Some of you will have already heard of Reprisal. It was a web based game I made and launched back in 2011, based in homage to Populous. At the time I was learning how to code in AS3 and I must confess it did have some bugs, but it was well received and later spawned a standalone desktop version.
Back then, and original screenshot of the web version!
In 2012 I decided to take a punt and put it on Green Light, not expecting much to happen. But somehow it got Green Lit which took me by surprise, gained a new community, and also spurred me on. I now had two choices - A. Release Reprisal as it was, or B. Sit down, have a think, go through all the feedback from players and re-write chunks to turn it into the game I always wanted.
I decided on option B. That was half way through last year.
I'm starting this post here to help me get out of a rut as I'm 80% finished and it's the last 20% of sorting out lose ends and polishing everything ready for a beta launch but I'm tending to get bogged down by the size of the project. This forum has been such a help over the years

Introducing Reprisal UniverseReprisal is now a lot bigger. It now spans across an online multi-user universe of planets with islands. All procedural generated and then hand tweaked with missions or objectives. The grand idea is to present a vast Universe for players to explore and share their discovery's. The game will include all the original Campaign islands and skirmish.
15 'Amulets' are lost and need to be found. Farther planets are reached by building up 'Influence' allowing you to travel further. 'Legacy' points are also scattered throughout the islands allowing you to craft islands once reprised for other players to compete on. I've also added a Class system to the totem powers and are upgraded the more XP you build.
Wonder points can be built up in game unlocking a new set of 5 powers. These wonder totems have big effects on islands, three are complete I need to think up and build the other two. The three I have are 'Heal' - that heals populants and burnt ground in an area. 'Earth Punch' - this punches holes into the land! 'Wonder Drift' - A giant moving head (Poseidon?) that chomps it's way through anything.
The entire UI has been updated and the game run's in a native 720HD mode. Grass now animated and all the sprites have been updated to run in 8 frames rather than 4. The AI for the CPU players has been completely rewritten. They play with exactly the same parameters as human players with manna costs to manage. It's been written for super granular level's so tribes can feel different across the many planets.
Anyway, that's what I've been up to and seems to be sucking all the free time I have. I'm trying my hardest to be realist and stop adding things! Apologies for the long post!

Above: The Universe with your 'Influence'

Above: Hero's are getting a make over with 4 different class for each of the three element hero's.

29.04.14 - Beta version ...If you already have Reprisal through Desura, a beta version has been made available for Mac and PC.
Log into your account and you should see it listed :D
http://www.desura.com/games/reprisal26 May 2014If you would like to try out Reprisal Universe Beta please use the following link: