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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsThe Hit: Multiplayer FPS contract killing in a busy city
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Author Topic: The Hit: Multiplayer FPS contract killing in a busy city  (Read 8610 times)
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« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2014, 02:54:02 PM »

More crafting

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« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2014, 10:34:42 AM »

Awesome project. Keep it up. I'm looking forward to trying your game. I'm expecting an overwhelming feeling of openness. I do have my expectations really high, mostly because of what I can glimpse of your vision while reading your posts.

- About the dream sequences, I remember a PSX game called Sentient that had a series of maze-like dreams that related to the main plot. The game overall is pretty experimental and lacked enough mainstreamness to prevent falling in the bargain basket. Still, you may want to do some research about that. It might be the first game to incorporate a similar concept you are engaging.

- About the crowd simulation you have there. It looks pretty natural. I've been doing some research in crowd simulation algorithms for a urban bicycle game idea I had. Is there any forum or blog post where you describe your approach for crowds? If not, I'd love to read one eventually.

Your project is the perfect example of how certain gameplay innovation can only happen in indie environments.

Thanks and keep it up.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 07:56:54 PM by Didi » Logged
Level 8

Smooth talker, musician. Loves all things 70s.

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« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2014, 07:56:20 PM »

i have mentioned you in a youtub video Tongue

have fun with the nine more viewers from youtub XD

Firearrow games


too bad eggybooms ents are actually men in paper mache suits and they NEED to be agile
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« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2014, 07:40:23 AM »

I've decided to put out The Hit's crafting tool as an open beta. It's currently a bit buggy and very unpolished, but you can make stuff with it. I'm spending every available moment getting the game into a playable state, and I don't have time to do much creating myself, so I figured I'd see if anyone else wants to use it. I also desperately need some images to promote The Hit, and I'm too broke to run a competition, so there'll be beta keys and copies of the game for anyone whose creations I share.

The tool works a bit like a scalable Minecraft. If you want to use 1 meter blocks to make buildings, you can, but it's possible to shrink the unit size down to 1cm, so you can get some very fine detail. I'll be making the whole system available at some point, and the data format will be freely available as soon as I can figure out a good standard, so you'll be able to use anything you make in your own games or anyone else's games if they're using the same format.

Like I said, it's a bit buggy at the moment, so please don't expect anything too amazing. It also requires an XBox 360 controller, but I'll make sure I get WASD in there in the next build. I'll fix the scene loading as well, so it doesn't reset each time you use it. Colours are also coming soon, so you won't have to make everything in black & white.

Anyway, please download and check it out, and please please please share anything you make on here. Cheers!

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« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2014, 10:14:06 AM »

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been in crunch mode since the last post, and I've let everything else slide.

First the big news: The Hit is on Greenlight! Yes votes currently stand at 1,869, and it's 32% of the way to the top 100. I have no idea what any of that actually means!

I've made some much-needed improvements to the crafting tool. It works best with mouse and keyboard now, and the scene persists when you reload. I'm planning to fix a couple of bugs and refine the controls this week, so I'll upload a ne version then.

I've also overhauled the pathfinding system, which has improved NPC movement (no NPCs walking through walls, for instance) and a vastly-improved waypoint system. I'm adding the avoidance and reaction behaviour this week, so new gameplay video soon!
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« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2014, 12:43:15 PM »

Just saw The Hit is on Kickstarter. I think it's AWESOME news. The mod/dev kits looks REALLY promising.

Congratulations and keep it going!
Level 10


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« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2014, 01:04:08 PM »

Your ideas are awesome. I can't wait to see what you do with them! Also, I saw what you did with the hotel carpet texture. And you thought nobody would notice. If you're looking for a composer, you should check out my SoundCloud.
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« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2014, 01:07:58 PM »

Congratulations and keep it going!

Thanks! I meant to post a link to the Kickstarter here, but things have been crazy lately
Anyway: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/374958068/the-hit-stealth-action-in-a-dynamic-city

And you thought nobody would notice.

Just you and someone on RPS so far... *whistles nonchalently*
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« Reply #28 on: June 25, 2014, 01:25:16 PM »

If you're looking for a composer, you should check out my SoundCloud.

Really gorgeous stuff, Pineapple. Similar kind of vibe as Proteus, which is interesting, 'cause I've had a few conversations where the idea of The Hit as an 'urban Proteus' came up.

Is there anything in particular which you think would suit The Hit?
Level 10


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« Reply #29 on: June 25, 2014, 02:56:37 PM »

I'm glad you like it! You've since received a PM.  Smiley
Level 8

Smooth talker, musician. Loves all things 70s.

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« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2014, 08:06:50 PM »

if the full game comes out, can we who posted on the first page get the game free? :L (taking ideas from moonman commenters lalalal)

Firearrow games


too bad eggybooms ents are actually men in paper mache suits and they NEED to be agile
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« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2014, 04:42:56 AM »

if the full game comes out, can we who posted on the first page get the game free? :L (taking ideas from moonman commenters lalalal)

lol. Honestly, I wish I could. I think videogames are the most interesting and important thing in the world right now (not an exaggeration, but the reason why I think that is a very long story), and I'd love to give away my game to everyone. Unfortunately, I'm flat broke, and if the kickstarter fails my backup plan's kinda sucky (and doesn't involve much game development).

If anyone out there has a solution, I'm willing to listen to anything (that doesn't involve turning The Hit into just another bland, corporate product).
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« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2014, 05:24:37 AM »

Just a quick update, and a peek at the upcoming demo.

I'm desperately trying to get it finished, but there's still a few days work left to do. I'm tempted to just put the room online today, and update it a little each day til the Kickstarter's over. How does that sound?
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