Looks amazing and great concept. Clicked immediately to play.
Thanks a lot! I was already wondering if I did something wrong here, with the devlog already on page 3 of the forum overview without any answers at all

Once in the game was really confused on how to start playing. Clicked "Play " and then what? Added my name and then what? Had to click on a tiny text link called welcome. Put a BRFB on it

Haha, yeah, I guess my new level select screen is a bit busy. Until I get to tidy up the layout, I made it at least easier for new players: "Play" just jumps immediately into the first level for them.
Yeah, #1 Homing Enemy Aproaching
Really like how it gives you your ranking at the end of a level. This is really really fun
Sweet! I am not sure I see your score in the leaderboard though. Did you just close the game? The game submits the score when you press any button ("Back to menu", "Repeat sector", "Continue!") on the "Sector Clear"/"Game Over" screen.
I'm very sorry if your score was lost

I added a "Submit Scores" button now to make it clearer that action is needed to submit the scores.
Yes! Following! The concept is great and simple yet effective graphics, watching each and every update.
Thanks a lot! Looking forward to see you play!
Played through the "Starry Skies" sector (is there more?). The concept is pretty great and the execution is good too. I like how there's a slight puzzle feel to the game. Every level has a "method" to beating it and it's very satisfying figuring out what the method is. I liked the music too.
Thank you! And yeah, I want to expand on that puzzle feel later on - there will be some enemies that you really have to figure out before you can beat them.
It seems my UI has a *lot* of problems, because there is a lot more content than the "Starry Skies" sector. You probably overlooked the "Continue!" button in the "Sector Clear" screen? I made it
yellow now, just to be sure people see it...
Also there was a bug in the level select screen that I just fixed. When you restart the game, you should be able to select the sector "Moonlit Nights".
1. Like migrafael said, the title menu is pretty confusing. You should tidy up the layout and make it more obvious what to click to start the game.
You're absolutely right. I'll probably do that once I migrate to the new UI system - for now I've made it that it totally skips the level selection for new players.
2. The size of your ship is not the best indicator for your health, mostly because it's so small to begin with. A health bar would be less elegant but would get the point across better I think.
Hum - yeah, I guess so. I'd like to find a more elegant way than a simple health bar though. It's on my to-do list now!
3. The messages felt a bit too small to me and didn't "pop out" enough.
Which messages are you refering to? The tutorial-like ones in the background in the first few levels?