Promotional artWiretap New Jersey StoryYou play as Patrick, a character that is respected and viewed as a hero by his friends and community (due to his previous accomplishments), but there is a problem with him - the job that he currently has (working as an intelligence officer for the false-flag Wiretap New Jersey operation) is anything but positive.
Why? You’ll find out in the alpha game (don’t want to spoil the endings)
Other mockup images:(textual content not proofread)
GameplayYou have your character on the left side of the screen, and a view of the item you're working with on the right side. I think the missions are going to be part Uplink-like and part mixed in from other gameplay times (solving contextual puzzles, finding discrepancies in suspect’s email accounts, etc.). I’m trying to make it as unique/new as possible, so I’m trying out different things all the time.
It should be pretty interesting and atmospheric, I hope to release a playable alpha soon that you guys can try out.
Other than that, each game action is going to influence the successive missions and the final outcome, so you'll have to think twice before completing a mission (will you spend more time tracking a single target, or do mass-surveillance and get the mission over with? Completing optional side quests will also influence the game) and whether/how you'll complete the mission.
TechnicalI’m using a custom .Net engine for this game, I had to create it from scratch so it took a while, but it allows me to run the different gameplay modes, as well making it easier to use the website-like GUI, databases, than it would otherwise be possible.
InspirationThere are several games from which I’ve drawn inspiration to work on this project:
Deus Ex – I’ve always loved the ability to use different game dynamics in order to accomplish objectives in a non-linear matter – that makes the world in Deus Ex feel much more real than it would be otherwise possible.
Hotline Miami – the inspiration to draw the character gameplay element in the game in a top-down fashion – otherwise I suck at drawing platform style graphics even more + the name!
Papers Please – the idea to separate different gameplay elements into different simultaneously active screens.
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