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TIGSource ForumsPlayerGeneralSurvey on Single-Player Game preferences and motivation
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Author Topic: Survey on Single-Player Game preferences and motivation  (Read 4818 times)
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« on: November 29, 2008, 12:47:04 PM »

Despite me religiously coming to TIG Source for like a year now, this is the first time I've ever posted in the forums... and I'm amazed it! It does stay crunchy in milk!   Beer!

Well,now to Business...

I'm taking a survey about player motivation and what players desire in Single Player games... Bartle started the ball rolling on MMO's and such, but I couldn't find anything on Single Player games. I know that many of the Bartle principles are going to directly translate over and that the line between single and multi-player games is blurring, but I still want to see what you guys say.

So in summary, Post below what genre(s) of games you play... why you play them (what you like about it)... and any other comments. I would prefer focusing on single-player games, but not opposed to tangents.

Be wordy if you like. I'm hoping for some good discussion.

 Gentleman Good day Gentlemen....  Gentleman

I\\\\\\\'m a bad Kitty... meow...
Level 10

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« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2008, 02:37:25 PM »

First of all you shoud properly introduce yourself in the proper thread.

I'd link, but I have a mighty headache right now.

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
Level 7

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« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2008, 04:01:34 PM »

Just to speak in terms of a survey, I think it'd be more surveyishly productive to make a...survey. Maybe copy over the Bartle survey so it makes sense for single-player. Talking about favorite genres is different from understanding player motivation.
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« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2008, 05:19:19 PM »

Okay... I posted a proper introduction on the Intro-Thread. Sorry for the ommision.

I'm make a survey-form and post it soon. Thanks for the suggestion. Can't believe I didn't think of that.

I\\\\\\\'m a bad Kitty... meow...
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« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2008, 03:58:08 PM »

 Gentleman Okay, here we go... A couple of questions for those who wish to participate. Gentleman

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.


I\\\\\\\'m a bad Kitty... meow...
Core Xii
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« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2008, 05:13:39 PM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?

I have no strict preference, but there are some genres which I don't play - MMOs, JRPGs and overly simplistic "PopCap" casual games

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?

Maybe I should answer why I don't like playing those? Well MMOs are huge time-sinks for seemingly no reward. You grind and grind and slowly advance your stats and then you grind some more. Also, monthly subscription fees FTL.

JRPGs I hate for their style. Like Yahtzee so well puts it, bunch of angst teenagers with stupid hair dos running around with big swords (might've not been word-to-word). Also, they involve very little skill, and are all about crunching numbers and stats. About as exciting as using the toolbar in Microsoft Word (ironically, I play roguelikes).

Simple, casual games are just that, too simple. Too shallow. I'm a long-term, complicated PC gamer. Sure I'll play 'em and they'll be fun for maybe an hour tops, but that's that.

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

How does playing games make me feel? Err... Good, I suppose? I get to experience things you never could in the real world. How some game specifically makes you feel largely depends on the game in question, now doesn't it?

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?

Procedural content, better AI, more stylized art directions.

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?

That's like asking, in one's opinion, what would the perfect painting look like? Games are art and a form of entertainment, each different in its own way, sure one better than some other, but there's always one that's even better, or you just can't compare apples and oranges.

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.


I tinker and explore, am very adept at games, but not to the level of hardcore some gamers are. And since I design games myself, I often have to look at a game from a slightly different perspective - You see something and you think "wonder how that was done", "I could do that", or maybe even "I did that too", etc. It slightly breaks immersion, so I treasure good atmosphere when it draws me in completely.
Level 10

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« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2008, 05:46:10 PM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?
All of them. Seriously.

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?
The same reason I like to entertain myself with many other activities. There are thousands of reasons why I do it. Let's just say because they are fun.

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?
Just like I want it to be when I want it to be.

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.
The creator's worst nightmare. I love to critic. Seriously.

Now you might say "stop the smart-a$$ answer dude" but I'm totaly serious here. 100%. I say analyze my answers and try to figure out why I said those things.  It's not to mess with you but rather make you follow an interesting path of research and understanding of the medium that is video game.

TIGSource Editor
Level 10

Arsenic for the Art Forum

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« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2008, 07:33:08 PM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?
All of them. Well, with the exclusion of sports games and most racing games.

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?
Most games I play just as a semi-fun way to waste time  Embarrassed Like watchig a mediocre movie or something of that nature.
More tactical games, like strategy games or tactical RPGs or what have you I play because the strategy part I find genuinely fun and rewarding.
Games with good plots, though extremely few and far between, I also find to be rewarding use of my time Beer!

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?
Strategy! Also, variety, genuine attempts to do something better and in a different way than it been done before.

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?
Scintillating masses of dream-material constantly shifting between wonders.

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.
Awesome. I like to do stupid shit in games, like ride a hovercraft through tiny corridors intended for infantry only, which is awesome.

real art looks like the mona lisa or a halo poster and is about being old or having your wife die and sometimes the level goes in reverse
ஒழுக்கின்மை (Paul Eres)
Level 10

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« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2008, 07:40:16 PM »

1.   What genres of games do you prefer to play? -- non-genre, exploration, rts, strategy, zelda-like, rpg, adventure, metroidvania, shmup
2.   Why do you like to play those games? -- probably because they're have relatively more depth than other genres do
3.   How does playing them make you feel? -- depends on the game
4.   What should games do more of or have more of? -- everything
5.   In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like? -- no such thing
6.   Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why. -- I'm not a "gamer", I don't like that word because it implies a hardcore type of game player. I'm just a person who likes and makes games.

Türbo Bröther
Fidget Crooner
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« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2008, 10:32:27 PM »

1. Old first-person shooters, STGs, casual games, some open world games and a handful of RPGs and adventure games. Oh, and FreeCell.
2. The thing about the majority of the games I play is that they are over quickly so I can get right back into it straight away.
3. Like I've spent the time well enough.
4. Apart from less emphasis on system requirements I think a single player game that lasts no longer than twenty hours but still stays fresh in the mind because it was a memorable experience is exactly what I want. It's about condensing the game so only the really fun parts remain. Like buying the lp instead of the CD. SDKs too, a PC game shouldn't be released these days without the ability to modify it completely.
5. I still think that DooM, HeXen and Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast are the only three perfect games so I tend to not think how they can be topped. Although a third HeXen game which has a fully-featured co-op mode that has the feel of a pen and paper RPG that will run at high detail on a three year old laptop would be the holy grail of FPS game design.
6. I'm a gamer who couldn't really care about being pigeonholed.
Level 7

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« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2008, 10:56:05 PM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?

Roguelikes, Strategy (real-time or otherwise), Innovative/Experimental/Weird games.

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?

Roguelikes - because you can get into them quick and have a unique experience each time, because there's an immense depth of information you can learn about them with all the hidden uses of items and so on, because they keep it real and allow me to fail.

Strategy - because my brain enjoys the challenge of understanding a system and devising cunning ways to manipulate it to crush my foes.  also because they allow me to fail.

Experimental - because I like new things and new ideas.

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

Sometimes relaxed and in the 'flow', sometimes excited, aggressive, triumphant.

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?

Failure that means something.
Also: innovation, depth, and hidden secret stuff that it takes people years to discover.

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?

I don't believe that there could be a one perfect game.  But I guess my ideal game would be an RTS, but not necessarily cut from the same mould as Dune 2, C&C, Warcraft, etc.  It would probably be reasonably abstract, quite deep, and it wouldn't take very long to play a round.  (Everything I've just said applies to the game I'm currently making.. hm.)

Or else, Dwarf Fortress as it will be in ten years time if Toady keeps working on it.

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.

Developer.  I get much much more enjoyment out of making my own games than from playing other people's.
Level 6

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« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2008, 01:47:31 AM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?

I prefer to play Awesome games.  I find that Awesome games tend to put me to sleep far less frequently than non-Awesome games.

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?

Because they are Awesome.  And Awesome is its own reward.

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

Awesome.  Which is kind of the point;  if a game doesn't make you feel Awesome, then the game isn't an Awesome game.

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?

Games should, without exception, have more Awesome.  I can't think of a single game that wouldn't be improved by adding a little more Awesome.  Usually toward the end of level 5, where the designers have begun to run out of ideas.

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?

There is no such thing as perfection;  there are only games which are Awesome, and games which are not-Awesome.

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.

Hm...  nope, no particular word comes to mind.  Sorry!   Gentleman
Level 10

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« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2008, 02:15:58 AM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?
Everything but jrpgs, sports, and dating sims. I love platformers though.
2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?
Why do I not play certain games: jrpgs are too slow and generally unentertaining wade-through-menu affairs. Sports...I don't like playing or watching them irl, they're just not entertaining to me in any way shape or form (I make an exception to the more "out there" racing games). Dating sims...I mean c'mon. The games I do play, I play because I enjoy, in one way or another.
3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?
Like a god when I'm good, like an underdog when I'm not, like my authority has just been challenged when I'm failing miserably.
4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?
Games should have more action if they're not actionate enough. Less preaching if they preach too much. More incitement of deep thoughts if they're shallow. Never tone down the action, turn up the preaching, or shallow things out though. They should also have more style. Each and every game should ooze with style.
5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?
I couldn't say, for I strongly agree with mewse on this point.
6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.
Perfectionist. I must kill every enemy flawlessly. I must explore every nook and cranny. I must collect every collectable. If I make a jump just barely I go back to do it better. I must do it and do it expertly. Unfortunately I never do. This is probably why I suck so badly at twitch-reflexy games - they're based on reflex, but I can't allow my reflex to take over so I end up overthinking the situation/over-adjusting my aiming/generally waiting until the opportune moment has passed and failing miserably. Another word I'd use is mediocre.

Level 10

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« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2008, 07:31:40 AM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?
For some weird reason my favorite genre is Action/city simulation.
2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?
Well, I love the simplified managment coupled with the fast paced action
3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?
I guess I like the sense of power, from the action parts, and responsibility, from the city parts. I also like the more selfless nature of the adventuring in these games, its about providing for your community as apposed to lust over big eyed school girls or the non game play important saving the world, prevalent in similar genres.
4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?
Diverging game play ideas, I fear the stagnation of the traditional power fantasy.
5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?
Nothing, or Dwarf Fortress.
6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.
I play games faster then most of my friends. I think its because I want to experience as many different types of game play styles. I think I also miss some minutiae that games have. I also cannot stand finding shit in the environment, I haven't played a 3d platformer since Banjo-Kazooie because of this.

Dirty Rectangles

i stole your car
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« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2008, 08:01:41 AM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?

I am open to most games but it's definitely dependant on console or whatever. For the Xbox I seem to have mostly FPS games like Halo 3 but that's because there is a big market for that. On the PC I have a lot of RPG games ranging from Arcanum, Fallout 1 - 3 and Bloodlines. Independant Games I will play most of what is happening out there and that tends to be a lot of Puzzlers and Platformers but one of my all-time favourite genres of game are Adventure Games like the old Monkey Island Series or Day of the Tentacle.

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?

I guess because they are fun? I like to become immersed in an alternate reality. That's one of the biggest game breaking points for me, even in small games. Immersion. Any breaking of the fourth wall or the slightest reference that pulls me out of that zone is a game-killer for me.

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

I'm not sure there's really an emotion to assign to it, it definitely depends on the game. Recently Jumper 3 made me pretty frustrated, left4dead makes me feel very tense and excited, there are points in games where something sad has happened story related and that has of course made me feel sad. It's the range of emotions that draws people to different games rather than one flat all encompassing emotion for gameplay or whatever.

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?

Whatever the hell they like? I think games shouldn't strive to be original but just go with the creative juices take them and as long as the game is fun and polished at the end of it then the player will know it's a labour of love and who really gives a shit if it has or doesn't have a CUSTOM PUNCHBAG SYSTEM or any other gimmicky crap.

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?

I couldn't possibly tell you and I hope nobody ever finds out what it is because it will smash all hope for game makers everywhere.

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.

This is a pretty stupid question I think. I mean what does it really have to do with anything? And this question is deemed more worthy than other questions like finding out what I think are the most important aspects of certain game genres or any other question that requires more than a meaningless one word answer?

I guess I will go with "Gamer" because I can't think of a better word to sum up "Gamer."
Level 10

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« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2008, 11:00:08 AM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?

I actually don't play that many games--that's because almost all games don't satisfy me anymore. I prefer games not based on genre, but on content: brief enough (under five hours), deep enough (give me something to take with me after I'm done with it).

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?

Because I'm sick tired of 'fun' games.

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

Like I'm not wasting my time.

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?


5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?

It would be a game playable by anyone with anyone, but it wouldn't demand that the players devote their time to it. And every time that someone plays it, they would improve as a person.

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.

Utopic. Any doubts?

Level 3

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« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2008, 12:15:07 PM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?

I prefer games that realize that they are games, and do not try to perfectly emulate reality (or be super serious).  I also don't like "addicting" games like Impossible Quiz and games that are more work than fun.  But I'm fine with pretty much everything else.

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?

Although I have different reasons for playing each game that I own, the primary reason I play any games is because they bring me some level of entertainment.  Entertainment, by my personal definition, does not just include shiny colors and killing bad guys, but I would also consider games with a profound statement or games that provoke high intellectual thought as entertainment. 

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

My favorite games make me feel immersed in the worlds they have created.  Games that are good at that to me include Lumines, JSRF, Clean Asia, and Knytt.

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?

I think that commercial games should be shorter (like Mirror's Edge and Portal) while maintaining an appropriate cost (like Portal).  Sprawling epic games feel too much like a chore.  I would also like to see games in general avoid trying to fit in genre X.

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?

The game would probably be nonlinear.  It would have perfect pacing, including serene calm moments and intense action segments.  The entire thing would be very atmospheric, and would integrate music into the gameplay, but not in an overly obvious way.  The game would be set up in such a way that I would always want to continue playing, but I would never feel obligated to.  I would also be able to put down the game whenever I wanted to, and when I came to play it again (after any period of time), I would be able to do so without having lost anything valuable.  The challenges would probably be based more on thought than manual dexterity.  No part of the game would feel redundant, frustrating, or boring.  Well, that's about as close to perfect as I can currently think of.

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.

Indie.  Because I've played Cave Story.  Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 01:53:49 PM by Kneecaps » Logged
Level 10

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« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2008, 01:03:56 PM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?

I guess all of them except for sport games, MMOs, most JRPGs and supercasual games. I also don't play many puzzle, strategy and racing games. My favorites nowadays are action games - FPSs, platformers etc.

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?

Something fun to do, experiencing new things, escapism...

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

Good games make me feel entertained, but the best ones make me feel amazed. Smiley

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?

Respect for the player's intellect. Most indies will say this, but mainstream games these days are horribly dumbed down in favor of accessibility and SHINY GFX!!!. I want to see more well-designed, varied, challenging and innovative games; I want to see emergent gameplay, deep and well-told stories, new technologies that affect not how the game looks, but how it plays...

I also would like to see more games that make me feel happy.

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?

I don't believe in perfection.

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.

I have no clue.
Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2008, 01:26:46 PM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?

Any. The genre means nothing, and people should think less in such restraints. If a game is good, I'll play it no matter the gender.

But I can say that I prefer to play games that have heart in them, that you can see the team cared about it and wanted to make something amazing for the players, and not reskin the same game in a sequel for more dollaroos.

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?

Because those games make me feel good. They may make me think, they may give me lots of fun, they may be awful in a hilarious way. But if the developers cared about the game, it's probable that it will appeal me.

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

Good. Smiley And inspired.

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?

Meaning, care, commitment to creating a great experience.

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?

There is no perfection, but a VERY good game would be a game built from the ground up to fully explore the most unique aspects of the gaming medium and build a world around them for you to immerse yourself into.

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.

Ambitious and hopeful. Because I like to think I'm a game designer of sorts.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 01:37:52 PM by Melly » Logged

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
Level 6

Indier than thou

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« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2008, 01:30:39 PM »

1.  Beer! What genres of games do you prefer to play?

2.  Grin Why do you like to play those games?

3.  Evil How does playing them make you feel?

4.  Well, hello there! What should games do more of or have more of?

5.  Tears of Joy In your opinion, what would the perfect game be like?

6.  Cool Choose a word to describe you as a gamer... Explain why.

1.  Anything, mostly adventure games, 4x, FPSs(or some action filled quick games), tactical or strategy games, some sandbox, and roguelikes. I never play JRPGs(there are a few exceptions), sports or car games.

2.  Adventure games, nice plots, some, preferably small, challenge. 4x, tactics and strategy, I like complexity, and the strategic elements. FPSs, they are exciting. Sandbox, depends on which, but usually open gameplay is nice. Roguelikes, ASCII, difficulty and instadeath.

3.  Depends on which, but I usually can get really inmersed inmore action based games, and a bit obsessed with others, or meditative. Ultimately, I'm all for the sensation of beating a games, so I have problems with some open-ended games.

4.  Feeling. Most games have no feeling to them, at least that reaches the player. Sometimes I get the impression games got too easy. Also they take themselves too seriously.

5.  I don't know. Depends of the day, depends of what I want at the moment. Dwarf Fortress 1.0 maybe :D

6.  Theorist. I spend as much time, reading or talking about games as playing them, or more. I like to analyse and criticize them, sometimes I over-analyse them.
    Retro also fits kinda well. I am trapped in the charm of the old times, with a feeling that the 85-94 era is long gone and not coming back. I love how thay where not self-explicative, but hard and non-standarized.

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