Sorry for the lack of updates from me, I’ve been really busy working on multiple projects at once, if you follow our fb or twitter you may have known that we’re working on a new game called #projecthadoken, our schedule right now is 3 days for #projecthadoken and 3 days for Stellar Arms, I guess that explains a bit why our progress is a bit slow…
So, in past few weeks, we made couple of decisions
Simplifying Pitfall PhaseOriginally, this phase was supposed to be another boss fight with tetris, I was thinking of a boss battle while player is falling, I thought that would be awesome, but since the amount of content we put in stage 1 is already pretty high, we need to change it. I won’t spoil it in details, but I can tell you that it exists in most of platinumgames’ games :D
Stage 1 Part 2Overall we have made around 3 kinds of basic enemies and all of them are already placed in first couple of screens. We discussed a bit about this and I think it’s better if we spread out a bit the enemy placement.
FYI, there are 3 kinds of enemies in this one screen..

I’m thinking about placing yoyo goey in phase 2 but I’m kinda having mixed feeling about this since regianart (aka Jubi or reijubv), one of Stellar Arms artist want to add more goey. but to put this in realistic side, we need to deliver the demo asap and I think we already have enough enemies.
Pluie (end stage boss)Honestly when I first started prototyping Stellar Arms, there’s a gimmick for attack pattern design that I think will make this game unique, I call it “particle weapons”.
It’s ironic that the first thing I thought about this game ends up to be implemented last. Hopefully, we will start working on #Pluie on March!
Alright this all I got for now…thank you and hope you enjoyed this update!
@aldo : thanks for the love! <3