Whoops! In area 4, with the platforms, I grew while I was underneath a platform, and was then trapped beneath it. Maybe you could make the platforms transparent on the bottom so that you can jump up through them? That should fix it.
People with guns will shoot at you from across the map, if they can. You end up taking a lot of damage from things you can't see. Maybe a maximum distance from which enemies can shoot you? I got stuck a lot at... area 6? Anyway, the big long hallway area.
Whoops, that will definitely need a fix! I'll get on it. I hope you didn't lose your play-through? You can always press F2 to restart.
...And yeah, I should probably lower the gun's range. And give a better indication that you're being shot.
Incidentally, I've never made it through that last hallway by actually killing everybody there; I can only rush through, jumping to avoid attacks. It's the last screen anyway, so...
I'm not done yet!
-Swallowing archeologists whole is fun, but I think it doesn't currently count towards your evolution points like eating does. Then again, I wasn't totally sure.
Don't worry, it does. At least it should. I hope.
After playing levels one and two I underestimated the difficulty of level 3, even with the advance warning. Damn.
But wow, this game is awesome
. Best one I've played so far in the competition, you're going right to the top of my list. Chowing down on archaeologists is good fun.
As for the difficulty of the third level, I think a fewer enemies and a little more health bonus from eating corpses would be a good idea. Not too many fewer enemies, just a, well... few. It would also help performance, as the mob of archaeologists that swarmed me did cause a little slowdown. Then again, I am on an old computer.
My only real complaint about the game is I thought the music what wholly inappropriate for a rampaging dinosaur.
Heheh, thanks! I guess upping the health you get from eating seems the best move... And maybe lowering the number of enemies that can appear at a time (the max is 20 right now, which is a bit high for this engine).
And the music... I was kinda wondering myself if it was appropriate, but I can't make music for the life of me. I ended up using a music generator call cgMusic, which, while an awesome little program, isn't really tooled for game music.
Awesome one Fifth! I like how the dino grows, and eating archeologists is always awesome.
Now, for feedback:
- the health indicator is a bit too hard to decipher at first.
- The enemies attack instantly, which can make it a bit hard in later areas especially when they get whips with its long range
- As you walk around killing people it's far too hard not to get hit by weapons thrown from fallen enemies. Make only the weapons they throw at you harm you.
Extra points for dinosaur use.
Kweh, thanks!
I figured that the whip was an advantage to the humans once the shorter weapons became obsolete by the dino's longer reach... Though I can see how the instant attacking could seem cheap.
...And I kinda like the fallen weapons dealing damage. For some reason. I could make 'em do half damage if they're not thrown?
Well, at very least, try to take 'em on the back instead of the head. You lose more health being hit on the head.
...And thanks, everyone! I was a little concerned about how the game would be received... But I guess I should stop worrying.
As a side thought, would a "Save and quit" option be a good idea on the "game over" screen, or does the game work better in the "sit down and play" style?