plane. I tried to fight it but it was hopeless for the most part:

Due to the modular nature of this system, it is not confined to planes. Here is an example of a fuselage-only contraption with a missile attachment being launched from it:
(click for gif)

The target being hit is a stack of boxes. The missile is using the exact same physics as a plane. It has a fuselage component for the body and two wings to maintain a steady flight path.
There are limits to this system when given improper parameters. As seen below, when you try to make a plane go too fast for its own good, it will blow apart due to the physics:
(click for gif)

Note that if this plane were built differently it would have no problem handling this kind of speed. For example, I have built missiles capable of reaching 3000m/s before exploding. It should also be noted that the threshold for explosion is a parameter in the code and can be increased or decreased.
Here are two fun example of the physics in play. In the first example, the 3 planes are released at the exact same time on an even flight path and they all do a loop and two of them end up colliding. The view is switched to the plane on top at the end. The second example is just a plane colliding with a pole and breaking apart:

(click for gif)

At the moment, all of these planes/missiles/contraptions are defined with text files. Eventually I would like to have some kind of fancy interface for building things.
I will have a link to a playable demo by the end of the week once I clean a few things up. I also intend for there to be a user generated content database that people can upload and download content to.
I have plenty more content to show, so please let me know if you would like to see more!